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The Physical and Chemical Characteristic of Al-Garraf River Water at Waist Province Canal
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 Monthly variations in Physio-chemical parameters of Al-Garraf water in Waist province, one of the main tributaries of the Tigris River to investigate the water quality of the river from August 2014 to January 2015. The study location situated in the southeastern sector of Iraq and surrounded by wide and fertile agricultural lands. Three stations were selected for collecting  samples monthly, samples were taken each month. Station one is located at 500 m of  the AL - KUT Dam. The second is situated at distance of 15 Km away from the former (Kut- Muwafaqiya) and the latter station is located at 18 Km apart from the second one upon entering the river hand Muwafaqiya.  In the present study fourteen physical and chemical parameters were analyzed based on the importance of these parameters. These fourteen parameters are ranged as following: Air temperature (12 to 37.2) ºC, water temperature (12.1 to 28.4) ºC, pH (7.2 to 7.8), EC (490 to 1860) µS/cm, Salinity (0.64 to 1.19) ‰, DO (2.7 to 9.3) mg/L, BOD5 (0.2 to 7.1) mg/L, Turbidity (21.44  to 74) NTU, TDS (0.580  to   0.99 ) g/L, TSS  (0.0006 to 0.059) mg/L, TH (388 to 504) µg/L, Ca+2 (100 to 160.32) mg/L, Mg+2  (3.69 to 52.07) mg/L and  NO3-2 (0.034 to 3.69) mg/L and PO4-2  (0.015 to 0.225) µg/L. , Bicarbonate (130 to 180) mg/L , Sulfate (80 to 180) mg/L, the percentage of oxygen saturation (32.25 to 306.29) % ,Water flow (2.5 to 10.7)m\sec.  and total Alkalinity(12.2 to 25)mg/L. The results revealed that water parameters were within the Iraqi standards for the raw water. 

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 25 2024
Journal Name
Entrepreneurship Journal For Fiinance And Business
The role of psychological ownerships' dimensions in deterring the effects of toxic leadership: Analytical research in some companies at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Iraq
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The research aims to clarify the role that psychological ownership, through its dimensions, plays in deterring the effects of toxic leadership, through its dimensions, in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals. The research started with a basic problem represented by the following question: "Using psychological ownership and its application in deterring the negative effects of toxic leadership." The research used the descriptive-analytical method. The sample was randomly selected from workers in some selected companies affiliated with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Baghdad, and the sample size reached 124 individuals. One of the most important results is that there is an effect of the psychological ownership variable, based on the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Shaikh Al-Fadhali's Thesis in Parsing the phrase 'No god but Allah' written by Al-Shaikh Saif-el-Deen Atta Abu-el Futouh Al-Wafa'y Al- Fadhali (1020 A.D.)
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Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds, and peace be upon
Muhammad the master of former and latter people, and peace be upon His
relatives, companions and those who followed Him to Judgment day.
After recognizing the prescription which is called (Al- Fadhaly's Thesis in
parsing of "There is no god but God") as it is related with the word of the
investigation of this issue attracted me, as being related with the idea of the
only one God that is mentioned in the prophetic speech, which is said by
Anas- God satisfies him- Who said, Said the Messenger Muhammad peace
be upon him " Goes out of the Hell who said: there is no god but God, and in
his heart a hair weight of charity, and goes out of the He

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Determining the concentrations of radon and the rate of annual effective dose in some types of drinking water available in the Iraqi markets
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           In this research, radon concentrations in some types of healthy drinking water samples available in Iraq's market were measured using a technique called Durridge RAD-7-H2O with closed loop. Then the rate of annual effective dose in human taken this water is determined.

          It was found that, radon concentrations in studied samples ranged between 1.2 Bq.m-3 to 142 Bq.m-3. The results of the radon concentrations and the rate of annual effective dose for drinking water samples were significantly lower than the USEPA and WHO recommended limits that equal 500 Bq/m3 and 1 mSv/y resp

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
The Role of Water Absorption on Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties for (Recycling HDPE-Coal Ash) Composite
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Factors Strategic Choice and Impact at Quality of Higher Education
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This research raised the strategic selection factors and dimensions of the quality of higher education and what the nature of their relationship and has been collecting a sample search from the technological University of president scientific departments and administrative and scientific associates and chiefs of branches This research aims at studying factors affecting the strategic selection effects these factors in the quality of higher education and the combination of these factors has been identified as a group of selected dimensions of quality of higher education and study link relationships and affecting factors and strategic selection of (risk, previous strategies, resources, time, considerations and internal trends) and d

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Enhancing islamic concepts through English children’s literature: Al-Ibtila, the test of patience
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Allah, in his Holy Quran introduced great prophet stories so as to learn from. The greatness of these stories lies in Allah himself being the author. He portrays his characters, lays the plot, defines the tests and Al- Ibtilla, provides ways of being patient, using Duaa to end all hard tests and generously describing the greatness of his rewards to all those who are patient. The purpose of this research is to study selected English prophet stories for children on three levels, the stories ability to convey lessons and Islamic teachings to children who do not speak Arabic, the stories portray the Islamic concept of patience, the teaching and learning styles andstrategies that Allah uses with each prophet. The concept of patience is defined a

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
Journal Name
1st International Conference On Applied Agricultural Sciences And Prospective Technology
Water Productivity and Efficiency of Irrigated Corn Farms in Babylon Governorate
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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
The formal variations of the Quran calligraphy at the beginning of Islam: كفاح جمعة حافظ
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The present research deals with studying the formal variations for the Quranic calligraphy at the beginning of Islam , as being regarded from the original Arabic calligraphies which were developed later till they became as they are now, where the calligraphers in pushing for simulating these original calligraphies and knowing the methods of their writing by the calligraphers at that time.That helped in enriching and developing the aesthetic and designing valuesFor these calligraphies, as being calligraphic achievements represent transmission resulted from the objective, aesthetic and indicative vision in producing the verses according to a certain form. This has a clear impact in tendency to the technical, aesthetic and expressing develo

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
The Effect of Tidal Energies on the Materials Properties of the Soil at Southern Mesopotamia
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The materials of soil were affected by multi reasons; such as human activities, floods, tidal waves, ... etc. The change of the soil contents could be measured through different indexes; such as electric conductivities, salinity, concentration of the heavy elements, and concentration of essential elements ... etc. The land cover is affected by natural influences, like tidal energy, which plays a negative role in the salinization of land adjacent to the coasts, causing a problem for soils in all its details represented in changing of the dissolved elements in soil. One of the most important natural factors that cause soil salinity is human activity in all its forms, and one of the most important causes of salinity is the phenomenon o

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Prepare a plan for the Total Productive Maintenance in the light of the concurrent engineering A Field Study in AL-Askandria General Company Machanical Industries and AL-Musaib Electric Power Station
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           Strives Total Productive Maintenance  to increase the overall effectiveness of the equipment through the early involvement in the design and manufacture of equipment productivity. It also operates in an environment of simultaneous engineering work on the synchronization of activities to take advantage of early information by maintenance engineers, design, operation, and that helps to reduce the faults and facilitate future maintenance tasks.

    Has adopted a search in the theoretical concept of the total maintenance productivity and concurrent engineering activities carried out during which the conjunction a

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