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Design Consolidate Cost Accounting System For Economic Entities

      The Costing Accounting is one the analytic tools which plays important role by support the management in planning&  control and decisions-making ,as it became attendant necessity to establish any project whether industrial ,commercial ,service or agriculture ..etc.

     The consolidated accounting system has committed the companies to have their active costing system in which the management can obtain their own data, but we found most of the economic units face problems of applying the costing system because of reasons related to the system design itself or might be related to the requirements of the application success.   

    So the study has been prepared for the potentiality  to set and designing Consolidated Costing System that provides relevant  information for proper  decision-making, So the need has been emerged in practical realism to review the costing  system that came with the Consolidated Accounting System specially since increasing the demand for information and the changes that occurs in business environments and the insistence to perform competitive advantageous. 

Al-Kut General  Company For Textile Industries has been selected as a field to apply this study due to its importance on industrial sector level, in addition to experience of the company and its potentialities as well

 Through studying the truth  of current costing system and identifying the weaknesses & strength points ,also create model for a Consolidated Costing System that fits the nature of cost centers and products too.

    The system has been applied and the outputs  has compared  in form that shows the information and the styles that is created from applying the new system shall be more efficient and important in serving  the management to provide all requirements for information.


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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect the combination of antibiotics on clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus

Atotal of 75 different clinical samples were collected from different hospitals in Baghdad Biochemical and morphological characterization tests showed that forty isolates were identified as Staphylococcus aureus Antibiotic susceptibility tests of all isolates towards ten antibiotics were carried out and results showed that many isolates (97.5 %) were resistant to ?-lactam antibiotic , 70 % were resistant to Tetracyclinee , 62.5% were resistant to co-trimoxazole , 60 % were resistant to ciprofloxacin , 55% were resistant both of chloramphenicol and erythromycin , 52.5% were resistant to gentamicin , 35% were resistant to rifampicin , 10% were resistant to vancomycin . According to the above results the S.aureus I1 which is isolated

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment of Soil Liquefaction Potential Based on SPT Values at Some Ground Profiles in the North Central Coast of Vietnam

     The North Central Coast of Vietnam has a wide distribution of loose sand which is often exposed on the surface. The thickness changes from a few meters to over ten meters. This sand with the loose state can be sensitive to the dynamic loads, such as earthquakes, traffic load, or machine foundations. It can be liquefied under these loadings, which might destroy the ground and buildings. The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is widely used in engineering practice and its values can be useful for the assessment of soil liquefaction potential. Thus, this article presents some ground profiles in some sites in the North Central Coast of Vietnam and determines the liquefaction potential of sand based on SPT

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Semi-Analytical Assessment of Magneto-Hydrodynamic Nano-Fluid Flow Jeffrey- Hamel Problem

In this paper, analyzing the non-dimensional Magnesium-hydrodynamics problem Using nanoparticles in Jeffrey-Hamel flow (JHF) has been studied. The fundamental equations for this issue are reduced to a three-order ordinary differential equation. The current project investigated the effect of the angles between the plates, Reynolds number, nanoparticles volume fraction parameter, and magnetic number on the velocity distribution by using analytical technique known as a perturbation iteration scheme (PIS). The effect of these parameters is similar in the converging and diverging channels except magnetic number that it is different in the divergent channel. Furthermore, the resulting solutions with good convergence and high accuracy for the d

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Monitoring Land Cover Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: a Case Study of Al-Dalmaj Marsh, Iraq

Al-Dalmaj marsh and the near surrounding area is a very promising area for energy resources, tourism, agricultural and industrial activities. Over the past century, the Al-Dalmaje marsh and near surroundings area endrous from a number of changes. The current study highlights the spatial and temporal changes detection in land cover for Al-Dalmaj marsh and near surroundings area using different analyses methods the supervised maximum likelihood classification method, the Normalized  Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Geographic Information Systems(GIS),  and Remote Sensing (RS). Techniques spectral indices were used in this study to determine the change of wetlands and drylands area and of other land classes, th

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Crossref (9)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Roller compacted concrete: Literature review

Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a material with no slumps and is made from the same raw materials as conventional concrete. The roller compacted dam method, the high paste technique, the corps of engineers method, and the maximum density method are all ways of designing RCC. The evolution of RCC has resulted in a substantial change in construction projects, most notably in dams, because of the sluggish pace of conventional placement, consolidation, and compacting. The construction process was accelerated by incorporating RCC into dams, resulting in a shorter construction period. Research shows that the dams that used RCC had completed one to two years sooner than the dams that used regular concrete (Bagheri an

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Impact of Fear and Prey Refuge on the Dynamics of the Food Web Involving Scavenger

        In this paper, the effects of prey’s fear on the dynamics of the prey, predator, and scavenger system incorporating a prey refuge with the linear type of functional response were studied theoretically as well as numerically approach. The local and global stabilities of all possible equilibrium points are investigated. The persistence conditions of the model are established. the local bifurcation analysis around the equilibrium points, as well as the Hopf bifurcation near the positive equilibrium point, are discussed and analyzed. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out, and the obtained trajectories are drowned using the application of Matlab version (6) to explain our found analytical

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Treatment of Used lubricant Oil by Solvent Extraction

This study investigates the treatment of used lubricating oils from AL-Mussaib Gas Power Station Company-Iraq, which was treated with different extractive solvents (heptane and 2-propanol). The performance activity of these solvents in the extraction process was examined and evaluated experimentally. Operating parameters were solvent to oil ratios of (1:2, 1:4, 1:6, and 1:8), mixing time (20, 35, 50, and 65 min), temperatures (30, 40, 50, and 60 ºC), and mixing speed (500 rpm). These parameters were studied and analyzed. The quality is determined by the measuring and assessment of important characteristics specially viscosity, viscosity index, specific gravity, pour point, flash point, and ash content. The results confirm that the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Enhancing Drilling Parameters in Majnoon Oilfield

The objective of drilling parameters optimization in Majnoon oilfield is to arrive for a methodology that considers the past drilling data for five directional wells at 35 degree of inclination as a baseline for new wells to be drilled. Also, to predicts drilling performance by selecting the applied drilling parameters generated the highest rate of penetration (ROP) at each section. The focal point of the optimization process is to reduce drilling time and associated cost per each well. The results of this study show that the maximum ROP could not be achieved without sufficient flow rate to cool and clean the bit in clay intervals (36" and 24") hole sections. Although the influence of combination of Weight on Bit (WOB), Round per minute

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2014
Journal Name
Sino Us
“Actual Experience”: Correcting Misconceptions Through Analyzing Harriet Wilson’s Our Nig

African-American writers during the 19th century wrote in the shadow of the prominent romance, sentimental, and domestic fiction. Harriet Wilson’s Our Nig (1859) reflects an “alternative social character”, for the female protagonist suffers racism in the free North, because she is a mulatto child. Through depicting the life of free blacks, who supposedly lives a better life than Southern slaves, Wilson exposes how she has actually lived and sensed life in antebellum America. According to Raymond Williams (2011), there are two kinds of literary writings. The first represents the general tendency of the age, and he calls it “dominant social character”; representing the majority content of both the public writing and speaking. But, a

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives

The study aimed to purification of acid phosphatase (ACP) from sera of obesetype 2 diabetes mellitus patients, this study included from thirty T2DM patients and thirty control, purification process was done with several steps included precipitation with inorganic salt (NH4 ) 2SO4 30%-80%, dialysis, ion exchange chromatography by DEAE sepharose anion column and size exclusion chromatography by Sepharose 6B.ACP, BMI, FBS, HbA1c, Lipid profile, Urea, Creatinie, Insuline, Homa-IR were determined. Results showed the precipitate and concentrated protein appeared four peaks in ion exchange column. ACP located in the first and second peak with purification fold (21.1), (37.2) yield of enzyme and specific activity (173.3) IU/ml, which obtained a si

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