In this paper, we studied the travelling wave solving for some models of Burger's equations. We used sine-cosine method to solution nonlinear equation and we used direct solution after getting travelling wave equation.
This paper aims to study the fractional differential systems arising in warm plasma, which exhibits traveling wave-type solutions. Time-fractional Korteweg-De Vries (KdV) and time-fractional Kawahara equations are used to analyze cold collision-free plasma, which exhibits magnet-acoustic waves and shock wave formation respectively. The decomposition method is used to solve the proposed equations. Also, the convergence and uniqueness of the obtained solution are discussed. To illuminate the effectiveness of the presented method, the solutions of these equations are obtained and compared with the exact solution. Furthermore, solutions are obtained for different values of time-fractional order and represented graphically.
A particular solution of the two and three dimensional unsteady state thermal or mass diffusion equation is obtained by introducing a combination of variables of the form,
η = (x+y) / √ct , and η = (x+y+z) / √ct, for two and three dimensional equations
respectively. And the corresponding solutions are,
θ (t,x,y) = θ0 erfc (x+y)/√8ct and θ( t,x,y,z) =θ0 erfc (x+y+z/√12ct)
Abstract:In this paper, some probability characteristics functions (moments, variances,convariance, and spectral density functions) are found depending upon the smallestvariance of the solution of some stochastic Fredholm integral equation contains as aknown function, the sine wave function
<p>Daftardar Gejji and Hossein Jafari have proposed a new iterative method for solving many of the linear and nonlinear equations namely (DJM). This method proved already the effectiveness in solved many of the ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and integral equations. The main aim from this paper is to propose the Daftardar-Jafari method (DJM) to solve the Duffing equations and to find the exact solution and numerical solutions. The proposed (DJM) is very effective and reliable, and the solution is obtained in the series form with easily computed components. The software used for the calculations in this study was MATHEMATICA<sup>®</sup> 9.0.</p>
We present a reliable algorithm for solving, homogeneous or inhomogeneous, nonlinear ordinary delay differential equations with initial conditions. The form of the solution is calculated as a series with easily computable components. Four examples are considered for the numerical illustrations of this method. The results reveal that the semi analytic iterative method (SAIM) is very effective, simple and very close to the exact solution demonstrate reliability and efficiency of this method for such problems.
In this paper, we proved the existence and uniqueness of the solution of nonlinear Volterra fuzzy integral equations of the second kind.
The aim of this paper is to present the numerical method for solving linear system of Fredholm integral equations, based on the Haar wavelet approach. Many test problems, for which the exact solution is known, are considered. Compare the results of suggested method with the results of another method (Trapezoidal method). Algorithm and program is written by Matlab vergion 7.
The aim of this paper is to propose an efficient three steps iterative method for finding the zeros of the nonlinear equation f(x)=0 . Starting with a suitably chosen , the method generates a sequence of iterates converging to the root. The convergence analysis is proved to establish its five order of convergence. Several examples are given to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed new method and its comparison with other methods.