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Design Consolidate Cost Accounting System For Economic Entities
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      The Costing Accounting is one the analytic tools which plays important role by support the management in planning&  control and decisions-making ,as it became attendant necessity to establish any project whether industrial ,commercial ,service or agriculture ..etc.

     The consolidated accounting system has committed the companies to have their active costing system in which the management can obtain their own data, but we found most of the economic units face problems of applying the costing system because of reasons related to the system design itself or might be related to the requirements of the application success.   

    So the study has been prepared for the potentiality  to set and designing Consolidated Costing System that provides relevant  information for proper  decision-making, So the need has been emerged in practical realism to review the costing  system that came with the Consolidated Accounting System specially since increasing the demand for information and the changes that occurs in business environments and the insistence to perform competitive advantageous. 

Al-Kut General  Company For Textile Industries has been selected as a field to apply this study due to its importance on industrial sector level, in addition to experience of the company and its potentialities as well

 Through studying the truth  of current costing system and identifying the weaknesses & strength points ,also create model for a Consolidated Costing System that fits the nature of cost centers and products too.

    The system has been applied and the outputs  has compared  in form that shows the information and the styles that is created from applying the new system shall be more efficient and important in serving  the management to provide all requirements for information.


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Memorizing the Holy Quran and its Impact on Child's Language: سالم بن غرم الله بن محمد الزهراني/ جامعة ام القرى - السعودية
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في هذا العصر - الذي داهمت في الأخطار لغة الفصاحة والبيان - يبقى القرآن الكريم أعظم حافظ للغة السليمة ، وأكبر معين لأهلها للحفاظ على ثرائها وبلاغتها ، فهي باقية ببقائه ما بقي الليل والنهار .

وهذا البحث يدور حول حفظ القرآن الكريم وأثره على لغة الطفل، ويتكون من مقدمة : وفيها بيان أهمية الموضوع ، وخطة البحث ، ومنهجه، وثلاثة مباحث:

المبحث الأول : فضل حفظ القرآن الكريم ، وفوائد حفظه إجمالاً ، والمبحث الثاني :

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculation of the Time Interval of Radio Storm Emitted from Jupiter
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A program in Visual Basic language was designed to calculate the time interval of radio storm by predict their type at specific Local Time (LT) from Baghdad location, such storms result from the Central Meridian Longitude (CML) of system ΙΙΙ for Jupiter and phase of Io’s satellite (ФIo). These storms are related to position of Io (Io- A,B,C,D). The input parameters for this program were the observer’s location (longitude), year, month and day. The output program results in form of tables provide the observer information about the date and the LT of beginning and end of each type of emitted storm. The year 2011 was taken to apply the results within twelve month; the results of the time interval of radio storm were between (0.08h-5

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of structural and electrical properties ofCuIn (Sex Te1-x) 2 thin films
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structural and electrical of CuIn (Sex Te1-x)2

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Effect of Prelabour Rupture of Membranes on Circulating Neonatal Nucleated Red Blood Cells
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 Background: Prelabour rupture of membranes is a problem that faces the obstetricians. It has many maternal and fetal sequale and its etiology and management still controversial.
Objective: To test the absolute nucleated red blood cells counts at birth in infants who are born after prelabour rupture of membranes.
Methods: A prospective study conducted in AL-Kadhymia Teaching Hospital. Hundred pregnant women were included in this study. Fifty pregnant women who had prelabour rupture of membranes considered as group (1), other fifty pregnant women with intact membranes considered as group (2) through a period of one year. Nucleated red blood cell counts of venous cord blood obtained within one hour of life from 50 infants who we

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analytical Study of near Mobility Edge Density of States of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
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Experimental results for the density of states of hydrogenated amorphous silicon due to Jackson et al near the valence and conduction band edges were analyzed using Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear fitting method. It is found that the density of states of the valence band and the conduction band can be fitted to a simple power law, with a power index 0.60 near the valence band edge, and 0.55 near the conduction band edge. These results indicate a modest but noticeable deviation from the square root law (power index=0.5) which is found in crystalline semiconductors. Analysis of Jackson et al density of states integral J(E) data over about (1.4 eV) of photon energy range, showed a significant fit to a simple power law with a power index of 2.11

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Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of the Degree of Consumption (DoC) of Lube Engine Oils Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy
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    The accreditation of a fast, inexpensive, and simple way to discriminate between different kinds of oils and their efficacy “degree of consumption (DoC)” has been developed. The fluorescence spectroscopy provides a reliable method for oil inspection without resorting to tedious separation.

Different new and used oil samples available in the local Iraqi market were investigated. While the challenge is to build a directory containing data of all the oils available in the local market. This method expected to control the falsified (forged) trademarks of motor oils and to discriminate between different oils.

The excitation-emission spectra of oil samples were determined in the range of 200 â€

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Adopting the public on satellite channels
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The importance of television has emerged as an effective and influential force in the lives of societies and peoples, And not just a professional media since the fifties of the twentieth century, It was used as a platform to achieve the goals and objectives of the media and politics for governments, agencies and individuals in different countries of the world, Using many methods, methods and techniques that later became important major subjects and curricula and a scientific specialization that was founded for him to study and teach in most international universities, The media, especially television and satellite channels, play an active and significant role in managing crises and conflicts and directing them through the methods of deal

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Internet and Press Blogging
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The emergence of the Internet and its transformation in the early nineties of the last century led to a means of mass communication that brought about significant structural changes in the media map.

Over the course of historical development, the public did not engage the media in its behavior in the implementation and dissemination of an idea, generalization or theory put forward by media experts or practitioners through these means to do it. Blogs represent the most important service provided by the Internet in recent years which has gained special importance in the media field. Where the word “Blogs” has several names: (alternative media), (blogging press), (popular press) and other names.

The medi

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Shyness and its relation to feeling of psychological isolation among first intermediate students
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The study attempts to measure the level of shyness; the level of psychological isolation; to identify the relationship between shyness and psychological isolation; and to identify the differences between shyness and psychological isolation among first-intermediate students. To this end, a random sample comprised (187) male and female students was chosen for the academic year (2016-2017) from Baghdad \ Al-Rasafa. To measure the shyness and psychological isolation, the researcher designed two scales: one to measure the shyness composed of (37) items divided into four domains; and the other to measure the psychological isolation made of (56) items divided into three domains. The study concluded that the sample has a medium level of shyness;

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Sources of Organizational Power Prevailing among Academic Leaders at University of Tabuk and its Relationship to Institutional Creativity from the Viewpoint of Faculty Members: شروق بنت عبد الخالق الأسمري , علي بن حسن القرني
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This study aims to examine the sources of organizational power prevailing among the academic leaders at the University of Tabuk from the faculty members’ viewpoint. The purposes behind such an aim are: to reveal the level of administrative and technical institutional creativity, the nature of the relationship between the reality of organizational power and the level of institutional creativity, and to disclose statistically the significant differences between the averages of faculty members’ responses attributed to the demographic variables (gender,  years of experience, academic degree). The study used the descriptive approach, both survey and correlational. A questionnaire was used to collect data from a simple random sample o

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