Let R be a commutative ring , the pseudo – von neuman regular graph of the ring R is define as a graph whose vertex set consists of all elements of R and any two distinct vertices a and b are adjacent if and only if , this graph denoted by P-VG(R) , in this work we got some new results a bout chromatic number of P-VG(R).
There are two (non-equivalent) generalizations of Von Neuman regular rings to modules; one in the sense of Zelmanowize which is elementwise generalization, and the other in the sense of Fieldhowse. In this work, we introduced and studied the approximately regular modules, as well as many properties and characterizations are considered, also we study the relation between them by using approximately pointwise-projective modules.
In this paper we introduced the concept of 2-pure submodules as a generalization of pure submodules, we study some of its basic properties and by using this concept we define the class of 2-regular modules, where an R-module M is called 2-regular module if every submodule is 2-pure submodule. Many results about this concept are given.
Let be a non-trivial simple graph. A dominating set in a graph is a set of vertices such that every vertex not in the set is adjacent to at least one vertex in the set. A subset is a minimum neighborhood dominating set if is a dominating set and if for every holds. The minimum cardinality of the minimum neighborhood dominating set of a graph is called as minimum neighborhood dominating number and it is denoted by . A minimum neighborhood dominating set is a dominating set where the intersection of the neighborhoods of all vertices in the set is as small as possible, (i.e., ). The minimum neighborhood dominating number, denoted by , is the minimum cardinality of a minimum neighborhood dominating set. In other words, it is the
... Show MoreThe concept of the order sum graph associated with a finite group based on the order of the group and order of group elements is introduced. Some of the properties and characteristics such as size, chromatic number, domination number, diameter, circumference, independence number, clique number, vertex connectivity, spectra, and Laplacian spectra of the order sum graph are determined. Characterizations of the order sum graph to be complete, perfect, etc. are also obtained.
In this paper mildly-regular topological space was introduced via the concept of mildly g-open sets. Many properties of mildly - regular space are investigated and the interactions between mildly-regular space and certain types of topological spaces are considered. Also the concept of strong mildly-regular space was introduced and a main theorem on this space was proved.
This paper introduce two types of edge degrees (line degree and near line degree) and total edge degrees (total line degree and total near line degree) of an edge in a fuzzy semigraph, where a fuzzy semigraph is defined as (V, σ, μ, η) defined on a semigraph G* in which σ : V → [0, 1], μ : VxV → [0, 1] and η : X → [0, 1] satisfy the conditions that for all the vertices u, v in the vertex set, μ(u, v) ≤ σ(u) ᴧ σ(v) and η(e) = μ(u1, u2) ᴧ μ(u2, u3) ᴧ … ᴧ μ(un-1, un) ≤ σ(u1) ᴧ σ(un), if e = (u1, u2, …, un), n ≥ 2 is an edge in the semigraph G
... Show MoreAn R-module M is called a 2-regular module if every submodule N of M is 2-pure submodule, where a submodule N of M is 2-pure in M if for every ideal I of R, I2MN = I2N, [1]. This paper is a continuation of [1]. We give some conditions to characterize this class of modules, also many relationships with other related concepts are introduced.
Form the series of generalization of the topic of supra topology is the generalization of separation axioms . In this paper we have been introduced (S * - SS *) regular spaces . Most of the properties of both spaces have been investigated and reinforced with examples . In the last part we presented the notations of supra *- -space ( =0,1) and we studied their relationship with (S * - SS *) regular spaces.
In this paper, a new class of sets, namely ï¡- semi-regular closed sets is introduced and studied for topological spaces. This class properly contains the class of semi-ï¡-closed sets and is property contained in the class of pre-semi-closed sets. Also, we introduce and study ï¡srcontinuity and ï¡sr-irresoleteness. We showed that ï¡sr-continuity falls strictly in between semi-ï¡- continuity and pre-semi-continuity.