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Genetic Diversity of Iraqi Barley Species Differing in Their Tolerance to Drought by RAPD Analysis
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The genetic diversity was studied in sixteen barley Hordeum vulgar L. species cultivated in Iraq , which are differ in their ability to drought stress tolerance by using random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction (RAPD - PCR ) .Barley species was evaluated to drought stress  after treatment the plant seedling at germination stages to different concentration of polyethylene glycol (PEDG6000) . The results showed that the Broaq and Arefat species have the highest tolerance to drought stress in contrast the rest of Barly species like Alkhair, Alwarkaa, Ebaa99, Shoaa, Alrafidain,Sameer Rehana 3 , forat9 , jazeral ,and ebaa7 revealed sensitivity to drought stress .      The primes which used RAPD technique for all the studied species were produced 203 bands . The percentage of monomorphic bands is 10.39 % , while the polymorphic bands scored 89.70% raning from 71.4 % for OP-B11 primer to 100% for OP-C16 primer .Some primers produced specific or distinguished bands for some Barley species , such as primer OP-N13 which produced band with 450 bp molecular weight. and this band was   appeared in sensitive drought stress species only like Forat 9 ,Jazera 1 and Ebaa7. Primer P27 produced band with 2000 bp molecular weight and this band was appeared in highest tolerance Boraq Barley species .This band maybe associated with drought tolerant.   Cluster analyses by using jaccard scale for genetic similarity revealed a dendogram with three major groups with 75% similarity degree .The first and second sub group of group one included the tolerant and moderately tolerant species excluding Alkhair and Alwarkaa species which they are separated according to their genetic origin with one of the parents (Arefat) . The second and the third groups with the third sub group of group one included the sensitive species. The results of RAPD markers indicated the presence of high percentage of genetic diversity within the studies Barley species cultivated in Iraq .Moreover .these result enable the researches to separate the samples which differ in their ability to drought stress tolerance by using few numbers of genetic sites.   

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
New Generalizations for Ϻ-Hyponormal Operators
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     This article contains a new generalizations of Ϻ-hyponormal operators which is namely (Ϻ,θ)-hyponormal operator define on Hilbert space H.  Furthermore, we investigate some properties of this concept such as the product and sum of two (Ϻ, θ)-hyponormal operators, At the end the operator equation  where  ,  has been used for getting several characterization of (Ϻ,θ)-hyponormal operators.  

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
King Khalid University towards Strategies Compatible with Brain-Based Learning (BBL)
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The study aimed to reveal the level of knowledge and tendencies of high- study students specializing in curriculum and teaching methods at King Khalid University towards harmonious strategies with brain-based learning (BBL). And Then, putting a proposed concept to develop knowledge and tendencies of high-study students specializing in curriculum and teaching methods at King Khalid University towards harmonious strategies with Brain-based learning (BBL). For achieving this goal, a cognitive test and a scale of tendency were prepared to apply harmonious strategies with brain-based learning. The descriptive approach was used because it suits the goals of the study. The study sample consisted of (70) male and female students of postgraduate

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fuzzy α- Topological Vector Space
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    In this study, the concept of fuzzy α-topological vector space is introduced by using the concept  fuzzy α-open set , some properties of fuzzy α-topological vector spaces are proved .We also show that the space is -space iff every singleton set is fuzzy α- closed .Finally, the convex property and its relation with the interior points are discussed.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Survival estimation for singly type one censored sample based on generalized Rayleigh distribution
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This paper interest to estimation the unknown parameters for generalized Rayleigh distribution model based on censored samples of singly type one . In this paper the probability density function for generalized Rayleigh is defined with its properties . The maximum likelihood estimator method is used to derive the point estimation for all unknown parameters based on iterative method , as Newton – Raphson method , then derive confidence interval estimation which based on Fisher information matrix . Finally , testing whether the current model ( GRD ) fits to a set of real data , then compute the survival function and hazard function for this real data.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning Control for Mobile Robot
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Autonomous motion planning is important area of robotics research. This type of planning relieves human operator from tedious job of motion planning. This reduces the possibility of human error and increase efficiency of whole process.

This research presents a new algorithm to plan path for autonomous mobile robot based on image processing techniques by using wireless camera that provides the desired image for the unknown environment . The proposed algorithm is applied on this image to obtain a optimal path for the robot. It is based on the observation and analysis of the obstacles that lying in the straight path between the start and the goal point by detecting these obstacles, analyzing and studying their shapes, positions and

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Geomatics correction model for GPS data using RTK-DGPS survey
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Determination of the sites of geographical coordinates with high accuracy and in short time is very important in many applications, including: air and sea navigation, and in the uses geodetic surveys. Today, the Global Positioning System (GPS) plays an important role in performing this task. The datum used for GPS positioning is called World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). It consists of a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system and an associated ellipsoid so that WGS84 positions describe coordinates as latitude, longitude and ellipsoid height (h) coordinates, with respect to the center of mass of the Earth This study develops a mathematical model for geomantic measurement correction for ellipsoidal heights (h) between two different

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Comparison Study between Double Sumudu and Elzaki Linear Transforms Method for Solving Fractional Partial Differential Equations
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        In this paper, double Sumudu and double Elzaki transforms methods are used to compute the numerical solutions for some types of fractional order partial differential equations with constant coefficients and explaining the efficiently of the method by illustrating some numerical examples that are computed by using  Mathcad 15.and graphic in Matlab R2015a.

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Different Resolution Merging Methods For Environmental Areas Extraction
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The usage of remote sensing techniques in managing and monitoring the environmental areas is increasing due to the improvement of the sensors used in the observation satellites around the earth. Resolution merge process is used to combine high resolution one band image with another one that have low resolution multi bands image to produce one image that is high in both spatial and spectral resolution. In this work different merging methods were tested to evaluate their enhancement capabilities to extract different environmental areas; Principle component analysis (PCA), Brovey, modified (Intensity, Hue ,Saturation) method and High Pass Filter methods were tested and subjected to visual and statistical comparison for evaluation. Both visu

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Anastrozole Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers : Preparation and Evaluation
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Anastrozole (ANZ) is considered constitute of the fourth –generation of Non–steroidal aromatase blockage, ANZ has use for hormone receptor positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women. The serious side effects of ANZ including, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, irritability, breast tenderness and un–stability in circulation.

Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) have recently emerged as a multifunctional platform for drug delivery in cancer therapy.

Five formula were composed of (200 mg of glyceryl monostearate, 40 mg of oleic acid , 1% (w/w) Tween 80, 1% (w/w) Poloxamer 407, 1% (w/w) soy lecithin and Vitamin E Polyethylene Glycol Succinate.

The mean particle size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, entrapme

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Scopus (13)
Crossref (6)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Computing
Fibrewise Near Topological Spaces
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In this paper we define and study new concepts of fibrewise topological spaces over B namely, fibrewise near topological spaces over B. Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise near closed and near open topological spaces over B; Furthermore we state and prove several Propositions concerning with these concepts.

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