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Polymer Chain Reaction (PCR): Principle and Applications
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The new, standard molecular biologic system for duplicating DNA enzymatically devoid of employing a living organism, like E. coli or yeast, represents polymerases chain reaction (PCR). This technology allows an exponential intensification of a minor quantity of DNA molecule several times. Analysis can be straightforward with more DNA available.

A thermal heat cycler performs a polymerization chain reaction that involves repeated cycles of heating and cooling the reactant tubes at the desired temperature for each reaction step. A heated deck is positioned on the upper reaction tube to avoid evaporating the reaction mixture (normally volumes range from 15 to 100 l per tube), or an oil layer can be placed on a reaction mixture surface.

The amplified DNA fragment is determined based on selecting primers in addition to the starting and end of the DNA fragment. The primers stand for short, artificial DNA stripes, no higher than fifty (typically 18-25bp) nucleotides have been based on a starting and ending of DNA fragment to be amplified. DNA-polymerase connects and starts a new DNA strand synthesis

The PCR products can be visualized by dual foremost methods: (1) staining of the product of DNA amplified by a chemical dye like bromide ethidium, or (2) marking of fluorescent dyes (fluorophores) PCR primers or nucleotides before amplification of PCRs.

PCR offers some benefits. First, it is a simple method of understanding and using and quick results. It has an extremely sensitive technology with the potential for sequencing, cloning, and analyzing millions or milliards of copies of a particular product.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 15 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Hybrid Techniques based Speech Recognition
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Information processing has an important application which is speech recognition. In this paper, a two hybrid techniques have been presented. The first one is a 3-level hybrid of Stationary Wavelet Transform (S) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and the second one is a 3-level hybrid of Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and Multi-wavelet Transforms (M). To choose the best 3-level hybrid in each technique, a comparison according to five factors has been implemented and the best results are WWS, WWW, and MWM. Speech recognition is performed on WWS, WWW, and MWM using Euclidean distance (Ecl) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). The match performance is (98%) using DTW in MWM, while in the WWS and WWW are (74%) and (78%) respectively, but when using (

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Lark Journal
The problem of synonyms and similar words in the translation of the Holy Quran into Russian (based on the translation by Elmir Kuliev) اشكالية الترادف والكلمات المتقاربة في المعنى في ترجمة القران الكريم الى اللغة الروسية (بناءا على ترجمة إلمير كولييف) Проблема синонимов и близких по значению слов в переводе Священного Корана на русский язык (на материале перевода Эльмира Кулиева)
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In our research, we dealt with one of the most important issues of linguistic studies of the Holy Qur’an, which is the words that are close in meaning, which some believe are synonyms, but in the Arabic language they are not considered synonyms because there are subtle differences between them. Synonyms in the Arabic language are very few, rather rare, and in the Holy Qur’an they are completely non-existent. And how were these words, close in meaning, translated in the translation of the Holy Qur’an by Almir Kuliev into the Russian language.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 06 2023
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Study of the Effect of Ce <sup>3+</sup> on the Gas Sensitivity and Magnetic Properties of Cu<sub>x</sub>Ce<sub>0.3-X</sub>Ni<sub>0.7</sub>Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Ferrite Nanoparticles
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This study includes the preparation of the ferrite nanoparticles CuxCe0.3-XNi0.7Fe2O4 (where: x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3) using the sol-gel (auto combustion) method, and citric acid was used as a fuel for combustion. The results of the tests conducted by X-ray diffraction (XRD), emitting-field scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX), and Vibration Sample Magnetic Device (VSM) showed that the compound has a face-centered cubic structure, and the lattice constant is increased with increasing Cu ion. On the other hand, the compound has apparent porosity and spherical particles, and t

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies And Researches Of Sport Education
The effect of using the educational bag on the level of learning some offensive skills with the epee weapon
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