Agricultural loans play an important role in the growth and stimulation of agricultural investment opportunities in Iraq, as well as the sustainability and development of existing agricultural projects. The agricultural sector is characterized by the specific conditions of seasonal production and fluctuations in production conditions, which makes the situation of uncertainty more acute in this sector, the need for any agricultural project for financing is urgent and continuous if it wants to continue production and development at all stages. The study proved the impact of agricultural loans in increasing investment and agricultural production at specific times, However, the fluctuation of funding, and its dependence on investment allocations in the general budget mainly led to the decline and failure of agricultural projects in Iraq, and the security, political, social and economic reasons, as well as the fluctuation of government support and weak infrastructure, all factors led to the destabilization of confidence and high degree of risk and uncertainty In agricultural investment. The study came with effective conclusions and recommendations to determine the determinants of agricultural investment in Iraq and to propose solutions to address them.
This study took place during the first semester 2006-2007 at the same time the Jordanian universities were getting ready to receive the American team sent by QAA to check out the defects in the educational system of these universities, the researchers concentrated on the practical study more the than the theoretical study, the theoretical study covered the understanding of quality & quality in education as well as the authorities responsible for the regulations & quality standards such as QAA ,JMOHE, Al-Hussein Fund For Excellence. The main problem which faced the Jordanian private universities was the conflict in objectives between profitability & qualitative output which was because of lack of long tem strategic plann
... Show MoreEconomic life in any of the countries depends mainly on economic activity due to its great role in meeting the needs and expenditures of the state . therefore ، Bahrain played a major role in commercial exchange operation ، whether at home or abroad . whatever the matter
استخدام الضمائر انت وانتم في الآدب الروسي الكلاسيكي
احتلت قضية غسيل الاموال أهمية كبيرة على الساحة الاقتصادية العالمية خلال الفترة الاخيرة إدراكا من المجتمع الدولي لأثارها السلبية على الاستقرار الاقتصادي و خاصة على الاستثمار المحلي و الدولي و لذلك يتزايد الاهتمام بها و سبل مواجهتها من قبل العديد من الدول و المنظمات الدولية و المراكز المالية الكبرى , حيث تهدد هذه الظاهرة الاقتصاد العالمي و خاصة اقتصاديات العالم النامي و من بينها الاقتصاديات العربية .
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نالت الحياة الادبية في مملكة غرناطة الاندلسية حظاً كبيراً
تعد رواية (غراب الطاهرة ) من الروايات المعاصرة التي ركزت على الواقع المعاصر، وهي تمثل حقلاً بكراً صالحاً لدراسة العلاقة الحميمة بين ( الواقع ) و ( الشكل البنائي ) وأثره في بنية النص الروائي، بمعنى آخر دراسة القوانين التي توجه أنماط التأليف، وحرية الأختيار في صياغة العمل الفني.إذ إن اهتمام المؤلف بالتوثيق التاريخي، وتسجيل أهم المظاهر الواقعية، ومايرتبط بها من ممارسات النظام السابق أثرت في البناء الروائي، فمن حي
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