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Inhibition of Mico.nazole --resistant mutants o'f Candida al:J,lcalts; by aqueous extract of Matric aria chamomile
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fhe  .rudy has shad a light on the abi_ lity Qf  aq,ueous. extract of

Mairlr:aria chamomile ibr eliminating growth of miconazole. .resistant

muta.nt of Candida   albk·afzy. whi-ch  i:,solated  from . human. ruiil and vagina ;Tfl- inimJ.tJTI  inhibition  cohc!:lhtra_tion  (MIC) is l6 Jrl'g/n: l. Spon-taneous tesistant  .mutatiqns-.fot mic-onazole were also is:ola ed by using sp 1-f.g/ml of rni:comlzoJeThis   ::onc ntrf}:ti:o:n  is five times more than   the  MIC .Different c<:n'lcentnrtlo·ns.  of  aqu pus   e trac.t   of Mchr:ztno}Jiile'· ranging betweep 0.625 and 50  -:tg/ml  w·.ere  also -qsed

.The effec,t 9£ tb_ec- :ornc.entrations on the grov-.111 of isoJated Candida C:O!oi:lieS  were sli0:wed a grf!QUal decreasing  .ih the CQioni:es nqrnbe.tS after, increasing the aqueous extfact onc :mt-t:a,tions. One concentration of  aqQegus  e-xtrat was selected  as  optimal conc.;:ntr-atian.   .This selected tbBcentration ws ;g ve sixn,jl·  viabllity for  the Candida.

isolate$ in comparison with th.e · controJ  @'O\lp. The test of interacting

impact fo.r the optimal eoncentr_atioR 'With Candida  Golonies _growtlL we.r'Studred wfth  three tieatn1 nts;    befo-r,.   after arid  with  the m'iconazole antibjqti . The esults ·showed tlutt the optimal selected cor.mentratiort  o£ aqueous exttact was q : i-te: effi.cient in r-educing the num:per 'Qf  miconazole tesistant mutants co1onie.s  before and in the· presence of     micon:az.-qte  .  lo conclusion, the aqu ous ·extract .o:f  M· cham.Qmile  was. · considered s one q_£ :the  direct i-nhibitocs for th miconazole resi!?t' rnutants of C(.mditla albicqns.


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
The Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Manufactured HgBa&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Ca&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Cu&lt;sub&gt;2.4&lt;/sub&gt;Ag&lt;sub&gt;0.6&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;8+δ&lt;/sub&gt; Compound
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In this article four samples of HgBa2Ca2Cu2.4Ag0.6O8+δ were prepared and irradiated with different doses of gamma radiation 6, 8 and 10 Mrad. The effects of gamma irradiation on structure of HgBa2Ca2Cu2.4Ag0.6O8+δ samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction. It was concluded that there effect on structure by gamma irradiation. Scherrer, crystallization, and Williamson equations were applied based on the X-ray diffraction diagram and for all gamma doses, to calculate crystal size, strain, and degree of crystallinity. I

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