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Arab spring and problematic prescriptions capitalist construction in transitional economy
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ان الرأسمالية ليست بناءً هندسياً يتم انتظامه وفقاً للنظريات الهندسية والمعادلات الرياضية والفنون المعمارية، لأنها ببساطة نظاماً اجتماعياً يقوم على تشكيلة اقتصادية معينة، والأخيرة تقوم على مستوى معين لتطور قوى الانتاج (التكنولوجيا) والذي يقوم عليه مستوىً معين لعلاقات الإنتاج، ويقوم على التشكيلة الاقتصادية/ نمط الإنتاج نظاماً سياسياً، هو جزء من البناء الفوقي، ولأنها نظاماً اجتماعياً بالمواصفات انفة الذكر فهي ليست بناءً ابن الصفة الارادوية الذاتوية والقصدية، بل هي صيرورة ابنة عملية موضوعية لتطور عدد لا يحصى من المتغيرات واصطفافها في ظروف مواتية لتشكيل بنية اقتصادية تقوم على تقدم قوى الإنتاج، وتتطلب توافر طبقة ضليعة المصالح بالتغيير تعمل على تكييف وتغيير كافة الانظمة المؤسساتية والعلاقات والقوانين الحقوقية والتشريعات لموائمة الحركة الصاعدة المنبثقة من رحم القوانين الموضوعية .

اما تصوير الاقتصاد الانتقالي باعتباره اقتصاداً يمثل انتقالاً نحو الرأسمالية بالضرورة، ولا يحتاج سوى الى تعزيز البناء الرأسمالي، فهو لا يعدو أن يكون سوى محض نزهة مترفة في غياهب العقل خارج العناصر الموضوعية، التي يفترض انه نتاجاً لها.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Couniform Modules
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In this paper, we introduce and study a new concept named couniform modules, which is a dual notion of uniform modules, where an R-module M is said to be couniform if every proper submodule N of M is either zero or there exists a proper submodule N1 of N such that is small submodule of Also many relationships are given between this class of modules and other related classes of modules. Finally, we consider the hereditary property between R-module M and R-module R in case M is couniform.

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis AgO Nanoparticles by Nd:Yag Laser with Different Pulse Energies
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     One technique used to prepare nanoparticles material is Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid (PLAL), Silver Oxide nanoparticles (AgO) were prepared by using  this technique, where silver target was submerged in ultra-pure water (UPW)  at room temperature after that Nd:Yag laser which characteristics by 1064 nm wavelength, Q-switched, and 6ns pulse duration was used to irradiated silver target. This preparation method was used to study the effects of laser irradiation on Nanoparticles synthesized by used varying laser pulse energy 1000 mJ, 500 mJ, and 100 mJ, with 500 pulses each time on the particle size. Nanoparticles are characterized using XRD, SEM, AFM, and UV-Visible spectroscopy. All the structural peaks determined by the XRD

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Mathematical Modelling of Gene Regulatory Networks
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    This research includes the use of an artificial intelligence algorithm, which is one of the algorithms of biological systems which is the algorithm of genetic regulatory networks (GRNs), which is a dynamic system for a group of variables representing space within time. To construct this biological system, we use (ODEs) and to analyze the stationarity of the model we use Euler's method. And through the factors that affect the process of gene expression in terms of inhibition and activation of the transcription process on DNA, we will use TF transcription factors. The current research aims to use the latest methods of the artificial intelligence algorithm. To apply Gene Regulation Networks (GRNs), we used a progr

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of investigator personality pattern on job stress at the General inspectors of offices /applied thesis
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This research studied the relationship of patterns of investigator personality with the big five dimensions (Extraversion, stability, interoperability, openness, and personal benevolent), in facing the job stress with its resources(characteristics of the role, quality of work, organizational structure, work environment, organizational policies, social relations, and organizational processes) which the investigators exposed to it at the General Inspectors Offices.

The researcher derived the idea of ​​research from the importance of the work of these offices in a confrontation of various cases of financial and administrative corruption in Iraq at the present time, since itis one of the most important in

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
فلسفة دراسة أدارة الموارد البشرية بمنظور استراتيجي*
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with intellectual and philosophical in modern administrative thought. The focus of the target on the identification of the strategic concept of human resource management practices in business organizations. It studied the scientific concept, in terms of how it has been the shift from  personnel management, and to human resources management, and then to HR management strategy. The research has included extensive serious discussions about the nature of the changes, and how to determine the nature and content of the strategic perspective of human resources management in the changing and volatile world of business. It was also the explanation and clarification theoretical philosophies that came in various previous studies, and i

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