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the challenges of accounting measurement of intangible assets of create additional value for the company and ways to address them
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   This research seeks to shed light on what you add intangible assets of benefit to the company and this antagonize pause for consideration because it makes the company in a good competitive position stimulates the rest of the companies to acquire those assets.

   That many companies have achieved competitive advantages in the market do not even achieved monopolies increased the value and reaped extraordinary profits as a result of those assets which requires the need to be measured to determine the extent to which contribution in the emergence of the value added to the value of the company on the one hand and to make the presentation of financial statements The more credibility, has touched Quite a few authors in the scientific and academic research efforts to find benchmarks for those assets.

The research found a number of conclusions, including

  1. Intangible assets that need time to build and difficult to imitate by competitors، which is a source of strength for the formation of a competitive advantage.
  2. that the process of measuring the intangible assets fall under the measuring technique by which the derivative is determined by the values ​​of measurements indirectly based on mathematical models because it is not just a historic economic event depends accountant in measured on simple methods of the kind of direct.

The key findings of the research recommendations are as follows:

  1. should be classified as intangible assets and business applications as mentioned research as we believe that it helps in determining what kind of assets that add value to the economic unit.
  2. should resort to model market capitalization model or return on assets as a way to indirectly measure the intangible assets because it does not stray too far from the accounting rules as well as limited to the measurement of cash.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Accounting measurement of intangible assets (websites) within the framework of international financial reporting standards An applied study between a sample of Iraqi commercial banks)
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The websites over time have become one of the important tools for communication between individuals among themselves and between individuals and economic units, and they have emerged as one of the important intangible assets to achieve income, as they have become a competitive tool and a marketing outlet for these units and a main means of communication that it uses to exercise its various major activities and achieve potential economic benefits. Therefore, there was a need to measure and display the value of these sites in the financial statements as intangible assets.  Accordingly, the purpose of the research was to determine the costs of the websites owned by the economic unit by way purchase and sites that were created i

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Accounting Disclosure for non-current intangible assets according to international accounting standard (IAS16, 36): A Comparative Study of the State Company for Travelers and delegates Transportations
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The Accounting Disclosure for non-current intangible assets is necessary to rely on accounting information by decision makers in the economic unity, two international accounting standards issued (IAS16,36), which aims to provide the foundations of the recognition, measurement and disclosure of appropriate assets Non-current tangible. (IAS16) allowed to use re-evaluation approach to measure assets entrance due to the inadequacy of the accounting information resulting from the application of the historical cost of the entrance under increasing technical developments and continuing that leave clear their effects on non-current intangible assets, As well as the requirements of what came (IAS36) the importance of accounting for the impairment

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The most important challenges facing the Iraqi economyAnd ways to address them
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Facing the Iraqi economy, a number of economic challenges that threaten the future of Iraq and the security of economic, political and social, such as poverty, unemployment, inflation and the dilapidated infrastructure and rising production costs and administrative and financial corruption, environmental pollution, water problems and the deterioration of agricultural and industrial production, etc., and over the seriousness of these challenges, they are intertwined and overlapping and growing worse, without the corresponding adoption of state strategies that will develop appropriate solutions and appropriate to resolve those challenges because of concern the subject of security and terrorism, which requires the development of an

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of measuring and accounting disclosure of intellectual capital To maximize the value of the company
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Most of the big companies and especially the intillictual ones become a ware of an important fact, and That is, The intillictual capital in new global economy, is a new source for Them & This Valuable source exceed in importance. The other company's sources.

The Traditional disclouser systemes are unable to supply the decisions makers with the Fundimental information require to handel the on going operations which are based on Knowledge and intangible source. But the measuring of this source and the disclose for it in the financial Statements will lead to gain features Statements which will benefit all the parties and lead to make the value of the company great.

And as a resul

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 14 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Characterization of terrorist methods and how to address them
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توصيف الاساليب الارهابية وسبل مواجهتها

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Sustainable Accounting indicators that related with create value for the firm
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The business environment is witnessing great and rapid developments due to the economic and technological development that has caused damage to human beings, which requires the need to reduce this damage and work to protect the environment and participate in supporting the social aspects. This requires economic resources to be realized by the economic units. Economic development in preserving the environment that has caused damage and supporting the social aspects that preserve human rights, enhance their position and satisfy their needs in society. Global professional organizations, the United Nations and stakeholder representatives have been issuing the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to find guidelines for the preparation of

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Challenges and Risks Faced Mobile Banking Services and Ways to Confront and Limit Them
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      This study deals with the challenges and risks faced by mobile banking services and their plagiarism and reduction, the issue of risk management and review, as it acquires financial importance for banks that provide electronic mobile banking services, as included by the Basel Committee, financial accounting via mobile phone, and in line with treason works Traditional commercial banks invest in modern ones, including mobile phones.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Stances on the damage to manuscripts and ways to address them
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Humans knew writing and to blog motivated by the need for registration and documentation, and tried from the very beginning of research to find the most suitable material for this purpose, he used many different materials in form, nature, and composition, so it is written on the mud by the ancient Sumerian people in different forms and when the text is long Numbered as the pages of the book at the present time, this research will deal with the damage to manuscripts and then find ways to address them.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The successive international changes in the economic, political, cultural and other fields resulted in many phenomena that occupied different levels of interest, and have been followed up, studied and analysed by specialists and researchers especially under the development of the media in the global communication.

Even though these phenomena had reflections in the communication domain like development and changes in the mechanism of behaviours between the international communities, they created in the meantime a phenomenon that caused an imbalance in the production, spread and the use of the informations that were supposed to be for fewer than 5 countries whereas it actually it is for more than 180 countries.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Models of measurement and disclosure of fair value accounting - Applied to contribute to company garments mixed
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The research aims to provide a method to measure the fair value of the most environmentally friendly of Iraq and through the application of method of measuring the fair value of the company garments contribute to mixed as the company is of the economic units of the industrial sector and included in the Iraqi market for securities as a profit and distributes profits to shareholders since the method of measurement of the fair value based on the divided profits as toxic in a deduction of Cash Dividends cash for measuring fair value, and will also be in this research to clarify the disclosure of accounting for fair value and choose the method of disclosure most appropriate to the beneficiaries of accounting disclosure, as will be cho

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