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Enterpathogen Associated With Diarrheal Cases in Children Aged ( >1-15) Years in Baghdad
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The goal of this study is to determine interior pathogen that causes Diarrhea state to chidren between (1-15) years old, theirs patient from (learn hospital of alemamen alkadoman) in the city of Baghdad from 25/4/2014 to 1/10/2014 period of time, the study represents 103 sample of stool, the result represents that highest ration of infected by 48.545%, Rotavirus 39.80%, mix infected(parasite + Rotavirus) 8.73%, with record of lowest infection ration 2.91%, found during the study that the age group 1-5 years showed the highest percentage of injury Rotavirus by also reached 60.98% case common injury (Rotavirus and parasitic) where this age group, the highest recorded percentage of injuring 66.67%, As for parasitic infected which represented within the same category %26. The results showed that age group (more than 5 years) and deity 56% when compared with the other groups and recorded the results .There is a high significant difference between males and females in the pathogenesis of parasitic and viral infection when the probability p < 0.01, male recode (62.00-60.00)% more than female (40.00-38.00)% on serias.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Image Compression Using 3-D Two-Level Technique
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In this paper three techniques for image compression are implemented. The proposed techniques consist of three dimension (3-D) two level discrete wavelet transform (DWT), 3-D two level discrete multi-wavelet transform (DMWT) and 3-D two level hybrid (wavelet-multiwavelet transform) technique. Daubechies and Haar are used in discrete wavelet transform and Critically Sampled preprocessing is used in discrete multi-wavelet transform. The aim is to maintain to increase the compression ratio (CR) with respect to increase the level of the transformation in case of 3-D transformation, so, the compression ratio is measured for each level. To get a good compression, the image data properties, were measured, such as, image entropy (He), percent r

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Screening of Petroleum Ether Fractions by GC/MS and Isolation of Lupeol from Two Different Parts of Iraqi Leucaena leuco-cephala. (Conference Paper )#
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This work is considered the first study for the components of the Iraqi Leucaena leucocephala plant, where the different phytochemical compounds that present in the aerial parts were identified by using the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique (GC/MS). The type of the components and their concentration will differ according to the part of the plant used and the method of extraction (hot and cold). This study made a comparison in lupeol concentration that was identified and isolated from petroleum ether fractions of Leucaena leucocephala by using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC), and Preparative High-Performance Li

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Change detection of the land cover for three decades using remote sensing data and geographic information system
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