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The effect of creating knowledge according to the model (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995) on organizational ambidexterity: A study on a sample of Iraqi private banks
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Purpose - This study relies on the descriptive and analytical approach through collecting and analyzing the necessary data, as this approach focuses on polling the opinions of the research sample and its directions, and aims to develop a model that studies the relationship between knowledge creation and organizational ambidexterity in Iraqi private banks and verifying its validity experimentally.

Design / Methodology / Introduction - A survey was conducted through a questionnaire form to collect data from a sample of (113) managers in private commercial banks. In addition, this study used the AMOS program and the ready-to-use statistical program package (SPSS V.25) to test the proposed hypotheses of the theoretical model experimentally.

Results - The results show that knowledge creation has a significant and positive indirect effect on stimulating organizational ambidexterity in private commercial banks through its effect on exploiting opportunities in the workplace and exploring opportunities in the external environment of banks.

Practical effects - to improve knowledge creation, bank management must pay more attention to it as a strategic resource to create wealth and added value to enable organizations to grow and survive through training courses, holders of higher degrees and attract knowledge expertise in addition to the need to maximize cultural awareness towards improving the organizational ambidexterity of banks, especially in Exploiting the bank's internal opportunities, both material and human, according to the current circumstances, through rewards moral and material incentives.


Originality / Value - This study complements and advances previous research on knowledge creation in several ways. First, the current study proposes a conceptual model that illustrates the interrelationships between the main variables in Iraqi private banks. Second, this study explores the role of organizational ambidexterity that benefits from exploiting and exploring opportunities in the context of knowledge acquisition, accumulation and exchange. Thus, overcoming the challenges associated with creating knowledge.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Difficulties and Problems in Teaching and Learning Spanish in Particular and Foreign Languages: Las Dificultades en la Enseñanzayel Aprendizaje de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE)en Particular ylas Lenguas Extranjeras en General: El Docente no Nativo
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       This paper aims at providing the teaching staff members with the necessary skills so as to become capable of tackling various situations, and treating daily problems that face students learning Spanish as a Second Language.  This is made as an attempt to make teachers of foreign languages in general acquainted with modern trends of teaching with less complicated methods, specifically in teaching e earlier stages of foreign languages.


      En el presente trabajo pretendemos dotar al docente no nativo de Lenguas extranjeras, con algunos de los métodos necesari

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Hexapod Robot Static Stability Enhancement using Genetic Algorithm
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Hexapod robot is a flexible mechanical robot with six legs. It has the ability to walk over terrain. The hexapod robot look likes the insect so it has the same gaits. These gaits are tripod, wave and ripple gaits. Hexapod robot needs to stay statically stable at all the times during each gait in order not to fall with three or more legs continuously contacts with the ground. The safety static stability walking is called (the stability margin). In this paper, the forward and inverse kinematics are derived for each hexapod’s leg in order to simulate the hexapod robot model walking using MATLAB R2010a for all gaits and the geometry in order to derive the equations of the sub-constraint workspaces for each

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
China's Soft Power and Diplomacy towards Middle East Region after 2011
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The study deals with China's soft power and diplomacy in the Middle East, and it focuses specifically on the tools and foundations of China's soft diplomacy and how it achieves its goals in the region in addition to its challenges in the region. In this regard, the study also focuses on the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its soft foundations and how they serve China’s diplomacy and soft power in the region. The study ends with a set of conclusions, perhaps the most prominent of which is that diplomacy and soft power have become a fundamental pillar of China's foreign policy to achieve its foreign goals and to establish an international system compatible with China's principles. As for the Middle East, China has established a poli

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
جدلية جدليّة العقل والنّقل وعلاقتهما بالاستدلال مسائل الاعتقاد بين مدرستي أهل الحديث والأشاعرة: - عرض ومناقشة
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This research highlights one of the most important issues that have been controversial between Islamic schools, which is the duality of Intellect  and Revelation and the nature of their relationship, in two core points:

The first point: Could there be a real conflict between Intellect  and revelation? While the school of hadith view that this assumption is a rational assumption that does not real as long as the revelation is correct and the Intellect  is clear, and that what is claimed are due to other Intellect s, we find that the Ash’ari school adopts the saying that the real conflict may occur, but rather confirms its occurrence.

The second point: For whom is the priority, for the Intellect  or th

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Adaptive Automatic Algorithm for Extracting Geological Lineaments in AL-Dibdibba Formation Basin
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Iraq is one of the Arabian area countries, which considered from the drier areas
on the earth, though it has two main rivers that pass through(Tigris and Euphrates);
it suffers the same problem as them (drought), only the rivers' nearby regions make
use of their water for (domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes(.
One of the usable solutions is to utilize the groundwater (especially in the desert
regions). Using the Remote Sensing and geographic information system is a rapid
and coast effective techniques, they provide information of large and inaccessible
area within short span for assessing, monitoring, and management of groundwater
resources. In this study, an adaptive algorithm based on Canny edge dete

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Post Cesarean Section Surgical Site Infection; Incidence and Risk Factors
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The rate of births delivered by cesarean section (CS) has gone up substantially all over the world. Post-cesarean surgical site infection (SSI) is a common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality that results in prolonged period of hospitalization with increased cost and direct health implications, especially in low socioeconomic population, resource- restricted settings, and war- related conditions with internal forced movement. This study was aimed to find incidence of post cesarean section surgical site infection withthe accompanying risk factors.Pregnant ladies admitted to department of obstetrics and gynecology at Medical City Hospital in Baghdad who had undergone CSs were followed up prospectively from first of January 2017 till end

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self-organized learning strategies and self-competence among talented students
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Investigating the strength and the relationship between the Self-organized learning strategies and self-competence among talented students was the aim of this study. To do this, the researcher employed the correlation descriptive approach, whereby a sample of (120) male and female student were selected from various Iraqi cities for the academic year 2015-2016.  the researcher setup two scales based on the previous studies: one to measure  the Self-organized learning strategies which consist of (47) item and the other to measure the self-competence that composed of (50) item. Both of these scales were applied on the targeted sample to collect the required data

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Bacterial Infections Associated with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
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Background:Oriental sore occurs mostly in the
mediteranian region , North Africa ,and the Middle East .
Rodents are the main reservoir for the parasite . The wet
type caused by L. major is rural and the dry type caused by
L. tropica is urban and humans are presumably the only
reservoir. Sand fly vectors are involved in all forms.
Objectives: This study aimed to show the most
important bacterial infections concomitant with cutaneous
leishmaniasis .
Methods; The study was performed on 75 patients (ages
1-50 years ) from both sexes were attending Skin Diseases
Department of Ramadi General Hospital during the period
extended from January to June 2000. These patients were
clinically diagnosed as patients

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Covid-19 Control Measures by some community Pharmacies in Sulaimani City/Iraq
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Background: Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has enormously affected various healthcare services including the one of community pharmacy. The ramifications of these effects on Iraqi community pharmacies and the measures they have taken to tackle the spread of COVID-19  is yet to be explored. In this cross sectional survey, infection control measures by community pharmacies in Sulaimani city/Iraq has been investigated.        

Methods: Community pharmacists were randomly allocated  to participate in a cross-sectional survey via visiting their pharmacies and filling up the questionnaire form.


Results and discussion:

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jul 07 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Automatic brain tumor segmentation from MRI Images using superpixels based split and Merge algorithm
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RA Ali, LK Abood, Int J Sci Res, 2017 - Cited by 2

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