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Oxidative Stress and The Activities of Catalase , GST in Thalassemic Patients

The  study  concentrated  on  measuring  the  lipid  peroxidation marker malon di aldehyde (MDA) in sera of thirty five patients with minor Thalassemia  (Tm), thirty five with major Thalassemia (TM) and thirty five healthy control, their age ranged from (17-30) years. Erythrocytes  enzymes  (Glutathione  -S   - transferase  (GST  )and Catalase) were assayed . The results showed a significant elevation in (MDA) in sera of both patient groups compared to control.

An  increase in the activity of catalase and GST in erythrocytes of

minor Thalassemic patients compared to control was found to be significant. Also, a high significant increase in the activity of GST for major Thalassemic patients compared to minor Thalassemic patients and control  was found.  On the other hand, the catalase activi ty for major Thalassemic patients was found in compatible with that of the control group.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of EN25 Steel Treated by Different Quenching Media

The present investigation aims to study the effect of heat treatment by quenching in different quenching media (salt water, water and oil) following by tempering on wear resistance of EN25 steel. EN25 steel is an alloy of medium carbon low alloy steel which is used for many applications requiring high tensile strength and wear resistance such as connecting rods, adapters and in power sectors extensively. The specimens are machined to 20 mm in length and 10 mm in diameter. This study is done by two stages: The first stage is done by austenitizing EN25 steel to 850  for 1 hr by quenching the specimens in three different quenching media and then tempered at 300   in air. While the second stage is performed by wear

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
BER Performance Improvement of Dual Chaotic Maps Based on STBC Communication System

Sensitive information of any multimedia must be encrypted before transmission. The dual chaotic algorithm is a good option to encrypt sensitive information by using different parameters and different initial conditions for two chaotic maps. A dual chaotic framework creates a complex chaotic trajectory to prevent the illegal use of information from eavesdroppers. Limited precisions of a single chaotic map cause a degradation in the dynamical behavior of the communication system. To overcome this degradation issue in, a novel form of dual chaos map algorithm is analyzed. To maintain the stability of the dynamical system, the Lyapunov Exponent (LE) is determined for the single and dual maps. In this paper, the LE of the single and dual maps

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Agricultural Sciences,
Evaluation of potent silver nanoparticles production from agaricus bisporus against helicobacter pylori

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Proposition of New Ensemble Data-Intelligence Models for Surface Water Quality Prediction

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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Full Transformation Semigroup of A Free Left S-Act on N-Generators

          It is well known that the wreath product  is the endmorphism monoid of a free S-act with n-generators. If S is a trivial semigroup then  is isomorphic to . The extension  for  to  where  is an independent algebra has been investigated. In particular, we consider  is to be , where  is a free left S-act of n-generators. The eventual goal of this paper is to show that  is an endomorphism monoid of a free left S-act of n-generators and to prove that  is embedded in the wreath product .

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Photocatalytic degradation of indigo carmine by ZnO photocatalyst under visible light irradiation

In this work, the photocatalytic degradation of indigo carmine (IC) using zinc oxide suspension was studied. The effect of influential parameters such as initial indigo carmine concentration and catalyst loading were studied with the effect of Vis irradiation in the presence of reused ZnO was also investigated. The increased in initial dye concentration decreased the photodegradation and the increased catalyst loading increased the degradation percentage and the reused-ZnO exhibits lower photocatalytic activity than the ZnO catalyst. It has been found that the photocatalytic degradation of indigo carmine obeyed the pseudo-first-order kinetic reaction in presence of zinc oxide. This was found from plotting the relationship between ln

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 09 2024
Journal Name
Flexural Behavior of Pultruded GFRP–Concrete Composite Beams Strengthened with GFRP Stiffeners

The utilization and incorporation of glass fiber-reinforced plastics (GFRP) in structural applications and architectural constructions are progressively gaining prominence. Therefore, this paper experimentally and numerically investigates the use of GFRP I-beams in conjunction with concrete slabs to form composite beams. The experimental design incorporated 2600 mm long GFRP I-beams which were connected compositely to concrete slabs with a 500 mm width and 80 mm thickness. The concrete slabs are categorized into two groups: concrete slabs cast using normal-strength concrete (NSC), and concrete slabs prepared using high-strength concrete (HSC). Various parameters like the type of concrete (normal and high-strength concrete), type of

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 05 1990
Journal Name
وقائع المؤتمر العلمي الخامس لمجلس البحث العلمي في المجلة العراقية

Posible interference of vamin with the activity of several antibiotics against E. coli was evaluated in vitro. In MBS- glucose medium, significant growth delay was induced by 8 ug/ml of terramycin (oxytetracycline- polymyxin B) and bactrim (trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole), and by 16 ug/ml of refocin, lincomycin, and chloramphenicol. Rapid growth inhibition was induced by 32 ug/ml of all an- tibiotic tested separately. Significant inactivation of up to 64 ug/ml of licomycin and bactrim was in- duced by the addition of vamin at a concentration of 1:20 v/v of the medium. This effect was found to be due to the presence of specific amino acids in vamin. Among them is valine, leucine, isoleucine tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, cysteine, meth

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 1995
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للاحياء المجهرية

ABSTRACT Fifty extremely halophilic bacteria were isolated from local high salient soils named Al-Massab Al-Aam in south of iraq and were identified by using numerical taxonomy. Fourty strains were belong to the genus Halobacterium which included Hb. halobium (10%). Hb. salinarium (12.5%), Hb.cutirubrum (17.5%), Hb-saccharovorum (12.5%), Hb. valismortis (10%) and Hb. volcanii (37.5%). Growth curves were determined. Generation time (hr) in complex media and logarithmic phase were measured and found to be 10.37±0.59 for Hb. salinarium. 6.49 ± 0.24 for Hb.cutirubrum. 6.70±0.48 for Hb-valismonis, and 11.24 ± 0.96 for Hb. volcanii

Publication Date
Tue Nov 07 1989
Journal Name
Proc. 5th Sci.conf./src

ABSTRACT Possible interference of vamin nutritional solution with the activity of several B-lactam antibiotics against E.coli was evaluated in vitro.In Minimal basal salts-glucose medium rapid growth inhibition of sensitive E. coli was induced by 4 µg/ml of ampicillin / cloxaillin, 8 µg/ml of ampicillin, 6 µg/ml of carbencillin, hostacillin, and cephalotin, and by 32 µg/ml of penicillin G and cloxacillin. Significant inactivation of up to 32 µg/ml of carbencillin, cephalotin, penicillin G, and hostacillin was induced by addition of 1:20 v/v vamin. This inactivation was due to the presence of specific amino acids in the mixture. Deletions of amino acids revealed that valine, leucine, isoleucine, tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, cys

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