Wireless lietworking is· constantly improving, changing and
though ba ic principle is the same. ['nstead of using standard cables to transmit information fmm one point to another (qr more), it .uses radio signals. This paper presents .a case study considedng real-time remote
cqntroJ using Wireless UDP/JP-based networks,. The aim of-this werk is to
reduce real-time· remote control system based upon a simulatio.n model,
which can operate via general communication l"]etworks, whieh on bodies. modern wireles tcchnolqgy.
The first part includes· a brief study oJ wireless commun.ication p.rinciples as well as a short description of the c-urrent system. Tbe second part describes measurement of the sy;>rem and in addition to · analysis 6f the test results. The conclu.sio:ps whjcb are made ba ed pan the measured data of :the system. Also, fhe encountered problems during he
test simulations are raised up. A s.imulated process for the model is used
in.stead of a reaJ one in order to get comp(!rable results; ho.wever it
Indicate? a. goed research tool and a basis for future work in the real-time
remote control research. Als0, Some future- development schemes of the
system are· discussed as we.!I.