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Electrical Characteristics of Planar Pbthalocyanine Thin Films
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The   electrical     properties   of   thin   film    interdigital    metal­

phthalocyanine - metal devices have been studied with regard to purity and electrode material . Devices utilising phthalocyanines ( H2 Pc ,

NiPc and CuPc) films with Au, Ag , Cu ' In and AI electrodes have been prepared with Pc layers fabricated  from  both as - supplied  Pc powder and entrainer - subeimed  material . The results indicate that

sublimed phthalocyanine with gold electrodes offers the best material

combination with regard to linearity , reversibility and reproducibility. Measurements  of  current        temperature  characteristics  of phthalocyanines  indicate that the impurity of the film have a major

influence on conduction mechanism.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Investigating the optical and electrical characteristics of As60Cu40-xSex thin films
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In this work, As60Cu40-xSex thin films were synthesized, and the pulsed laser deposition method was used to study the effected partial replacement of copper with selenium. The electrical characteristics and optical characteristics, as indicated by the absorbance and transmittance as a function of wavelength were calculated. Additionally, the energy gap was computed. The electrical conductivity of the DC in the various conduction zones was calculated by measuring the current and voltage as a function of temperature. Additionally, the mathematical equations are used to compute the energy constants, electron hopping distance, tail width, pre-exponential factor, and density of the energy states in variation zones (densities of the energ

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Electrical Properties of ZnS Thin Films
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The effect of annealing temperature (Ta) on the electrical properties like ,D.C electrical conductivity (σ DC), activation energy (Ea),A.C conductivity σa.c ,real and imaginary (ε1,ε2) of dielectric constants ,relaxation time (τ) has been measured of ZnS thin films (350 nm) in thickness which were prepared at room temperature (R.T) using thermal evaporation under vacuum . The results showed that σD.C increases while the activation energy values(Ea) decreases with increasing of annealing temperature.(Ta) from 303- 423 K .
The density of charge carriers (nH) and Hall mobility (μH) increases also with increasing of annealing temperature Hall effect measurements showed that ZnS films were n-type converted to p-type at high annealin

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Publication Date
Fri May 15 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Chemical, Biological And Physical Sciences
Electrical Properties of Tin Sulphide Thin Films
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In this study, SnS thin films were deposited onto glass substrate by thermal evaporation technique at 300K temperature. The SnS films have been prepared with different thicknesses (100,200 &300) nm. The crystallographic analysis, film thickness, electrical conductivity, carrier concentration, and carrier mobility were characterized. Measurements showed that depending on film thickness. The D.C. conductivity increased with increase in film thickness from 3.720x10-5 (Ω.cm)-1 for 100 nm thickness to 9.442x10-4 (Ω.cm)-1 for 300 nm thicknesses, and the behavior of activation energies, hall mobility, and carrier concentration were also studied.

Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Research And Review
Electrical Discharges Characterization of Planar Sputtering System
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Abstract: A home-made dc sputtering is characterized by cathode potential of 250-2500 V and sputtering gas pressures of (3.5×10-2 – 1.5) mbar. This paper studies in experiment the breakdown of argon, nitrogen, and oxygen in a uniform dc electric field at different discharge gaps and cathode potentials. Paschen curves for Argon, Nitrogen, and oxygen are obtained by measuring the breakdown voltage of gas within a stainless steel vacuum chamber with two planar, stainless steel electrodes. The Paschen curves in Ar, N2, and O2 gases show that the breakdown voltage between two electrodes is a function of pd (The product of the pressure inside the chamber and distance between the electrodes). Current-voltage characteristics visualization of the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Electrical behavior and Optical Properties of Copper oxide thin Films
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In this work the structural, electrical and optical Properties of CuO semiconductor films had been studied, which prepared at three thickness (100, 200 and 500 nm) by spray pyrolysis method at 573K substrate temperatures on glass substrates from 0.2M CuCl2•2H2O dissolved in alcohol. Structural Properties shows that the films have only a polycrystalline CuO phase with preferential orientation in the (111) direction, the dc conductivity shows that all films have two activation energies, Ea1 (0.45-0.66 eV) and Ea2 (0.055-.0185 eV), CuO films have CBH (Correlated Barrier Hopping) mechanism for ac-conductivity. The energy gap between (1.5-1.85 eV).

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical and Electrical Properties of Glass/Graphene Oxide Thin Films
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The study effect Graphene on optical and electrical properties of glass prepared on glass substrates using sol–gel dip-coating technique. The deposited film of about (60-100±5%) nm thick. Optical and electrical properties of the films were studied under different preparation conditions, such as graphene concentration of 2, 4, 6 and 8 wt%. The results show that the optical band gap for glass-graphene films decreasing after adding the graphene. Calculated optical constants, such as transmittance, extinction coefficient are changing after adding graphene. The structural morphology and composition of elements for the samples have been demonstrated using SEM and EDX. The electrical properties of films include DC electrical conductivity; we

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study The Structural And Electrical Properties Of CdTe:In Thin Films
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 Indium doped CdTe polycrystalline films of thickness equals to 300nm were grown on corning glass substrates at temperature equals to 423K by thermal co-evaporation technique. The structural and electrical properties for these films were studied as a function of heat treatment (323,373,423)K. The x-ray analysis showed that all samples are polycrystalline and have the cubic zincblende structure with preferential orientation in the [111] direction, no diffraction peaks corresponding to metallic Cd, Te or other compounds were observed. It was found that the electrical resistivity drops and the carrier concentration increases when the CdTe film doped with 1.5% indium and treated at different annealing temperatures.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Electrical Conductivity and Hall Effect Measurements of (CuInTe2) Thin Films
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     In this research, the electrical conductivity and Hall effect measurements have been investigated on the CuInTe2 (CIT) thin films prepared by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrate at room temperature as a function of annealing temperature (R.T,473,673)K for different thicknesses (300 and 600) nm. The samples were annealed for one hour.    The electrical conductivity analysis results demonstrated that all samples prepared have two types of transport mechanisms of free carriers with two values of activation energy (Ea1, Ea2), and the electrical conductivity increases with the increase of annealing temperature whereas it showed opposite trend with thickness , where the electrical conductivity would d

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 22 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
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The influence of silver doped n-type polycrystalline CdTe film with thickness of 200 nm and rate deposition of 0.3 nm.s -1 prepared under high vacuum using thermal co-evaporation technique on its some structural and electrical properties was reported. The X- ray analysis showed that all samples are polycrystalline and have the cubic zinc blend structure with preferential orientation in the [111] direction. Films doping with impurity percentages (2, 3, and 4) %Ag lead to a significant increase in the carrier concentration, so it is found to change from 23.493 108 cm -3 to 59.297 108 cm -3 for pure and doped CdTe thin films with 4%Ag respectively. But films doping with impurity percentages above lead to a significant decrease in the electrica

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (ijaret)
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ABSTRACT: Thin film of CdS has been deposited onto clean glass substrate by using Spray pyrolysis technique. Results of Morphological (AFM) studied; electrical properties and optical conductivity studied are analysis. AFM results show a crystalline nature of the films. From the conductivity measurement at different temperatures, the activation energy of the films was calculated and found to be between 0.188 - 0.124 eV for low temperature regions, and between 1.67-1.19eV for high temperature regions. Hall measurements of electrical properties at room temperature show that the resistivity and mobility of CdS polycrystalline films deposited at 400 C0, were 3.878x103 . cm and 1.302x104cm2/ (V.s), respectively. The electrical conductivity of th

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