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Renewable energy sources - present realities and future options
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Renewable energy sources - realities of the present and future options

    Many of the directories indicate that the global energy system begin with a period of transition from total dependence on fossil energy sources, particularly oil, Into a new era in which renewable energy sources play an important role in meeting the growing needs of energy demand. There are many factors that will contribute to the strengthening of this trend towards transformation, which also will decide how quickly this transformation of renewable energy systems effectively in the global system of energy demand.

   These factors, In brief: the size of environmental pollution and climatic changes resulting from the excessive use of fossil fuels, the size of reserves of fossil fuels and the amount of new additions to her and to oil in particular, Amount of support and funding for renewable energy sources and, finally, other political factors linked to the concept of energy security, especially for the major industrialized importing oil countries.   

   The disposition of any country requires to keep pace with these changes and seek to support efforts to introduce renewable energies within the system of energy production gradually so as not to lag behind in global development.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Renewable energy between limited use and treatment of the electricity crisis in Iraq
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The electric energy is one of the most important renewable energies used in the world as it is the main source for sustainable development and economic development through its use in (production, transport and distribution), and in Iraq, the electric power sector has suffered from many problems and obstacles, as providing electric current is one of the most prominent difficulties and challenges That successive governments and residents have faced since the early nineties of the last century and are still ongoing, and that Iraq has all the climatic conditions for developing the work of the electricity system from renewable energies such as solar and hydroelectric energy, as well as gas fields that have become a Basic pillar of pow

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Renewable energy (solar energy) and its potential for electricity generation in Iraq
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The world's renewable energy sources have taken on great importance, for its cleanness and its environmental effects as well as being a renewable source, Increased demand for fossil energy sources is also causing global warming and climate change. Iraq is an appropriate area for renewable energy This study shows that renewable alternative energy has not been used sufficiently enough at present. But this energy can play an important role in the future of renewable energy in Iraq. This research aims to study the renewable energy in Iraq (solar energy) and it is appropriate to develop this alternative energy for crude oil, which is characterized by the use of the most appropriate and less economical and more environmentally friendly. Solar

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Suggested Plan for Developing the Sources of Energy in Enviroment In Light Of Sustinable Development and the Affective Of Geographic Arabic Teacher
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It is known that energy subiect has ocuppied a lot of scientests minds about
how to treat the traditional energy and the renewing energy . we know that
most traditional energy coal , oil , Natural gas, neuclear fuel , are limited
guantiy and alsow subjected to be ended .Statics studies refer to reserve
of oil in world will exhausted btween ( 2075- 2100) and alsow cosl too .
While neuclear fuerl which the world seek today through explod the uranium
atom ( 233) the therum atom (239) and neuclear mxied through ruemlear
mixing , These energy have effect on environment and humanity speciaty if
they are used in militery purposes .
For all theses scientests srarch for resources of renewing enery through

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Energy alternatives and the possibility of substitution)
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Many of the signs that the global energy system indicate the start of a period of transition from total dependence on fossil energy sources, especially oil, into a new era in which alternative energy sources play an important role in meeting the growing needs of energy demand, so sought many of the developed countries through research the studies carried out to try to bring renewable energy sources and non-renewable (shale oil, oil sands, solar energy, wind energy .... etc) replace traditional fossil energy sources (oil, gas, coal) and despite the recent availability dramatically and spread throughout the the world, but they are going to dry up in the foreseeable future. So many countries, especially the developed sought to find

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Sources of Threatening Educational Security: Means and Effects
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Today’s world confronts various threats from different sources. Similar to deprivation of energy, economic facilities, or political deposition, educational poisoning is one of the dangerous phenomena that result from distorting and corrupting the ethical and educational components of teaching by various material and non – material means.This paper sheds light on the concept of the educational system which is not a mere process of teaching, but rather an endless process of socialization that begins in the family and develops into religious, ethical, scientific and mythological systems, all of which form the cognitive component. It also defines the necessary means by which it is transmitted from one generation into another. The educati

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Al-Yaqubi's Sources and the question of Shia partiality
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Al-Yaqubi was biased in favor of Shia. May be du to his choice of source, materials. All historians as with other human beings are biased in their attitudes and preconceptions in one degree or another as well as in one direction or another.
The choice of source materials, their nature and the use made of them is an important index for measuring the achievement of ang historian.
Several specific questions arise. What sources did author use that were either unknown to or were not employed by his predecessors and contemporaries for whatever reason?
What sources are common to al- Yaqubi and his colleagues among the early Arab historians and what evidence of tendentiousness can be ascert- ained in these? To what extent can the author

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Petroleum Derivatives in Iraq The phenomenon of Renewable or Passing crisis
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     Iraq economy suffered, nor , still many difficulties and problems , including oil derivatives crisis that emerged in 2004 and was the most prominent features of the inability of local production to meet the needs of the increasing growth of consumption, the crisis has cast a shadow on the growth of national in general, and citizen living in particular. Therefore, the real test of crisis and challenge to the capacity of government agencies to manage the crisis and control and reduce its harmful effects, which disappear in a region or sector, even begin to appear in another, given the multiplicity and complexity of third-party solution for remedying the negative consequences of deliberate.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Current Pharmaceutical Design
Dry Eye Disease: Present Challenges in the Management and Future Trends
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Sources of the Narrative of Siffin Agreement
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We can conclude that version A is substantially genuine while version B is spurious. an Attempt has been made above to show relevance of this to our understanding of the agreement itself .
The central issue of sunna to which recourse was to be had must of course be connected with development of the meaning of the word sunna from the broader (way of Proceeding ) and (generally agreed practice).
Any sweeping judgements about the invalidity of reports transmitted by shiis or supposed shii are out of place. theestablishment of realistic criteria for the appreciation of early sources for Islamic history is subject which is still in Its infancy

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 08 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Scientific Trends
The Role of Renewable Energy in the Protection of the Iraqi Environment
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In this article, the types of renewable energies and the environmental effects of consuming these energies are studied. Energy is one of the things necessary for economic and social development and improving the quality of life, and the presence of continuous and sustainable economic energy is essential for any economic development and growth. Humankind has been aware of renewable energies such as biomass and geothermal energy for a long time and has used these energies as heat sources for shelter. With the beginning of the extraction of fossil fuels such as oil and coal and unlimited access to these products, the use of renewable energy sources, except in remote places and forest areas, has become limited and forgotten. Currently in Iraq,

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