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Assessment of Human Investment Efficiency in the Private University Teaching according to the strategy of Higher Education in Iraq and chosen Colleges))
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the current research aims at analyzing the efficiency of the private university teaching  that recently expanded after 2003 ,;besides , the commitment of the private colleges ,definitely Al-Maamun and Al-Mansour colleges with strategy  of the ministry of higher  education and scientific  research.  This could be done through many indications that measure the efficiency of the  private university teaching , including ( the indication of  the efficiency of   using human resources and efficiency  in using  the materialistic indications.  But the human efficiency in these colleges , including the sample  of the research ( Maamun  and  Mansour)  has  not been consistent with what  the ministry of higher education and scientific research desires to fulfill. Thus, the study sets off from a hypothesis ,indicating  the weakness of  the human investment efficiency in the private colleges  for not applying  the strategy of the ministry of higher education and scientific research  efficiently.

Most important conclusions  the study reaches to are:

The over mentioned colleges have not submitted sufficiently all specializations  as engineering  and scientific one, the human specializations are the dominant one in Al-Maamun college, amounted (54%,55) for the years 
2010– 2014, while the scientific and engineering specializations amounted
(45%,450   for the same years.

The number of  the students for  every prof  in the over mentioned colleges  amounted ( 60,93) for the year  2011-2014, while  in the Al-Mansour  College , the ratio amounted 38,47.  The national strategy  focuses on diminishing  the number of students to every Prof.  , from 62  students  for every prof.  the average is 30 for every prof.  The large number of students  would effect on the efficiency of  the human investment  of the college  in respect to the students' comprehension ; this actually lead to Prof. 's fatigue.

 It has been indicated that the quality  of graduates in these over mentioned colleges  have not been at good level of comprehension , this actually effect on  the quality of  human investment , where  the most ratio of  the students averages  have been considerable and agreeable. This indicated to  the weakness of  the scientific level  in both  colleges , The reasons behind that are related to   the weakness  in students ' characterizations as that indicated by their low averages.

Most important recommendations  are listed below:  

The necessity of paying concern over  the over two colleges  by increasing their departments ( engineering and scientific one)  in  way that meets the need of  the work place.  and should be consistent with the  strategy of the ministry of higher education and Scientific research for the years (2011-2020).

The increase in Profs. and Masters ,in addition to other instructors instead of lecturers  having relation to other works  and jobs  of delivering lectures  in other colleges, This lead to weakening  in their  abilities  to reach the subject to the students.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Investment in higher education and its impact on the labor market: Applied Research in private colleges
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      Investment in high education is considered to be most important factors of production which the return an individual and social than economic returns found by searching the growing problem of unemployment, especially among youth graduates, where the unemployment rate in 2010 (50%) of these high rates have led to increased migration of scientific minds graduate recently, "to search for job opportunities outside Iraq for not hiring functions and this is in vain" clear "in the human and financial resources lead to structural imbalances in the Iraqi economy.  When calculating the correlation coefficient between the graduates and the unemployment rate where it reached (0.21) emerged from the results of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between human investment and economic growth in Iraq(1985-2010) and measuring return of investment of human
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Investment in human capital of renewable energy can be relied upon to get to achieve the goals of development is important for Iraq through the intellectual community cards creative able to innovate and develop what is so is study the effect of human investment on economic growth through the adoption of the index of national income as a function of variables independent ( human capital, physical capital) and this is built on the premise that the relationship direct correlation between economic growth and human investment, and it can measure the return on human investment, which is an incentive to increase human capital through education and the development of the economy in general have shown th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Women in Higher Education in Iraq (2008- 2012
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هدفت الدراسة لالقاء الضوء على وضع المرأة في التعليم العالي في العراق خلال الاعوام الدراسية: 2008 - 2009, 2010 – 2011 و2011- 2012. تتيح القوانين والتعليمات في التعليم العالي في العراق فرص متكافئة للاناث والذكور للتسجيل في الدراسات الاولية والعليا، وكذلك عدم التمييز في الرواتب الشهرية للمنتسبين وفقا لنوع الجنس (الجندر ). بلغ متوسط عدد الاناث في مرحلة الدراسة الاولية في مؤسسات التعليم العالي في العراق لثلا

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
the university education and human development
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We notice that the issue of development is one of the most important issues in ourepoch especially in our country which classify within back ward countries.

When we talk here about the development we don’t mean only the development of capitals or the development of products.but the most important thing is the development of mind .if we notice the experience of  developits economy and it didn’t reach to the wanted aim.because these sides .  The highness of the meutal rate of the nation is the standard of of the nation is the standard of the sentific and cultural advance for this nation .And that is what we have noticed in human societies ingenerall .

We noticed that

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Private investment and its role in the process of economic reform in Iraq
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بعد ثورة تموز عام 1958في العراق, لم يكن يسمح للقطاع الخاص بأن تكون له استثمارات كبيرة في القطاعات الاقتصادية. وذلك بسبب الإيديولوجيات التي كانت تؤطر الفكر السياسي. حيث كان النهج الاشتراكي هو الغالب في إدارة الأنشطة الاقتصادية. إذ قامت الدولة بتأميم معظم الاستثمارات الخاصة الكبيرة ،لاس

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Investment in Human Resources According to the Requirements of Work Markets in Iraq
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Investment in Human is one of the best and most important investments as it is renewed and developed resource over time in comparison with depleted material resources. Human resources is considered the part of the population that could be employed economically to contribute in increasing production energies as it is the support pillar of the society and have great energies that construct the society and raise of nations as well as he is distinguished with characteristics of ambitions to freedom.

Iraq is one of the countries that has large number of population in age of work and production and reduce in age dependent classes (children and old people).This dynamic in population led to step

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Efficiency of Human Resources Information System and Its Impact on The Level Effectiveness of Employees Performance Appraisal System / Practical Research on Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
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The research aims to determine the role of the efficiency of Human Resources Information System in the effectiveness of Employees Performance Appraisal System in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Center for the ministry, it was touching the researchers need the ministry to devise methods that employ outputs Human Resources Information System in the organization surveyed for the development of methods and levels of process evaluate the performance of its employees, in order to identify the extent of the role played by human resources information system in the process of assessing the performance of employees, we raised the question of the President as follows:

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality and dilemmas of higher education in IraqAnalytical vision in knowledge economies
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The subject of education, and since time immemorial, gripe the attention of the religious, intellectual, political, social and economic elites. This attention not only in Iraq, but in different countries in the world. There is a close correlation between the educational level of the societies and the edginess of its rising and advancement in all fields.

In order to achieve the research objectives, the research has   been divided into three sections: section I include the historical, scientific, humanitarian evolution of education, starting from the first economic revolution (The Agricultural revolution) through the second economic revolution (The Industrial Revolution) and till the Third Economi

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Higher education in Iraq : its process and features of development during the period of 1932 A.D – 1958 A.D
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In order to specify the features of higher education process and its quantitative and qualitative development in Iraq ; one should look back at its historical process and the need of interesting with it .

Accordingly , there will be a chance for verifying the demand of the Iraqi society according to the political , social , and cultural changes especially  during the national governance (1932 – 1958 ) .

For depicting the most important quantitative and qualitative development of this kind of education the period of 1932 -1958 , and since there is no previous study that tackled this topic , here comes the need of writing this paper .

After historical

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the accounting system of the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations (*) at the Office of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
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The evaluation and efficiency and effectiveness of account system for the department of delegation and cultural Relationships in the center of ministry of higher Education and Scientific research Considered as a very important and active subjects in the modification of accounting system in this department and to develop it and make it able to make available important and accurate information for the planning requirements and monetary and evaluation performance and to make decisions, besides to develop the performance of Iraqi Cultural departments working abroad and to render its role effective to serve the students of higher education in the progressive Countries to facility its growing in scientific and professional and technica

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