Serum Creatine Kinase (SCK) activity was investigated in hyper
and hypqtbyroidim objects. Estimated Levels were compared with
healty controls. of SCK. activity has. been achieved using 0.95 mJ of
the Semtl.l and 25 m mol/L of -the subslratet creatitie phosphate . Reaction mixture was incubated at 37C for 1 0 minutes . Data obtained were r:cflects an elevation in the enzme activity in hyperthyroidism objec. Determination of the physical parameters (Vma-x and Km). were ol-,tained applying lit1eweaver- l3:urk Plot analysis. All detemi11..!'d parameters w rc established using bu!ler phosphate at optimum P 11
Value of 6.4.