In this paper the chain length of a space of fuzzy orderings is defined, and various properties of this invariant are proved. The structure theorem for spaces of finite chain length is proved. Spaces of Fuzzy Orderings Throughout X = (X,A) denoted a space of fuzzy orderings. That is, A is a fuzzy subgroup of abelian group G of exponent 2. (see [1] (i.e. x 2 = 1,  x  G), and X is a (non empty) fuzzy subset of the character group ï£ (A) = Hom(A,{1,–1}) satisfying: 1. X is a fuzzy closed subset of ï£ (A). 2.  an element e  A such that ï³(e) = – 1  ï³ ïƒŽ X. 3. Xïž :={a  A\ ï³(a) = 1  ï³ ïƒŽ X} = 1. 4. If f and g are forms over A and if x  D( f  g) then  y  D( f ) and z  D(g) such that x  D<y, z >. Observe, by 3, that the element e  A whose existence is asserted by 2 is unique. Also, e  1 (since ï³(1) = 1  ï³ ïƒŽ X). Notice that for a  A, the set X(a):= {ï³ ïƒŽ Xï³(a) = 1} is clopen (i.e. both closed and open) in X. Moreover, ï³(a) = – 1  ï³(– a) = 1 holds for any ï³ ïƒŽ X (by 2).
The purpose of this paper is to define fuzzy subspaces for fuzzy space of orderings and we prove some results about this definition in which it leads to a lot of new results on fuzzy space of orderings. Also we define the sum and product over such spaces such that: If f = < a1,…,an > and g = < b1,…bm>, their sum and product are f + g = < a1…,an, b1, …, bm> and f × g =
The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study the concepts of fuzzy generalized open sets, fuzzy generalized closed sets, generalized continuous fuzzy proper functions and prove results about these concepts.
In this paper, developed Jungck contractive mappings into fuzzy Jungck contractive and proved fuzzy fixed point for some types of generalize fuzzy Jungck contractive mappings.
In this work, two different structures are proposed which is fuzzy real normed space (FRNS) and fuzzy real Pre-Hilbert space (FRPHS). The basic concept of fuzzy norm on a real linear space is first presented to construct space, which is a FRNS with some modification of the definition introduced by G. Rano and T. Bag. The structure of fuzzy real Pre-Hilbert space (FRPHS) is then presented which is based on the structure of FRNS. Then, some of the properties and related concepts for the suggested space FRN such as -neighborhood, closure of the set named , the necessary condition for separable, fuzzy linear manifold (FLM) are discussed. The definition for a fuzzy seminorm on is also introduced with the prove that a fuzzy seminorm on
... Show MoreThe study of fixed points on the maps fulfilling certain contraction requirements has several applications and has been the focus of numerous research endeavors. On the other hand, as an extension of the idea of the best approximation, the best proximity point (ƁƤƤ) emerges. The best approximation theorem ensures the existence of an approximate solution; the best proximity point theorem is considered for addressing the problem in order to arrive at an optimum approximate solution. This paper introduces a new kind of proximal contraction mapping and establishes the best proximity point theorem for such mapping in fuzzy normed space ( space). In the beginning, the concept of the best proximity point was introduced. The concept of prox
... Show MoreThe best proximity point is a generalization of a fixed point that is beneficial when the contraction map is not a self-map. On other hand, best approximation theorems offer an approximate solution to the fixed point equation . It is used to solve the problem in order to come up with a good approximation. This paper's main purpose is to introduce new types of proximal contraction for nonself mappings in fuzzy normed space and then proved the best proximity point theorem for these mappings. At first, the definition of fuzzy normed space is given. Then the notions of the best proximity point and - proximal admissible in the context of fuzzy normed space are presented. The notion of α ̃–ψ ̃- proximal contractive mapping is introduced.
... Show MoreIn this paper, we introduce an exponential of an operator defined on a Hilbert space H, and we study its properties and find some of properties of T inherited to exponential operator, so we study the spectrum of exponential operator e^T according to the operator T.
The aim of this paper is to translate the basic properties of the classical complete normed algebra to the complete fuzzy normed algebra at this end a proof of multiplication fuzzy continuous is given. Also a proof of every fuzzy normed algebra without identity can be embedded into fuzzy normed algebra with identity and is an ideal in is given. Moreover the proof of the resolvent set of a non zero element in complete fuzzy normed space is equal to the set of complex numbers is given. Finally basic properties of the resolvent space of a complete fuzzy normed algebra is given.
In the present paper, discuss the concept of fuzzy topological spectrum of a bounded commutative KU-algebra and study some of the characteristics of this topology. Also, we show that the fuzzy topological spectrum of this structure is compact and T1 -space.