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Re-distribution of income in favor of the poor - theoretical entrance of stagnation treatment
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Research deals the crises of the global recession of the facets of different and calls for the need to think out of the ordinary theory and find the arguments of the theory to accommodate the evolution of life, globalization and technological change and the standard of living of individuals and the size of the disparity in income distribution is not on the national level, but also at the global level as well, without paying attention to the potential resistance for thought the usual classical, Where the greater the returns of factors of production, the consumption will increase, and that the marginal propensity to consume may rise and the rise at rates greater with slices of low-income (the mouths of the poor) with a view to satisfy the needs of non-saturated, and increasing investment demand when increasing marginal efficiency of capital in excess of the interest rate, Thus, the national income liege a positive function relation with (investment) and greater return on investment encourage organizers to greater investment ROI Vtkon relationship positive correlation between the size of the investment and earnings expectations for, and then will be affected the level of development at rates profits long as it is function in the investment.

Government interventions (demand management) lengthened the life crises, but at the same time prevented it that magnified to the extent of out of control, it is permission from the corner boosted Immunologists economy depending on government intervention and made at the same time autoimmune economies back down as it has become in the custody of government Macro policies , which reduced the ability of markets to adapt and become a market mechanism is ineffective Other (the sticky) in their ability to work to restore balance and stability, In order to continue investment demand would have to proceed with consumer demand in order to find the balance and the liquidation of the market and otherwise occurring crises, stagnation, and so is moving consumer demand sufficiently to push investments and achieving profits must satiating the mouths of the poor continually, and this confirms that the solution to the crisis of stagnation, and in order not to shrinks investments capitalists and their profits shrinks by extension they should think hard about manner for the distribution of returns of production factors in a fair and equitable manner.

What is new is that what he deserves every factors of the production of the returns is no longer gets it in accordance with the mechanisms of compete, so it is no longer the four factors of production, and we have to change theoretical framework to become the five factors of production, to become a technology one of the factors of production fundamental and not a follower or followed by appear its effect incarnated in the capital sometimes or non-incarnated but just (residuals) such as technical knowledge, experience and good organization and others, if the state is the administration and the private sector is the economy, the mix optimizing between the administration and the economy ensures us the prevalence of the social market economy in order to achieve sustainable development, and this limits the emergence of large and rotating stagnation  crises.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث التربوية و النفسية
تقويم كتاب الحاسوب للصف الثاني المتوسط وفقاً للتنور التقني ومقترحات تطويره
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The aim of the current research was to evaluate the content of the computer textbook for second grade intermediate in Iraq in accordance with the technological literacy and submitting developmental suggestions, the researchers adopted the descriptive and analytical approach. The researchers used as a population and sample of her research are the content of the computer textbook for second grade intermediate. In order to prepare the first draft of the research tool that content the five technological literacy fields (The Nature of Technology, Technology and Society, Design, Abilities of Technological World, The Designed World). The researchers distributed the first draft tool among some experts and gave them enough time to check each item

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
TV planning and ways to deal with space developments
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The quote of a Canadian communication scientist (Marshall McLuhan) (“The world has become an electronic village”) has become an archaic information compared to the great and rapid development of communication in the last two decades of the 20th century and what will happen later in the 21st century, to the extent that the world is called, thanks to the internet, a “Small screen” and this fact is a sign of the great progress that has been made in this field. As for the other statement of the Canadian communication scientist mentioned before “the medium itself, is the message”, it has been renewed and developed in its meaning and it’s purpose. Each new technical development in the means of communication necessarily means a me

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Is it Time to Develop Government Communication Functions?
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Embracing digital technological advancements in media and communication has led government entities to adopt communication practices fully aligned with the digital and networked system in government communication. Traditional media practices within the government environment increasingly rely on the ability to utilize digital tools and systems for content creation, communication, evaluation, and the management of the entire communication process within an electronic and intelligent framework for government services. Naturally, this transformation has caught the attention of communication and public relations researchers worldwide, as the digital and networked aspects of government communication now form an intelle

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
انعكاسات ظاهرة العولمة في أبراز أهمية احتضان الأعمال
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ملخص البحث

العولمة ظاهرة اقتصادية سياسية اجتماعية لها انعكاساتها المختلفة على المجتمعات وعلى منظمات الأعمال في مختلف دول العالم، هذه الظاهرة أدت إلى المزيد من النتائج التي زادت منظمات الأعمال في الدول الغنية غناً وزادت منظمات الأعمال في دول العالم الثالث فقر، وقد ترتب على ذلك نتائج ايجابية لدى المجتمعات الغربية والمؤتلفة معها بسبب سيطرة منظمات الأعمال في تلك الدول على الأسواق في البلدان الن

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
MRI Probabilistic Neural Network Screening System: a benign and malignant recognition case study
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This work is aimed to design a system which is able to diagnose two types of tumors in a human brain (benign and malignant), using curvelet transform and probabilistic neural network. Our proposed method follows an approach in which the stages are preprocessing using Gaussian filter, segmentation using fuzzy c-means and feature extraction using curvelet transform. These features are trained and tested the probabilistic neural network. Curvelet transform is to extract the feature of MRI images. The proposed screening technique has successfully detected the brain cancer from MRI images of an almost 100% recognition rate accuracy.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Aug 12 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Regulations Enforcement Mechanisms for Sustainable Housing Projects
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modified Model to Calculate Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for A satellite with Atmospheric Drag
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In this paper, the satellite in low Earth orbit (LEO) with atmospheric drag perturbation have been studied, where Newton Raphson method to solve Kepler equation for elliptical orbit (i=63 , e = 0.1and 0.5, Ω =30 , ω =100 ) using a new modified model. Equation of motion solved using 4th order Rang Kutta method to determine the position and velocity component which were used to calculate new orbital elements after time step ) for heights (100, 200, 500 km) with (A/m) =0.00566 m2/kg. The results showed that all orbital elements are varies with time, where (a, e, ω, Ω) are increased while (i and M) are decreased its values during 100 rotations.The satellite will fall to earth faster at the lower height and width using big values for ecce

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 17 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الجزائر بين محاولتين من أجل التنمية: شروط النجاح وأسباب الإخفاق
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سجلت الدولة الجزائرية محاولتين من أجل التنمية، بهما أرادت القضاء على كل مخلفات الاستعمار الفرنسي، من فقر وجهل وأمراض وحرمان من أبسط ضرورات الحياة، كما عملت جاهدة على أن تكون دولة لها مكانة في صفوف الدول الصاعدة على الأقل، لما حباها الله من موارد مادية ومالية وبشرية، وموقع جيو استراتيجي، قلت مثيلة في العالم، بالنسبة لمساحتها الجغرافية الكبيرة وتنوع تضاريسها الطبيعية، وترتيبها المتقدم في الطا

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self-image addiction (Salafi) and its relation to narcissistic personality disorder among students
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Abstract The goal of current study was to identify the relationship between addiction of self-images (Selfie) and personality disorder of narcissus, and the difference of significance the relationship between addiction self-images (selfie) and personality disorder narcissus at students of Mustansiriya university, addiction self- images (selfie) defined: a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media, edit and down lowed to social networking sites, and over time, the replacement of normal life virtual world, which is accompanied by a lack of a sense of time, and the formation of repeated patterns increase the risk of social and personal problems. To achieve the goals

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Reduced and Citation Forms as Produced by Iraqi EFL University Students at Duhok University An Error Analytic Study
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English is spoken by its native speakers in two different forms. Reduced form which marks the colloquial and rapid speech so that it is easily produced and a citation or unreduced form which is a characteristic of careful, emphasized and slow speech.

      This paper investigates Iraqi EFL university students’ production of the two forms mentioned above. The sample chosen includes twenty fourth year students, of which ten are males and the other ten are females from the Department of English of the College of Languages of the University of Duhok in Kurdistan Region of Iraq in the academic year 2020-2021.  The material tested is six connective words which represent the commonest ones in every-day co

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