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The Effect of Voltarin Drug on Some Genetic Indices in Albino Mice

   The present study  is designed to reveal the  effect of  Voltarin drug   on some genetic indicators such as  mitotic index(MI) of bone marrow cells and chromosome  aberrations(CA) .The Voltarin is one of non Steroidal Anti-inflammation drug .Three concentrations of Voltarin  were used  1.6 , 2 , 2.5   mg/kg  Albino  mices  (Mus  musculus) were  injected  for 7 days then     mitotic index (MI) was counted and chromosomal aberrations of bone marrow cells  .  The  results  could be  summarized  as   follows :  1-The doses (1.6,2) mg/Kg  showed no  negative effects on  mitotic index of bone marrow cells as compared with the  control .  2- The dose 2.5 mg/Kg  showed  a significant  difference as   compared   with the control and the other groups by decreasing  mitotic index. The  decrease was due to the  increase of  concentration .  3-Voltarin drug did not show  chromosomal  aberrations   in  the light  of the doses  used .    

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