Isoscalar and isovector for one body of magnetic dipole transitions of even even Ba (A=l30-136) isotopes have been calculated using IBM-1 . The present calculations are predicted that the maximum values of magnetic dipole reduced matrix clement (11 II fr.·Hil lll1 were found in Ba (A=I30 and A=136) for the
transitions 3!3j and 42 4jwhile the minimum values in the
tr_ansitions 2; 2; and 4! -74; for Ba=l30 and for Ba(A=132 and for Ba(A= 132 and A=I34) at the transitions of 22!i- The va_.lues
- ofreduced matrix element (I1 .II f (MI) !I li ) in Ba=l36 were appeared
-after the separation of proton bosons. and neutron bosons at zt ,3t'
4i and 5 states.. These values were equal to (2.293---.-1.356) IJ.n for
isovector operators. The values of B(Ml) doesn't appears be.cause there are no transition:s between these energy states other energy states.