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Measuring and Analysis of Demand Function on Oil derivatives of A Selected countries the Period 1985- 2008
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The subject of demand on oil derivative has occupied an important position at present time in the daily life context. The fuel of benzene and gas oil and kerosene is one of basic elements of that concern, and on local , regional and international levels. The oil derivatives have played a leading role in determining the course and nature of development since early 1970 to the present time whether in the productive Arab countries or the importing. The researcher set out from the hypothesis that the increase of the local consumer demand on some of the oil derivatives is because of the internal and external factors accompanied by the inability of the productive capability and local production to confront this increase, and the resort to the importing of these derivatives to satisfy the need of local market. The research aims at determining the level of local consumer demand on the basic oil derivatives and the level of demand on the imported oil derivatives to satisfy the need of local market after Knowing the nature of external and internal factors affecting the level of demand. Also, a future anticipation of the demand on the basic oil derivatives for the sample countries for the period 2009- 2018, and it was found that the oil products are more tending towards the basic products benzene, fluid gas oil and kerosene, which have witnessed an annual increasing of rate %2.1 during the last ten years with an inability of the local product to keep up with that consumption. The result is an expanding gap between the two. The interest of the Arab countries as petroleum producers lurks in oil processing and transforming it into oil derivatives. There is no pretext, political or economical, that deny that legal anticipation of Arabcountries. It is also impermissible economically to export oil as raw material without processing it.   

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mobile Position Estimation using Artificial Neural Network in CDMA Cellular Systems
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Using the Neural network as a type of associative memory will be introduced in this paper through the problem of mobile position estimation where mobile estimate its location depending on the signal strength reach to it from several around base stations where the neural network can be implemented inside the mobile. Traditional methods of time of arrival (TOA) and received signal strength (RSS) are used and compared with two analytical methods, optimal positioning method and average positioning method. The data that are used for training are ideal since they can be obtained based on geometry of CDMA cell topology. The test of the two methods TOA and RSS take many cases through a nonlinear path that MS can move through tha

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
المسار النموذجي لتدقيق اداء الدور الاشرافي للبنك المركزي العراقي على المصارف الخاصة على وفق معايير الاجهزة العليا للرقابة المالية والمحاسبة: بحث تطبيقي في ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي
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With today's rapid and full of dangers the world banking sector is one of the most vital sectors at risk, and on the supervisory bodies responsible for monitoring the work of banks to take an active role in influencing the banks and put on the right track and is compatible with internationally approved curriculum. The lie of the research problem in the weak supervisory role of the Central Bank for banks in general and private banks in particular, limited the process of performance audit carried out by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision in auditing oversight role of the Central Bank control over the banks, according to the methods of performance audit followed by the upper bodies of financial control and accounting, And it was ba

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 10 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر خصائص لجنة التدقيق في الإفصاح عن رأس المال الفكري: أدلة من فسطين: The Impact of Audit committee characteristics on Intellectual capital disclosure : Empirical evidence from Palestine
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The study aimed to examine the impact of audit committee characteristics on the practices of intellectual capital disclosure in the annual reports of Bank and Insurance companies listed on Palestine Exchange, through performing content analysis of the annual reports for the study sample which totaled thirteen companies, including six banks and seven insurance companies. To achieve the study objectives, the study employed a content analysis approach in order to analyze the content of the intellectual capital disclosure practice, in addition, the study used cross-sectional with longitudinal data for time series for a period of time between 2014-2019. The empirical results indicated that financial expertise and the number of meeting

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
تقنیة جدیدة لدراسة انتقال الطاقة الجانبیة
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The transport of energy from the focal region when high power laser are focused onto
solid targets is of two dimensions axially in the direction of the laser and laterally in the
direction along the target surface perpendicular to the laser direction.
In this paper we present anew consideration to study lateral energy transport in plasma
produced by laser KrF λ=248nm and pulse time 20n sec. Targets are C, Al, Cu.we used
photo resist (negative type) which is mode localy and noticing the effective area as
afunction of lateralenergy transport

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 26 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Secure Mobile Sink Node location in Wireless Sensor Network using Dynamic Routing Protocol
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The important device in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is the Sink Node (SN). That is used to store, collect and analyze data from every sensor node in the network. Thus the main role of SN in WSN makes it a big target for traffic analysis attack. Therefore, securing the SN position is a substantial issue. This study presents Security for Mobile Sink Node location using Dynamic Routing Protocol called (SMSNDRP), in order to increase complexity for adversary trying to discover mobile SN location. In addition to that, it minimizes network energy consumption. The proposed protocol which is applied on WSN framework consists of 50 nodes with static and mobile SN. The results havw shown in each round a dynamic change in the route to reach mobi

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Boosting E-learner’s Motivation through Identifying his/her Emotional States
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The main objective of e-learning platforms is to offer a high quality instructing, training and educational services. This purpose would never be achieved without taking the students' motivation into consideration. Examining the voice, we can decide the emotional states of the learners after we apply the famous theory of psychologist SDT (Self Determination Theory). This article will investigate certain difficulties and challenges which face e-learner: the problem of leaving their courses and the student's isolation.
Utilizing Gussian blending model (GMM) so as to tackle and to solve the problems of classification, we can determine the learning abnormal status for e-learner. Our framework is going to increase the students’ moti

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Location Aspect Based Sentiment Analyzer for Hotel Recommender System
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Recently personal recommender system has spread fast, because of its role in helping users to make their decision. Location-based recommender systems are one of these systems. These systems are working by sensing the location of the person and suggest the best services to him in his area. Unfortunately, these systems that depend on explicit user rating suffering from cold start and sparsity problems. The proposed system depends on the current user position to recommend a hotel to him, and on reviews analysis. The hybrid sentiment analyzer consists of supervised sentiment analyzer and the second stage is lexicon sentiment analyzer. This system has a contribute over the sentiment analyzer by extracting the aspects that users have been ment

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Local Dependence for Bivariate Weibull Distributions Created by Archimedean Copula
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In multivariate survival analysis, estimating the multivariate distribution functions and then measuring the association between survival times are of great interest. Copula functions, such as Archimedean Copulas, are commonly used to estimate the unknown bivariate distributions based on known marginal functions. In this paper the feasibility of using the idea of local dependence to identify the most efficient copula model, which is used to construct a bivariate Weibull distribution for bivariate Survival times, among some Archimedean copulas is explored. Furthermore, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed procedure, a simulation study is implemented. It is shown that this approach is useful for practical situations and applicable fo

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Construction And Building Materials
Linear viscous approach to predict rut depth in asphalt mixtures
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Rutting in asphalt mixtures is a very common type of distress. It occurs due to the heavy load applied and slow movement of traffic. Rutting needs to be predicted to avoid major deformation to the pavement. A simple linear viscous method is used in this paper to predict the rutting in asphalt mixtures by using a multi-layer linear computer programme (BISAR). The material properties were derived from the Repeated Load Axial Test (RLAT) and represented by a strain-dependent axial viscosity. The axial viscosity was used in an incremental multi-layer linear viscous analysis to calculate the deformation rate during each increment, and therefore the overall development of rutting. The method has been applied for six mixtures and at different tem

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Crossref (13)
Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
2022 International Conference On Data Science And Intelligent Computing (icdsic)
An improved Bi-LSTM performance using Dt-WE for implicit aspect extraction
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In aspect-based sentiment analysis ABSA, implicit aspects extraction is a fine-grained task aim for extracting the hidden aspect in the in-context meaning of the online reviews. Previous methods have shown that handcrafted rules interpolated in neural network architecture are a promising method for this task. In this work, we reduced the needs for the crafted rules that wastefully must be articulated for the new training domains or text data, instead proposing a new architecture relied on the multi-label neural learning. The key idea is to attain the semantic regularities of the explicit and implicit aspects using vectors of word embeddings and interpolate that as a front layer in the Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Bi-LSTM. First, we

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