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Organizational citizenship behaviors under theory of servant leadership: A exploratory study in a sample of faculties of the University of Alqadisiya
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This study aimed to identify the role of servant leadership in promoting organizational citizenship behaviors in a sample of faculties of the University of Alqadisiya .It tried to answer several questions represented its problem.


 The most important questions are the followings:

1- Is there enough perception among administrative leaders in the aforementioned faculties toward the concept of servant leadership? And under what level?                                                 
2 - Is there enough perception among administrative leaders in those faculties toward organizational citizenship behavior? What is its level?
3 - Is there a relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors? What is the nature of this relationship?
4 - Is there a statistically significant effect of servant leadership in organizational citizenship behaviors?

The researchers adopted  the descriptive   approach to analyze views of a sample of (287) department heads and faculty members in six out of eleven faculties of the University. The researchers used the questionnaire to measure the study variables to measure the variables of the study .They also used a set of necessary statistical methods and  programs to test its hypotheses and then achieve its objectives, which showed a statistically significant correlation and  effect between servant leadership style and organizational citizenship behavior.                                                                   
       In light of the findings emerged from the study, the researchers have made a set of recommendations in the forefront of them is  the importance of servant leadership in promoting organizational citizenship behaviors to achieve objectives of educational institutions, and establish the concept of service and compassion among members of faculties  and to create a climate that encourages service and personal assistance, as well as developing  training programs for administrative leadership to ensure   the concept of service to them.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Gallic Acid as Corrosion Inhibitor for Aluminum 6061 in Alkali Solutions
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      The research aims to study the corrosion of aluminum alloy(6061) in 0.6 mol. dm-3 NaCl solution in base medium  was examined with out and with Gallic acid as environmentally – friendly corrosion inhibitor at temperature range (298-313)K. The inhibitive action of gallic acid on corrosion of aluminum alloy(6061)  in KOH solution was examined through electrochemical polarization method using potentiostatic technique and surface analysis by optical microscopy,  Polarization measurements indicate that the examined compound act as a mixed type inhibitor. Results appeared that the inhibition occurs through adsorption of the inhibitor molecules on the metal surface and it was obeyed

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Statistical testing mediation in structural equations models variables with practical application
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       This study is studied one method of estimation and testing parameters mediating variables in a structural equations model SEM is causal steps method, in order to identify and know the variables that have indirect effects by estimating and testing mediation variables parameters by the above way and then applied to Iraq Women Integrated Social and Health Survey (I-WISH) for year 2011 from the Ministry of planning - Central statistical organization to identify if the  variables having the effect of mediation in the model by the step causal methods by using AMOS program V.23, it
was the independent variable X represents a phenomenon studied (cultural case of the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Serumleptin, Triglycerides, Cholestrol and Hdl- Cholestrol In Non Dlabetic Obese Subjects
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         This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between Serum leptin, Body Mass Index (BMI), Triglycerides, Cholesterol and HDL- Cholesterol in Non Diabetic Obese subjects comparing with healthy subject. A 36 male and female Iraqis obese were studied, mean age 50.1, 43.3 years respectively and 23 healthy subjects. Serum leptin, Triglycerides, Cholesterol and HDL- Cholesterol were measured. Leptin, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, HDL- Cholesterol and BMI significantly increased in obese males and females compared with control, but there was no significant difference in HDL- Cholesterol and BMI when compared between obese males and females. A low significant positive correlation was f

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pristina species (oligochaeta: naididae) in tigris river within baghdad city / Iraq
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A total of 72 individuals of genus Pristina were sorted from aquatic plant, Ceratophyllum demersum L., and filamentous algae collected from three sites on Tigris River at Baghdad including: Al-Sarafiya area (S1), Al- Jadiriyah area (S2), and Al- Za´afaraniya area (S3). Four species were identified including P. longiseta, P. aequiseta, P. proboscidea and P. foreli, with percentags of 51.7 , 36.4, 1.1, and 10.5 % respectively. The first two species found in all sites , while , P. proboscidea found only in S1 and P. foreli only in S2.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Obesity in kindergarten children and its relation with some variables Family
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Obesity is a common disease that resulted from over-nutrition in adults and children. It rarely causes damage to the centers of food in the brain. Obesity is defined as an increased body weight from its natural limit which is resulted from the accumulation of excessive amounts of fatty tissue incredibly up to 20% in males, 30 % in females unless this increase is not due to an increase in muscles as in athletes or accumulation of water in the body which is resulted from Mesothelioma or the magnitude of the skeleton.Obesity is the increase of the total average of fat in the body compared to other tissues, which causes an increasing body weight, thereby increasing body mass. The fatty child has an increase in the stored fatty layer under th

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Groundwater Simulation and Wells Distribution at Qazaniyah City in Diyala Governorate
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In recent years, there is more interest in water sources availability, including groundwater due to an increase in demand for water because of the increasing population in the world, and the water recedes due to climate change also. Therefore, the study of groundwater has required more attention. The aim of the present study is to establish a MODFLOW model in the groundwater modeling system software to simulate the movement of groundwater in the Turssaq alluvial fan which is located in the Qazaniyah city, east of Diyala Governorate. The solid model was used to define the aquifer in the study area. Using the GIS software, mapping and preparing the data needed to create a conceptual model were carried out. The data of the

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Community Tracking in Time Evolving Networks: An Evolutionary Multi-objective Approach
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In real world, almost all networks evolve over time. For example, in networks of friendships and acquaintances, people continually create and delete friendship relationship connections over time, thereby add and draw friends, and some people become part of new social networks or leave their networks, changing the nodes in the network. Recently, tracking communities encountering topological shifting drawn significant attentions and many successive algorithms have been proposed to model the problem. In general, evolutionary clustering can be defined as clustering data over time wherein two concepts: snapshot quality and temporal smoothness should be considered. Snapshot quality means that the clusters should be as precise as possible durin

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Biomedical Signal Processing And Control
Decoding transient sEMG data for intent motion recognition in transhumeral amputees
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Swarm And Evolutionary Computation
Algorithmic design issues in adaptive differential evolution schemes: Review and taxonomy
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Publication Date
Mon May 23 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
Physoxia Influences Global and Gene-Specific Methylation in Pluripotent Stem Cells
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Pluripotent stem cells (PSC) possess unlimited proliferation, self-renewal, and a differentiation capacity spanning all germ layers. Appropriate culture conditions are important for the maintenance of self-renewal, pluripotency, proliferation, differentiation, and epigenetic states. Oxygen concentrations vary across different human tissues depending on precise cell location and proximity to vascularisation. The bulk of PSC culture-based research is performed in a physiologically hyperoxic, air oxygen (21% O2) environment, with numerous reports now detailing the impact of a physiologic normoxia (physoxia), low oxygen culture in the maintenance of stemness, survival, morphology, proliferation, differentiation potential, and epigenetic

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