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Organizational citizenship behaviors under theory of servant leadership: A exploratory study in a sample of faculties of the University of Alqadisiya
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This study aimed to identify the role of servant leadership in promoting organizational citizenship behaviors in a sample of faculties of the University of Alqadisiya .It tried to answer several questions represented its problem.


 The most important questions are the followings:

1- Is there enough perception among administrative leaders in the aforementioned faculties toward the concept of servant leadership? And under what level?                                                 
2 - Is there enough perception among administrative leaders in those faculties toward organizational citizenship behavior? What is its level?
3 - Is there a relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors? What is the nature of this relationship?
4 - Is there a statistically significant effect of servant leadership in organizational citizenship behaviors?

The researchers adopted  the descriptive   approach to analyze views of a sample of (287) department heads and faculty members in six out of eleven faculties of the University. The researchers used the questionnaire to measure the study variables to measure the variables of the study .They also used a set of necessary statistical methods and  programs to test its hypotheses and then achieve its objectives, which showed a statistically significant correlation and  effect between servant leadership style and organizational citizenship behavior.                                                                   
       In light of the findings emerged from the study, the researchers have made a set of recommendations in the forefront of them is  the importance of servant leadership in promoting organizational citizenship behaviors to achieve objectives of educational institutions, and establish the concept of service and compassion among members of faculties  and to create a climate that encourages service and personal assistance, as well as developing  training programs for administrative leadership to ensure   the concept of service to them.


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Publication Date
Sun May 06 2007
Journal Name
كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة/جامعة بغداد .
تأثير التمرينات الاوكسجينية واللاأوكسجينية في الوحدة التدريبية لتطوير بعض القدرات الوظيفية والبدنية للاعبي كر ة القدم بعمر (13-14)سنة. رسالة ماجستير
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيز نزرة في نماذج غذائية ومائية مختلفة باستخدام منظومة بخار الزئبق البارد المرتبطة مع جهاز الامتصاص الذري اللهبي
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     يتضمن البحث تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيزنزرة عالية الدقة (نانوغرام) باستخدام منظومة يخار الزئبق البارد لنماذج غذائية (لحوم حمراء ، لحوم بيضاء ) مختلفة ونماذج مائية (ماء النهر، مياه صناعية ، ماء الشرب) وربط المنظومة بتقنية الامتصاص الذري اللهبي.

     ان عنصر الزئبق من اشد العناصر سمية وان التراكيز المسموح بها عالميا لايتعدى جزء واحد

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاديب الكاتب والمؤرخ الفقيه يحيى بن خلدون (ت 780هـ/ 1379م) كاتب ديوان الانشاء في دولة بني زيان (633-962هـ/ 1235-1554م) بتلمسان
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    A prominent figure such as Yahya bin Khaldoun and a scholar of the moroccan countries in the medieval era, and had a special place in the history of the country and the state of Bani Zayan, and the positions he occupied in it and left his scientific, literary and historical traces, leaving him an imprint in the course of history and its events, and in this study
I dealt with the research: his personal life : his name and lineage, then his upbringing and his family.

    The aim of the study is to know this character in the details of his personal and scientific life, according to the historical descriptive research method, including description and presentation of events, and linking them in a

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 04 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Re-assessment and tune-up gas condensate reservoir potential in Northern Iraq using material balance and reservoir simulation result techniques
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Abstract<p>The main parameter that drives oil industry contract investment and set up economic feasibility study for approving field development plan is hydrocarbon reservoir potential. So a qualified experience should be deeply afforded to correctly evaluate hydrocarbons reserve by applying different techniques at each phase of field management, through collecting and using valid and representative data sources, starting from exploration phase and tune-up by development phase. Commonly, volumetric calculation is the main technique for estimate reservoir potential using available information at exploration stage which is quite few data; in most cases, this technique estimate big figure of reserve. In this study</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
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Type 2 daibetes mellitus (T2DM) is a global concern boosted by both population growth and ageing, the majority of affected people are aged between (40- 59 year). The objective of this research was to estimate the impact of age and gender on glycaemic control parameters: Fasting blood glucose (FBC), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C), insulin, insulin resistance (IR) and insulin sensitivity (IS), renal function parameters: urea, creatinine and oxidative stress parameters: total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Eighty-one random samples of T2DM patients (35 men and 46 women) were included in this study, their average age was 52.75±9.63 year. Current study found that FBG, HbA1C and IR were highly significant (P<0.01) inc

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Poly (N, N-dimethyl aniline) Coating for Stainless Steel, Synthesis, Characterization and Corrosion Protection in Sea Water 3.5% NaCl Solution
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This research involves the synthesis of conductive polymer includes: poly (N, Ndimethyl
aniline) on metal surface which is stainless steel 316 by using
electrochemical polymerization technique. Parameters of this research are voltage
rang, scan rate, number of cycles. The tests for corrosion protection of the polymer
coated and uncoated stainless steel substrate was investigated in artificial sea water
of 3.5% NaCl solution by tafel and potentiodynamic procedures. Fourier Transform
Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy, Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) were used to
diagnose and describe the structure and morphology of the coating. Parameters of

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Reducing False Notification in Identifying Malicious Application Programming Interface(API) to Detect Malwares Using Artificial Neural Network with Discriminant Analysis
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 This paper argues the accuracy of behavior based detection systems, in which the Application Programming Interfaces (API) calls are analyzed and monitored. The work identifies the problems that affecting the accuracy of such detection models. The work was extracted (4744) API call through analyzing. The new approach provides an accurate discriminator and can reveal malicious API in PE malware up to 83.2%. Results of this work evaluated with Discriminant Analysis

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Correlation between serum carnitine level and Soluble Receptors for Advance Glycation End Products(sRAGE) in Clomiphene Citrate Resistant- PCOS Women
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   The most frequently diagnosed condition in women at the age of reproduction is the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).it could be related to a complex endocrine condition, due to its heterogeneity and uncertainty about its etiology, as the clinical highlights of PCOS incorporate those related to reproductive signs such as decreased frequency of ovulation, irregular menstrual cycles, decreased fertility. Carnitine plays a substantial role in weight loss, glucose tolerance, insulin function and fatty acid metabolism. Thus carnitine plays a crucial role in controlling  obesity, insulin resistance, oxidative stress that are  associated with PCOS .While, AGEs are a diverse group of reactive molecules that are formed end

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Salivary microRNAs (hsa-miR-200a, hsa-miR-125a and hsa- miR-93) in relation to age, gender and histopathological parameters.
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Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that post‐transcriptionally regulate gene expression by targeting specific mRNAs. The main objective of this study was measure the level of salivary (hsa-miR-200a, hsa-miR-125a and hsa- miR-93) in both oral squamous cell carcinoma and healthy controls to asses the association of them with age, gender and tumor grade materials and methods The level of three salivary microRNAs namely hsa-miR-200a, hsa-miR-125a and hsa- miR-93 were measured in saliva of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma and healthy controls by using reveres transcription, preamplification and quantitative PCR also the general information from each patient including the age, sex and tumor grade were record

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 04 2024
Journal Name
Chemical Review And Letters
Newly designed 2-(aminomethyl)benzimidazole derivatives as possible tyrosine kinase inhibitors: synthesis, characterization, preliminary cytotoxic evaluation and in Silico studies
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