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Bounded Modules
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Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and let M be a unitary (left) R- modul e. The ideal annRM  = {r E R;rm  = 0 V  mE M} plays a central


role  in  our  work.  In  fact,  we  shall  be  concemed   with  the  case  where annR1i1 = annR(x) for   some   x EM such  modules  will  be  called bounded  modules.[t  htrns out that there are many classes of modules properly contained in the class of bounded modules such as cyclic modules, torsion -G·ee modulcs,faithful  multiplication  modules,  prime modules and cyclic modules over  their endomorphism  rings. Also,  using  boundedness of  modules,  we showed that :

-  The  classes  of  injective modules modulo  annihi lator  and  quasi-injective

modules ru·e equivalent.

-  The  classes  of   faithful  modules  and  compactly   faithful  modules  are equi valent.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Semi – Bounded Modules
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Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and let M be a unity R-module. M is called a bounded R-module provided that there exists an element x?M such that annR(M) = annR(x). As a generalization of this concept, a concept of semi-bounded module has been introduced as follows: M is called a semi-bounded if there exists an element x?M such that . In this paper, some properties and characterizations of semi-bounded modules are given. Also, various basic results about semi-bounded modules are considered. Moreover, some relations between semi-bounded modules and other types of modules are considered.

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Almost Bounded Submodules
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        Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and let M be a unitary R-module. We introduce a concept of almost bounded submodules as follows: A submodule N of an R-module M is called an almost bounded submodule if there exists xÃŽM, xÏN such that annR(N)=annR(x).

        In this paper, some properties of almost bounded submodules are given. Also, various basic results about almost bounded submodules are considered.

        Moreover, some relations between almost bounded submodules and other types of modules are considered.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
On S-acts and bounded linear operators
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The relation between faithful, finitely generated, separated acts and the one-to-one operators was investigated, and the associated S-act of coshT and its attributes have been examined. In this paper, we proved for any bounded Linear operators T, VcoshT is faithful and separated S-act, and if a Banach space V is finite-dimensional, VcoshT is infinitely generated.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Fuzzy Length of Fuzzy Bounded Operator
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In this paper we recall the definition of fuzzy length space on a fuzzy set after that we recall basic definitions and properties of fuzzy length. We define fuzzy bounded operator as an introduction to defined fuzzy length of an operator then we proved that the fuzzy length space FB ̃ ̃ consisting of all fuzzy bounded linear operators from a fuzzy length space ̃ into a fuzzy length space ̃ is fuzzy complete if ̃ is fuzzy complete. Also we proved that every finite dimensional fuzzy length space is fuzzy complete.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 06 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Properties of Fuzzy Norm of fuzzy Bounded Operators
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The principal aim of this research is to use the definition of fuzzy normed space
to define fuzzy bounded operator as an introduction to define the fuzzy norm of a
fuzzy bounded linear operator then we proved that the fuzzy normed space FB(X,Y)
consisting of all fuzzy bounded linear operators from a fuzzy norm space X into a
fuzzy norm space Y is fuzzy complete if Y is fuzzy complete. Also we introduce
different types of fuzzy convergence of operators.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Italian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
A note on s-acts and bounded linear operators
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
C.F Modules and C.P Modules
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Let R be a commutative ring with identity. R is said to be P.P ring if every principle ideal of R is projective. Endo proved that R is P.P ring if and only if Rp is an integral domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient ring Rs of R is regular. Also he proved that R is a semi-hereditary ring if and only if Rp is a valuation domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient Rs of R is regular. , and we study some of properties of these modules. In this paper we study analogue of these results in C.F, C.P, F.G.F, F.G.P R-modules.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 20 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results about Acts over Monoid and Bounded Linear Operators
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This study delves into the properties of the associated act V over the monoid S of sinshT. It examines the relationship between faithful, finitely generated, and separated acts, as well as their connections to one-to-one and onto operators. Additionally, the correlation between acts over a monoid and modules over a ring is explored. Specifically, it is established that  functions as an act over S if and only if  functions as module, where T represents a nilpotent operator. Furthermore, it is proved that when T is onto operator and  is finitely generated, is guaranteed to be finite-dimensional. Prove that for any bounded operator the following,  is acting over S if and only if  is a module where T is a nilpotent operator, is a

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results about Acts over Monoid and Bounded Linear Operators
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 الأثر V بالنسبة إلى   sinshT و خواصه قد تم دراسته في هذا البحث حيث تم دراسة علاقة الأثر المخلص والاثر المنتهى التولد والاثر المنفصل وربطها بالمؤثرات المتباينة حيث تم بهنة العلاقات التالية ان الاثر اذا وفقط اذا مقاس في حالة كون المؤثر هو عديم القوة وكذلك في حالة كون المؤثر شامل فان الاثر هو منتهي التولد اي ان الغضاء هو منتهي التولد وايضا تم برهن ان الاثر مخلص لكل مؤثر مقيد وك\لك قد تم التحقق من انه لاي مؤثر مقي

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exponential Function of a bounded Linear Operator on a Hilbert Space.
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In this paper, we introduce an exponential of an operator defined on a Hilbert space H, and we study its properties and find some of properties of T inherited to exponential operator, so we study the spectrum of exponential operator e^T according to the operator T.

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