The purpose of the study is to analyze the extent of the impact of liquidity as an independent variable on profitability as an intermediate variable and the value of banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange as a dependent variable, as the research problem is summarized by the fact that most banks focus on profitability as a phased goal without focusing on maximizing its value as a strategic goal by enhancing the wealth of owners and shareholders. On the long term, the research community is represented by the banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, while the research sample was deliberately chosen, which included three private banks such as Baghdad Commercial Bank, the Iraqi Commercial Bank and the Iraqi Investment Bank, and the researcher used the applied analytical approach through the use of a set of methods The financial and statistical analysis in conducting the analysis process for the banks, the research sample, and the results of the analysis also showed the validity of the sub-hypotheses, namely the presence of a statistically significant correlation and an adverse effect between liquidity and profitability, as well as the existence of an adverse statistically significant correlation and influence between the profit and the value of the bank.
The book of Alphendidad is considered as an important part of the holy book of
Avesta in the Zoroastrian religion. It is a religious and urbanization book that consists of a
number of chapters dealing with the creation. The book includes 22 chapters, mostly edited
as a dialogue between Ahuaramzda the god of goodness and his prophet Zoroaster. The
biggest chapter deals with the rules of purification of vices of the devil and dismissing it of
the places around, hence it is the book of law of Zoroastrian about the important animals,
birds , insects, and reptiles and their categorization according to their creation; creatures of
the spirit of goodness and creatures of the spirit of evilness.
Some of these creatures ar
The historian, Professor Dr. Abdullah Al-Fayyad, left a huge legacy of knowledge product that scholars and stakeholders benefited from in the field of Islamic historical and modern studies,
أن هذه الدراسة هي دراسة نظرية اهتمت بتقديم مدخل معاصر لمنظمات الأعمال، يمكن أن يعتمد علية من أجل تحقيق الريادة و البقاء. وذلك من خلال اعتماد مدخل الهدم الخلاق و تقديم أنموذج قادر على التفاعل مع البيئة بكل ما تقدمه من فرص وتحديات.
وتم تقسيم هذه الدراسة إلى ثلاثة مباحث،تناول المبحث الأول منهجية الدراسة. وبينما تناول المبحث الثاني توضيح مفهوم الهدم الخلاق والعناصر المكونة لهذا المدخل وأخيراً
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إن الدوافع النفسية تنفرد في تجسيد الأحاسيس والمشاعر في نتاج الشاعر , من خلال رؤيته لتلك الحالة , فتسهم في صورة المقارنة في التشبيه , فتبعث في المتلقي حالة التأمل والمقارنة بين الحالتين اللتين تجمع بين مكوناتهما صفة واحدة فتصل إلى حالة التلاحم , ويكون ذلك باعثا لرسم صورة التشبيه ال
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Asil adi Mahmeut olup mashlasi “ Hicrî “ dir . Ihvânî “ zümresine intisabi dolayısiyle “ Dede “ Lakabiyle anılır . Takriben H. 1297 yılında Kerkük ‘ te doğmuş . Babası H. 1305 Senesinde vefat eden Molla Ali Efendi ‘ dir .
Dedesi Nazîrî dede ise zamanmin ileri gelen şâirlerinden olup kayser adli bir oğludur . (1)
Diğer bir kaynağa gore “ Hicrî Dede H. 1295 yılında Kerkük ‘te doğamuştur . Tanınmış şâir Nazîrî Dede ‘ nin torunudur . Babası Molla Ali Efendidir” . (2)
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The problem with the research essential questionably is: (What are the variations phenotypic designs decorative Alangat) The research aims detection of phenotypic variables and Acgalah in Wares structure decorative employee in the decorative designs in the external and internal interfaces to the tombs of the Iraqi holy shrines and the walls of b (upper threshold _ Najaf) Alattabatin Husseinia and Abbasid in the holy city of Karbala) current position (1435 AH / 2014 AD). And ensure that the theoretical framework topics following: diversity in the structure motifs and vegetable processors color as well as landmarks decking decorative decorative gift items and adopted a researcher at the procedures purely on the descriptive analytical appro
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