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The availability of the internal mechanisms of corporate governance and the Contexts of workof the Federal Board of Supreme Audit of Iraq (BSA (
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The research focuses on addressing one of the most important concepts of modern management that deal with the relationship between government institutions and stakeholders, Which now occupies a special significance in trends modern management, a concept of corporate governance it takes the internal mechanisms due to its key role and is important in the process of corporate governance and looking for building Effective mechanisms for this concept in light of laws and regulations that are available in the local environment and on the functioning of government institutions, Search has been applied in the Federal Board of Supreme Audit of Iraq (BSA) due to its particular importance as an institution control and as a awaits the society a lot in the status quo, through the analysis of legislative and regulatory frameworks for the BSA and the structures and management practices where, As well as the opinion of the competent authorities of institutional governance in the BSA effective mechanisms available was done by checking the laws under which the BSA and use of the questionnaire to take the views of the sample on the internal practices of the Management BSA, Formed the research sample of 60 people from the departments of the Supreme BSA and their positions was as follows (General Manager, and assistant general manager, and an expert, and President of the Commission, and director of the department).

In light of the results research found a set of the most important conclusions was that "the BSA available has a set of the most important mechanisms of corporate governance such as Board of Directors and is activated through the practices of his roles, in addition to the lack of a mechanism for Control Commission within the mechanics of corporate governance.

Find concluded a set of recommendations, most notably "activation processes disclosure activities and performance of the BSA in the largest by publishing more reports, especially the financial statements of the BSA

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 06 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Metric Type II Bursts with and without Coronal Mass Ejection During 20 Years
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Metric type II bursts are formed from shocks driven by CME or flares which is
indicative of particles (SEPs) accelerated to high energies. This work aims to
investigate the metric type II bursts, CMEs and flare for twenty years (1996-2016,
inclusive) over two solar cycles 23 and 24. The total metric type II bursts was 1378
events divided into two groups: first group associated with CMEs regardless their
properties and this group has (1147) events. The second group associated with flares
which has (231) events. The interstice fraction of this research is the metric type II
associated with CME is 83% whereas only 17% with flare where this very close to
the previous study in 2005 which found 81% despite it was for on

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 02 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Approach Based on Decision Tree and Self-Organizing Map For Intrusion Detection
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In modern years, internet and computers were used by many nations all overhead the world in different domains. So the number of Intruders is growing day-by-day posing a critical problem in recognizing among normal and abnormal manner of users in the network. Researchers have discussed the security concerns from different perspectives. Network Intrusion detection system which essentially analyzes, predicts the network traffic and the actions of users, then these behaviors will be examined either anomaly or normal manner. This paper suggested Deep analyzing system of NIDS to construct network intrusion detection system and detecting the type of intrusions in traditional network. The performance of the proposed system was evaluated by using

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Ironic Metonymy in Russian and Arabic : Ироническая метонимия в русском и арабском языках
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This article is devoted to the cognitive study of ironic metonymy in Russian and Arabic. Metonymy and irony have traditionally been seen as parallel linguistic phenomena. But their formation and interpretation are based on different cognitive mechanisms. At the formal and functional level, metonymy and irony have a number of significant differences. Metonymy is an artistic technique, the mechanism of which is based on obvious, easily traced connections between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Irony is a satirical technique or a rhetorical figure that is used to create a certain artistic image, aimed at forming the hidden meaning of the statement. A native speaker intuitively feels the difference between metonymy and irony

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
One Algorithm to Cipher Messages in Columnar and Fixed Period-d Transposition Cipher
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    One of ciphering systems depends on transposition of letters in plain text to generate cipher text. The programming of transposition depends mainly on 2-dimension matrix in either methods but the difference is in columnar .We print columns in the matrix according to their numbers in key but in the fixed, the cipher text will be obtained by printing matrix by rows.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Impulsive behavior among Kindergarten children and its relation ship with some variables preparation
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Quite anumber of parents and educators of this behavior,which is characterized by exaggerating locomotor activity and impulsivity and recklessness and the difficulty of continuing the status of certain bodily more than one minute ,and the difficulty of waiting to meet aparticular need or desire,it also characterized by thos meddling children the affairs of others and increased their  chatter does not seem the case when you listen to talk to them and they characterized by  weak self-confidence and are more solid and seem un able to keep ther responses because of the severity of anxiety .The research aims to know impulsive behavior among kindergartens children and its relation ship with some variables, and the sa

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Semi parametric Estimators for Quantile Model via LASSO and SCAD with Missing Data
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In this study, we made a comparison between LASSO & SCAD methods, which are two special methods for dealing with models in partial quantile regression. (Nadaraya & Watson Kernel) was used to estimate the non-parametric part ;in addition, the rule of thumb method was used to estimate the smoothing bandwidth (h). Penalty methods proved to be efficient in estimating the regression coefficients, but the SCAD method according to the mean squared error criterion (MSE) was the best after estimating the missing data using the mean imputation method

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
MRI Probabilistic Neural Network Screening System: a benign and malignant recognition case study
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This work is aimed to design a system which is able to diagnose two types of tumors in a human brain (benign and malignant), using curvelet transform and probabilistic neural network. Our proposed method follows an approach in which the stages are preprocessing using Gaussian filter, segmentation using fuzzy c-means and feature extraction using curvelet transform. These features are trained and tested the probabilistic neural network. Curvelet transform is to extract the feature of MRI images. The proposed screening technique has successfully detected the brain cancer from MRI images of an almost 100% recognition rate accuracy.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Plasma alkaline phosphatase polymer phism and it’s association with productivity in Iraqi fowl
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Plasma alkaline phosphatase isozyme in Iraqi fowl was studied by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two phenotypes fast and slow, were observed. These two phenotypes have been shown to be controlled by one single autosomal locus with two allel AKPF and AKPS. The gene frequency of AKPS is dominant over the AKPF. The result indicated that gene frequency of AKPF in leghorn and new hamshire was more frequent than in local Iraqi birds. Birds of fast isozyme type had higher 90 – day's egg production and egg weights as compared to those with slow isozyme. It is concluded that the fast isozyme can be used as gene marker for spotting out pullets with high body weight sexual maturity, high egg production and high egg weight.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Parental supervision and its relation with personality type A.B among high Schools students
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Parents who give their sons arole in making parental decisions and admiring their views are the ones who build confidence and the feeling of competence within themselves and then their edgiest- rent with themselves becones better .
The (A.B) person-ality type is the core base of most psychological and educational studies because it is one of the most important subjects Concerning with the study of growth aspects whether they are physical, mental or Social. The present Study ains to measure the level of parental treatment among high School students, measure the level of (A) Personality type concept among them, recognize Statistically Significant differences in the level of parentaltreatment according gender variable and recognize the C

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Empirical Formula for Neutron Yield for (α,n) Reactions from 63cu and 65cu
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  The calculated neutron yields from (α, n) reactions are very important in analyzing radiation shielding of spent fuel storage, transport and safe handling. The cross sections of 63Cu (α, n) 66Ga and 65Cu (α, n) 68Ga reactions are calculated for different α-energies using different sets of programs using Matlab language. The values deduced energy is from threshold to Eα= 30 MeV and to Eα= 40 MeV for 63Cu (α, n) 66Ga and 65Cu (α, n) 68Ga respectively. The weight average cross section was then  used to calculate the neutron yields y0 (n/106α) for each reaction .The empirical formula was then suggested to calculate total neutron yield to each isotope.

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