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Social responsibility and obstacles application (Comparative research departments in the Municipality of Baghdad)
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The research aims to identify the extent of the practice of social responsibility in accordance with the social dimension and diagnosis of constraints applied.

Find the problem represented by the Social Responsibility and obstacles facing application in Baghdad Municipality through their workers trends analysis.

The adoption of the statistical method to analyze the data and information gathering, and selected municipalities of Adhamiya and Kadhimiya deliberate manner applied as a state and municipal councils of both cities as representatives of the local community to be the subject of research and comparison between them to see the reality of social responsibility and the factors that hinder the application.

To achieve the objectives of the research is designed questionnaire as a key tool in the initial data collection, and applied to the sample deliberate consisting of (91) as an associate level, Head of the Department / Division, local community and the researchers using descriptive analytical method; and used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS.16( analysis questionnaire data.

The results showed a strong and noticeable focus of the research community in both municipalities according to the social dimension, and the most important obstacles facing the application of social responsibility in the Municipality of Baghdad, is the lack of material support, and the lack of training programs.

And made some recommendations concerning the increase of the degree of interest of employees of responsibility Social which contribute to the strengthening of municipal status, evolution and development of its performance, and the need for senior management in the Municipality of Baghdad to provide financial support.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimum Design of Power System Stabilizer based on Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
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This paper presents an improved technique on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. The procedure is applied on Single Machine with Infinite Bus (SMIB) system with power system stabilizer (PSS) at three different loading regimes. The simulations are made by using MATLAB software. The results show that by using Improved Ant Colony Optimization (IACO) the system will give better performance with less number of iterations as it compared with a previous modification on ACO. In addition, the probability of selecting the arc depends on the best ant performance and the evaporation rate.


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Publication Date
Wed Jul 05 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Optimization physical properties of CdTe /Si solar cell devices fabricated by vacuum evaporation
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We investigated at the optical properties, structural makeup, and morphology of thin films of cadmium telluride (CdTe) with a thickness of 150 nm produced by thermal evaporation over glass. The X-ray diffraction study showed that the films had a crystalline composition, a cubic structure, and a preference for grain formation along the (111) crystallographic direction. The outcomes of the inquiry were used to determine these traits. With the use of thin films of CdTe that were doped with Ag at a concentration of 0.5%, the crystallization orientations of pure CdTe (23.58, 39.02, and 46.22) and CdTe:Ag were both determined by X-ray diffraction. orientations (23.72, 39.21, 46.40) For samples that were pure and those that were doped with

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 30 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Performance of Post-Fire Composite Prestressed Concrete Beam Topped with Reinforced Concrete Flange
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The performance of composite prestressed concrete beam topped with reinforced concrete flange structures in fire depends upon several factors, including the change in properties of the two different materials due to fire exposure and temperature distribution within the composition of the composite members of the structure. The present experimental work included casting of 12 identical simply supported prestressed concrete beams grouped into 3 categories, depending on the strength of the top reinforced concrete deck slab (20, 30, and 40 MPa). They were connected together by using shear connector reinforcements. To simulate the real practical fire disasters, 3 composite prestressed concrete beams from each group were exposed to high t

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Copper Ions by Waste Foundry Sand Permeable Barrier
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The permeable reactive barrier (PRB) is one of the promising innovative in situ groundwater remediation technologies, in removing of copper from a contaminated shallow aquifer. The 1:1- mixture of waste foundry sand (WFS) and Kerbala’s sand (KS) was used for PRB. The WFS was represented the reactivity material while KS used to increase the permeability of PRB only. However, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) analysis proved that the carboxylic and alkyl halides groups are responsible for the sorption of copper onto WFS. Batch tests have been performed to characterize the equilibrium sorption properties of the (WFS+KS) mix in copper- containing aqueous
solutions. The sorption data for Cu+2 ions, obtained by batch experiments, have be

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Gas sensitivity properties of TiO2/Ag nanocomposite films prepared by pulse laser deposition
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In this study, a double frequency Q-switching Nd:YAG laser beam (1064 nm and λ= 532 nm, repetition rate 6 Hz and the pulse duration 10ns) have been used, to deposit TiO2 pure and nanocomposites thin films with noble metal (Ag) at various concentration ratios of (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 wt.%) on glass and p-Si wafer (111) substrates using Pulse Laser Deposition (PLD) technique. Many growth parameters have been considered to specify the optimum condition, namely substrate temperature (300˚C), oxygen pressure (2.8×10-4 mbar), laser energy (700) mJ and the number of laser shots was 400 pulses with thickness of about 170 nm. The surface morphology of the thin films has been studied by using atomic force microscopes (AFM). The Root Mean Sq

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Evaluation of PV Panel Efficiency Using Evaporative Cooling Integrated with Water Spraying
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In this work, an inventive photovoltaic evaporative cooling (PV/EC) hybrid system was constructed and experimentally investigated. The PV/EC hybrid system has the prosperous advantage of producing electrical energy and cooling the PV panel besides providing cooled-humid air. Two cooling techniques were utilized: backside evaporative cooling (case #1) and combined backside evaporative cooling with a front-side water spray technique (case #2). The water spraying on the front side of the PV panel is intermittent to minimize water and power consumption depending on the PV panel temperature. In addition, two pad thicknesses of 5 cm and 10 cm were investigated at three different water flow rates of 1, 2, and 3 lpm. In Case #1,

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Theoretical Studies of Sum Optical Properties for InAs (001) by Surface Differential Reflectivity
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The real and imaginary part of complex dielectric constant for InAs(001) by adsorption of oxsagen atoms has been calculated, using numerical analysis method (non-linear least square fitting). As a result a mathematical model built-up and the final result show a fairly good agreement with other genuine published works.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Deep Oxidative Desulfurization of Model fuels by Prepared Nano TiO2 with Phosphotungstic acid
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In this study, nano TiO2 was prepared with titanium isopropoxide (TTIP) as a resource to titanium oxide. The catalyst was synthesized using phosphotungstic acid (PTA) and, stearyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (STAB) was used as the structure-directing material. Characterization of the product was done by the X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy (XRF), nitrogen adsorption/desorption measurements, Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra, were used to characterize the calcined TiO2 nanoparticles by STAB and PWA. The TiO2 nanomaterials were prepared in three crystalline forms (amorphous, anatase, anatase-rutile). The results showed that the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Low bearing capacity of weak soil under shallow footings represents one of construction problems.
Kaolin with water content converges to liquid limit used to represent the weak soil under shallow
footing prototype. On the other hand, fly ash, which can be defined as undesirable industrial waste
material, was used to improve the bearing capacity of the soft soil considered in this research. The soft
soil was prepared in steel box (36×36×25) cm and shallow square footing prototype (6×6) cm were
used .Group of physical and chemical tests were conducted on kaolin and fly ash. The soft soil was
improved by a bed of compacted fly ash placed under the footing with dimensions equal to that of
footing but with different de

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Bio-charge Elastic Characterization for A Qualitative Perspective of Innovative Bio-Composite Materials
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In order to save natural resources, recycling necessarily becomes a top priority for all of us, to save exhaustible resources, produce green energy and preserve the environment.
In this perspective, we are trying to valorize a waste of animal origin, largely neglected by the actors of materials, through an industrial transformation into a biological charge to make new sustainable bio-composite materials.
Using a tensile test bench, we try to mechanically characterize this biomaterial of renewable resources that, unlike eco-composites, has been neglected by the material actors.
Obtained from waste, with a high recycling potential and from renewable resources, the bio-charge to be analyzed will be injected, later in different poly

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