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Public expenditures transferring and its role in the redistribution of income with particular reference to the experiences of elected

After the success of the reforms Keynesian save the capitalist system from collapse and to apply the concepts of state intervention in economic activity in order to revive aggregate demand to achieve the purposes of macro-economic policies which draw their scope of economic (John Keynes) theory of effective demand, which created the new role of the state away from the classical concepts. Valley transmission role of the State of (State Guardian) to the process of state overlapping that increased and social functions have become responsible for raising the standard of living of classes with limited incomes, in particular, and the rest of the classes in general, through the expansion of the delivery of public services, including the costs of manufacturing the social face of disease, disability and aging and unemployment.

Has expanded the size of these expenses in the Iraqi economy after 2003 as a result of the requirements of the process of economic justice have been through parliamentary legislation to establish a number of ministries, agencies, and institutions such as the Ministry of Human Rights and the Ministry of Displacement and Migration and the issue, justice and institutions of the martyrs and political prisoners in order to achieve social balance and achieve social justice in Iraqi society. Became the state is responsible for the fight against economic and social underdevelopment by creating the necessary capital and customizations to achieve adequate placed economic and social development and restoring the balance between community groups. And expenses Manufacturing government are subject to factors outside the scope of economic analysis, such as political factors and ideology that relate to spending on social services and used government authority Finance to maintain its control over the state, either through tax policy or through public expenditure, as happened during the Great Depression of the world for the period (1929 - 1933), which increased unemployment that has become there armies of the unemployed, the hungry and the coup that threatened the capitalist system and its termination as a state

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 15 2023
Journal Name
Arid International Journal Of Media Studies And Communication Sciences
صناعة المحتوى في المواقع الالكترونية وانعكاسه على مستوى ثقة الجمهور

تشهد الساحة الاعلامية في وقتنا الحاضر تطورات سريعة وبشكل متزايد سواء في طريقة صناعة الرسالة الاعلامية او اسلوب تقديمها وعرضها ،وفي ظل تعدد وتنوع وسائل الاعلام الجديد والزخم الاعلامي الذي يتعرض له المستخدم فيجد نفسه وسط كم هائل من الاخبار متعددة المصادر والاشكال ، فكيف له ان يميز بين المعلومة الصادقة والزائفة ؟ ومادرجة ثقته بتلك المعلومات والمواقع الالكترونية ؟ ويهدف البحث الى الكشف عن مدى توفر عناصر صناعة

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دور دور الوزير الفاطمي اليازوري وسياسته الداخلية والخارجية في مصر

Anhdralazuri of Yazour a village Ramle Palestine, from a religious family of Abu Mohammed Yazouri arrived in Egypt in the year (439 AH / 1036 AD), and was aimed from behind, returned him to his previous position to assume spend Ramle, Fasttaa a senior statesmen to provide Abu Muhammad Yazouri L. Caliph assuming start, Vtm him so, raising its standing and became MetwallyDiwan or caliph, in the year (441 AH / 1049 AD) was assigned the Chief Justice did not stop at that, but the era of his post of the ministry a year (442 AH / 1051 AD), having proven merit in every Matulah, The minister Yazouri of the powerful minister aspiring and employers pens won several titles did not collect it for one by the judiciary, advocacy and ministry granted C

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 04 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اثر أثر الدين في شخصية الملك أمنمحات الأول (1991-1961ق.م)

The impact of religion in the character of the King Amenmhet I


This research try to show the  influence of the religion in the character of King Amenmhet I , he entered the names of the gods in the installation of  his names, because he aimed to  the trust of fellows  and to get the loyalty centers of worship, and deliberately enter the name of the god Amun in the composition of his name and make him  the first god of the state, which covered all the gods of Egypt, after the merge with each other, such as the gods Re became the god Amun - Re or after he inherited the functions of some of the other recipes such as what happened with the god Min

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
الصفة الخطية للكلام / دراسة لسانية في تفسير الرازي (مفاتيح الغيب)

هذا البحث يعنى بدراسة بعض المظاهر اللسانية التي اثارها فخر الدين الرازي في تفسيره الكبير المعروف ب(مفاتيح الغيب) والوقوف عندما يعرف في اللسانيات المعاصرة بالصفة الخطية للكلام وقد 

وقد اثبت البحث ان الرازي اكد ما نسطلح عليه اليوم ب(الصفة الخطية للكلام) اي ان الدال ذو طبيعة سمعيه وانه يجري في الزمن وحده 

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
اثر البرنامج القصصي في تنمیة الثقة بالنفس لدى طفل الروضة

The early childhood is a dangerous period for the development of children
in their present and future life . It is important to design programs for the preschool
period .
These programs are relatd to the childs Personality and its integration .
The most effective stories and attractive programs for the child is the objective
stories which can develop his self-canfidence . Therefore the kindergarten
should participate in developing the childs personality and experience
because it is the most effective institute in the childs life .
The present study aims at finding out the effect of the narrative program in
the kindergartens . This has been done by investigating the truth of a number
of hypotheses to measure

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Türkçe'de –madan, -meden Ulaç Ekinin Yazılışı ve kullanılışı

Araştırmamın adı: Türkçe'de –madan, -meden Ulaç Ekinin Yazılışı ve Kullanılışıdır.

      Ulaçlar, kişi ve zaman kavramı olmadan temel cümlenin yada yan cümlenin yüklemini niteleyen, cümlede genellikle zarf tümleci olarak görev yapan fiilimsilerdir. İkinci bir görevleri yardımcı fiillerle birlikte kullanılarak birleşik fiiller kurmak olan ulaçlar, cümlede bağlaç görevinde kullanılabilirler, ve birleşik cümleler kurabilirler. Bazı ulaç ekleri zarf, edat gibi kalıcı sözcük yapımında da kullanılırlar.

      Bu araştırmada Orhun Türkçesi'nde başlayıp Türkiye Türkçesine kadar uzanan tarihi dönemlere ait eserlerden –m

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اصناف أصناف النساء اللواتي وردَ لعنُهُنّ في الحديث النبويّ الشريف

Praise be to God, who is by His Power, righteous is done, and by His help to slaves who He likes, and God bless our Prophet Muhammad envoy mercy to the worlds, and upon his family and the good mates until Doomsday.After:

The fact that cursing is the far distance and expulsion from the mercy of God, curse has been proven by him - peace be upon him - for the many varieties in the Sunnah, with indication of a permit cursing the insurgents from the people of Qibla, either saying - peace be upon him -: (the believer never be as a curser  ...), what is meant by those who do not deserve damnation of those not cursed God and His Messenger, and for this we must remove words cursing from the Dictionary of our words following the examp

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
فاعليّةُ التعبير بالجناس الناقص في ديوان حازم القَرطاجنّي (ت 684هـ)

This search aims to meditate Divan of Hazem Al-Qirtagni his incomplete contiguous and non-contiguous naturalizations are investigated through two interrelated sections, the first is contiguous deficient naturalization and the analysis of phonemic symmetry in the light of syntactic syntax, phonemic (partial) symmetry and semantic difference

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
دور التخطيط التربوي في مواجهة التحديات التي تواجه الاسرة العراقية

تواجه المجتمعات مشكلات متعددة أجتماعية وأقتصادية وثقافية تنعكس على التعليم فتزيد من مشكلاته و خاصة  في عصر يتزايد فيه عدد السكان وبالمقابل يتزايد الطلب على التعليم ، لذلك يصبح التخطيط التربوي ضرورة ملحة للدول النامية أذ أن قطاع التربية والتعليم يعد من أهم قطاعات التنمية في تلك الدول ,ولكي تستطيع  التربية أن تسهم في قطاعات التنمية قي تلك الدول الشاملة يجب أن تتصف بالجودة في كل عناصرها ومكوناتها وان

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Psychological Science
أثر استراتيجية الياءات الخمس في تنمية مهارات تشكيل الاشغال المعدنية

هدف البحث الحالي الى التعرف على اثر استراتيجية الياءات الخمس في التميه مهارة الاشغال المعدنية ، وتبلورت مشكلة البحث عن السؤال الاتي هل يوجد دور لاستراتيجية الياءات الخمس في تنمية مهارة الاشغال المعدنية لدى طلبة كلية التربية الاساسية ، عينة البحث شملت 60 طالب، اما الاستنتاجات التي توصل اليها البحث - تسهم استراتيجية في زيادة الدافعية نحو التعلم , لما توفره فيه من الجو التفاعلي الذي كسر الجمود مما انعكس ايجابياً

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