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Proposed method to estimate missing values in Non - Parametric multiple regression model
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In this paper, we will provide a proposed method to estimate missing values for the Explanatory variables for Non-Parametric Multiple Regression Model and compare it with the Imputation Arithmetic mean Method, The basis of the idea of this method was based on how to employ the causal relationship between the variables in finding an efficient estimate of the missing value, we rely on the use of the Kernel estimate by Nadaraya – Watson Estimator , and on Least Squared Cross Validation (LSCV) to estimate the Bandwidth, and we use the simulation study to compare between the two methods.


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Multifactor Algorithm for Test Case Selection and Ordering
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Regression testing being expensive, requires optimization notion. Typically, the optimization of test cases results in selecting a reduced set or subset of test cases or prioritizing the test cases to detect potential faults at an earlier phase. Many former studies revealed the heuristic-dependent mechanism to attain optimality while reducing or prioritizing test cases. Nevertheless, those studies were deprived of systematic procedures to manage tied test cases issue. Moreover, evolutionary algorithms such as the genetic process often help in depleting test cases, together with a concurrent decrease in computational runtime. However, when examining the fault detection capacity along with other parameters, is required, the method falls sh

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the accounting system of the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations (*) at the Office of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
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The evaluation and efficiency and effectiveness of account system for the department of delegation and cultural Relationships in the center of ministry of higher Education and Scientific research Considered as a very important and active subjects in the modification of accounting system in this department and to develop it and make it able to make available important and accurate information for the planning requirements and monetary and evaluation performance and to make decisions, besides to develop the performance of Iraqi Cultural departments working abroad and to render its role effective to serve the students of higher education in the progressive Countries to facility its growing in scientific and professional and technica

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Historical Value of Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities
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In "historical" fiction, characters that never really existed, give expression to the impact of historical events on the people who really did live through them. The result is not history, as an accurate record of actual events, but fiction in which an earlier age is rendered through the personal joys and sufferings of characters. This paper
aims at investigating the historical realities presented in Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing the investment budgeting through evaluation of investment projects
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The aim of the research is to determine the impact of evaluating the investment projects in the development and preparation of investment budgets prepared by the economic units, since the investment projects are of an important and vital nature of the economic units, because these projects include the length of time for preparation and implementation and the accompanying period of this risk and uncertainties as well as need To the many funds to complete the project , The process of evaluating the implemented projects, which have been prepared an investment budget previously will contribute to the extent of matching the estimated data with the actual results or deviations, which is a step to avoid these errors in future p

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Lark Journal
The problem of synonyms and similar words in the translation of the Holy Quran into Russian (based on the translation by Elmir Kuliev) اشكالية الترادف والكلمات المتقاربة في المعنى في ترجمة القران الكريم الى اللغة الروسية (بناءا على ترجمة إلمير كولييف) Проблема синонимов и близких по значению слов в переводе Священного Корана на русский язык (на материале перевода Эльмира Кулиева)
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In our research, we dealt with one of the most important issues of linguistic studies of the Holy Qur’an, which is the words that are close in meaning, which some believe are synonyms, but in the Arabic language they are not considered synonyms because there are subtle differences between them. Synonyms in the Arabic language are very few, rather rare, and in the Holy Qur’an they are completely non-existent. And how were these words, close in meaning, translated in the translation of the Holy Qur’an by Almir Kuliev into the Russian language.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Mechanisms of Pricing Iraqi Crude Oil and It's Reflect On the Trends of Export (2003-2013)
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Oil is considered the most important source for providing the funds for the national economic sectors. The revenues of oil constitute %95 of the GPD. Therefore, the development of the remaining sectors depend on oil..

The Iraqi Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) depended on the a unified price for all the buyers, That may not reflect the real value of market and did not contribute in marketing the type of heavy oil. Then, to what extent had SOMO been able to market the light and heavy crude oil in a way that contains the expected increase in the crude oil production.      

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Testing the Assumption of Linearity for Sales of State Company for Electrical Industries
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In this study, the four tests employed for non-linear dependence which is Engle (1982), McLeod &Li (1983), Tsay (1986), and Hinich & Patterson (1995). To test the null hypothesis that the time series is a serially independent and identical distribution process .The linear structure is removed from the data which is represent the sales of State Company for Electrical Industries, through a pre-whitening model, AR (p) model .From The results for tests to the data is not so clear.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Intellectual trends on the nature of the Economic Structure of Iraq
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The Impact of Intellectual trends on the nature of the Economic Structure of Iraq

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
. Preparation and Characterization of Atorvastatin Calcium Trihydrate-cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex
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Atorvastatin calcium (ATR) is an antihyperlipidemic agent used for lowering blood cholesterol levels. However, it is very slightly soluble in water with poor oral bioavailability, which interferes with its therapeutic action. It is classified as a class II drug according to Biopharmaceutical Classification System (low solubility and high permeability).

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
independence of the central banks with a focus on measuring the independence of the central bank of Jordan
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The main topic of this study is central around the independence of Jordanian central bank and the extent of the effectiveness at the bank in leading the monetary policy without interferences or pressures from side of the government.  the degree of independence of Jordanian central bank was  based on the following based hypothesis following ,there is relationship between the independence of the central bank and the legislative and economical indices. the most important recommendations are degree of independence of the Jordan central bank 43.5% is a good one, but it possible to reach a higher degree than this one by to making some modification on the Jordanian central bank law and by the central bank should be more rigid

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