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Dust Storms
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This study deals with the phenomena of dust storms in Iraq based on the data recorded by the Iraqi Organization for three stations which are: Mosul, Baghdad, and Nasiriyah.

60  years was  the    period and  the  relation  between the  three stations data covered dust storms cases and the wind speed was also studied. The months and years which are mostly affected by dust storms during the period under consideration are presented, Finally Autocorrelation for three stations are founded.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 13 2010
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Dust storms loads analyses—Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reasons of Dust Storms Increase in Iraq
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Currently regions in the world are much affected with dust storms, rising and suspended dust, as Iraq is suffering of this state as well within an eye-catching manner, whereas the storms leave negative traces on environment and public health and many of the other vital utilities. This research aims to diagnosis of the reasons that resulted in increment of dust storms in Iraq basing on some recorded data and to be analyzed in conformity with the prevalent theories and concepts at the atmospheric science and environmental physics. Generally the study, has illustrated that the climate changes and increase of temperatures averages because of green house effect, that followed by clear changes at thermal wind and jet stream, that caused to ins

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Testing the MODIS Thermal Modes for Dust Storms Monitoring
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Climate change is one of the global issues that is receiving wide attention due to its clear impact on all living organisms. This is essential for Iraq since it was classified as the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change. One of the manifestations of these changes in Iraq is the increasing frequency and severity of dust storms. In this study, the Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) spectral index for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor bands was used to measure and track the dust storm that occurred on May 16, 2022, as well as to test the validity of one of the daily products of this sensor, MOD11A1, to measure surface temperature and emissivity before and after the storm. It was found that the MOD0

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Climate change and dust storms in Iraq / 'Baghdad', case study
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A dust storm in Iraq is a climatic phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions . The frequency of the occurrence has increased drastically in the last decade and it is increasing continuously .Baghdad city like the rest of Iraq is suffering from the significant increase in dust storms . In this research , the study of the phenomenon of dust storms for all types (Suspended dust , rising dust , dust storm) , and its relationship with some climate variables (Temperature , rainfall ,wind speed) .The statement of the impact of climate change on this phenomenon to Baghdad station  for the period (1981 – 2012) . Time series has been addressing the phenomenon of storms and cli

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Design and Construction of a Dust Detection System using Infrared Laser: The Case of Dust Storms in Baghdad in the Summer 2022
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Iraq suffers from serious pollution with harmful particles that have important direct and indirect effects on human activities and human health. In this research, a system for detecting pollutants in the air was designed and manufactured using infrared laser technology. This system was used to detect the presence of pollutants in the dust storms that swept the city of Baghdad which could have a negative impact on human health and living organisms.

The designed detection system based on the use of infrared laser (IR) with a wavelength of 1064 nm was used for the purposes of detecting pollutants based on the scattering of the laser beam from these pollutants. The system was aligned to obtain the best signal for the scattered rays, w

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
Kuwait Journal Of Science
Detection of the most frequent sources of dust storms in Iraq during 2020–2023 using space tools
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Dust storms are typical in arid and semi-arid regions such as the Middle East; the frequency and severity of dust storms have grown dramatically in Iraq in recent years. This paper identifies the dust storm sources in Iraq using remotely sensed data from Meteosat-spinning enhanced visible and infrared imager (SEVIRI) bands. Extracted combined satellite images and simulated frontal dust storm trajectories, using the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model, are used to identify the most influential sources in the Middle East and Iraq. Out of 132 dust storms in Iraq during 2020–2023, the most frequent occurred in the spring and summer. A dust source frequency percentage map (DSFPM) is generated using ArcGIS so

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2011
Journal Name
Environmental Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and mineralogical composition of the airborne particles of sand dunes and dust storms settled in Iraq and their environmental impacts
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 13 2023
Journal Name
Impact of North African Sand and Dust Storms on the Middle East Using Iraq as an Example: Causes, Sources, and Mitigation
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This study aims to determine the reasons for the increase in the frequency of sand and dust storms in the Middle East and to identify their sources and mitigate them. A set of climatic data from 60 years (1960–2022) was analyzed. Sand storms in Iraq are a silty sand mature arkose composed of 72.7% sand, 25.1% silt, and 2.19% clay; the clay fraction in dust storms constitutes 70%, with a small amount of silt (20.6%) and sand (9.4%). Dust and sand storms (%) are composed of quartz (49.2, 67.1), feldspar (4.9, 20.9), calcite (38, 5), gypsum (4.8, 0.4), dolomite (0.8, 1.0), and heavy minerals (3.2, 6.6). Increasing temperatures in Iraq, by an average of 2 °C for sixty years, have contributed to an increase in the number of dust storm

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Behavior of Earth Magnetosphere Radius during Strong Geomagnetic Storms
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Magnetosphere is a region of space surrounding Earth magnetic field, the formation of magnetosphere depends on many parameters such as; surface magnetic field of the planet, an ionized plasma stream (solar wind) and the ionization of the planetary upper atmosphere (ionosphere). The main objective of this research is to find the behavior of Earth's magnetosphere radius (Rmp) with respect to the effect of solar wind kinetic energy density (Usw), Earth surface magnetic field (Bo), and the electron density (Ne) of Earth's ionosphere for three years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Also the study provides the effect of solar activity for the same period during strong geomagnetic storms on the behavior of Rmp. F

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 15 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Aluminum Dust Particles on Plasma Parameters at Different Gas Pressure with Different Dust Contents
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In this work, the effect of aluminum (Al) dust particles on the DC discharge plasma properties in argon was investigated. A magnetron is placed behind the cathode at different pressures and with varying amounts of Al. The plasma temperature (Te) and density (ne) were calculated using the Boltzmann equation and Stark broadening phenomena, which are considered the most important plasma variables through which the other plasma parameters were calculated. The measurements showed that the emission intensity decreases with increasing pressure from 0.06 to 0.4 Torr, and it slightly decreases with the addition of the NPs. The calculations showed that the ne increased and Te decreased with pressure. Both Te and ne were reduced by increasing

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