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Influence of behavioural implication of information on the selection of accounting methods and their reflection on investor's decisions field study on Iraq stock exchange
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The research aims to highlight on the behavioural approach in accounting, and clarify the behavioural implications of the main activities of accounting, and clarify the concept of information inductance within the framework of the behavioural approach and its impact on preparing financial statements. And that the impact of financial information on the behaviour of investment decision-makers, and to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire according to Likert five-step scale, and he took into consideration in preparing it in line with the characteristics of the study community, and that the target community for this questionnaire is the investors in the Iraq Stock Exchange. The researcher reached a set of conclusions and recommendations, and the most important conclusions are the following: There is a significant effect of the behavioural implications of information on the selection of accounting methods, and There is a significant effect of the accounting methods on the investors ’decisions with the presence of the behavioural implications of the information, and If the accountant anticipates the results of using the information, he may lead it and before communicating any information, and therefore even before any results appear, he chooses to change the information, his behaviour or even his goals, and It is possible to predict the behaviour of individuals and guide this behaviour in an appropriate way by providing the appropriate information in the decision-making process, and By being aware of the users ’reactions to the accounting methods, the accountant can use the preferred alternative accounting methods for them. Either the most important recommendations are: The need to take account of the preparers of accounting information behavioural aspects, and take the reaction of users to accounting information in consideration when performing accounting work, and choose accounting methods, and The need to pay attention to the information provided to investors, which helps them in making investment decisions, and to provide this information periodically and systematically and provide it with the speed and accuracy possible, and work to provide the appropriate information in terms of quantity, type and time in order to facilitate proper investment decision-making

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Revista Latinoamericana De Hipertensión
Iatrogenic atrial septal defect post radiofrequency ablation in patients with left atrial SVT: Predictors and outcomes
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atrogenic atrial septal defect (IASD), post Catheter ablation during electrophysiological study simply can be assess with Echocardiography nowadays ablation consider the main line in the managements of patients with various type of arrhythmia. This study aims to de-termine the outcomes of Iatrogenic Atrial Septal Defect (IASD) six months post radiofrequency ablation (RF) procedure of left atrial arrhythmia using non-invasive Transtho-racic Echocardiography (TTE) parameters (LVEF, E/e` and ASD size) with sheath size as predictors of atrial septal defect closure. Patients and methods: A prospective study was con-ducted in Iraqi Centre for Heart Diseases included 47 patients post Electrophysiology procedure and ablation of left atrial SVT were

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
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Bmc Endocrine Disorders
Dietary caffeine intake is associated with favorable metabolic profile among apparently healthy overweight and obese individuals
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Abstract<sec> <title>Background

Recent studies have revealed some conflicting results about the health effects of caffeine. These studies are inconsistent in terms of design and population and source of consumed caffeine. In the current study, we aimed to evaluate the possible health effects of dietary caffeine intake among overweight and obese individuals.


In this cross-sectional study, 488 apparently healthy individuals with overweight and obesity were participated. Dietary intake was assessed by a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2014
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Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Serum parathyroid hormone and total serum calcium levels in mild &amp; severe preeclampsia versus normal pregnancy
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Background: Preeclampsia (PE) is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality, complicating 3-14% of all pregnancies. Although the etiology remains unknown, placental hypoperfusion and diffuse endothelial cell injury are considered to be the central pathological process; many endocrinological changes have been linked to the etiology of preeclampsia including parathyroid hormone and calcium level. Objective: to compare serum parathyroid hormone and total serum calcium levels in mild and severe preeclampsia versus normal pregnancy. Patients and methods: Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) level and total serum calcium level were measured in thirty normotensive pregnant women and thirty women with mild preeclampsia and thi

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
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Optical Fiber Technology
Optical fiber sensor network integrating SAC-OCDMA and cladding modified optical fiber sensors coated with nanomaterial
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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The 2nd Universitas Lampung International Conference On Science, Technology, And Environment (ulicoste) 2021
A comparison between IRI-2016 and ASAPS models for predicting foF2 ionospheric parameter over Baghdad city
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
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Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Energy Consumption Analyzing in Single hop Transmission and Multi-hop Transmission for using Wireless Sensor Networks
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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are emerging in various application like military, area monitoring, health monitoring, industry monitoring and many more. The challenges of the successful WSN application are the energy consumption problem. since the small, portable batteries integrated into the sensor chips cannot be re-charged easily from an economical point of view. This work focusses on prolonging the network lifetime of WSNs by reducing and balancing energy consumption during routing process from hop number point of view. In this paper, performance simulation was done between two types of protocols LEACH that uses single hop path and MODLEACH that uses multi hop path by using Intel Care i3 CPU (2.13GHz) laptop with MATLAB (R2014a). Th

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
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2018 International Conference On Computing Sciences And Engineering (iccse)
Comparison between Epsilon Normalized Least Means Square (ϵ-NLMS) and Recursive Least Squares (RLS) Adaptive Algorithms
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There is an evidence that channel estimation in communication systems plays a crucial issue in recovering the transmitted data. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest to solve problems due to channel estimation and equalization especially when the channel impulse response is fast time varying Rician fading distribution that means channel impulse response change rapidly. Therefore, there must be an optimal channel estimation and equalization to recover transmitted data. However. this paper attempt to compare epsilon normalized least mean square (ε-NLMS) and recursive least squares (RLS) algorithms by computing their performance ability to track multiple fast time varying Rician fading channel with different values of Doppler

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 26 2022
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Frontiers In Veterinary Science
Berbamine and thymoquinone exert protective effects against immune-mediated liver injury via NF-κB dependent pathway
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Immune-mediated hepatitis is a severe impendence to human health, and no effective treatment is currently available. Therefore, new, safe, low-cost therapies are desperately required. Berbamine (BE), a natural substance obtained primarily from Berberis vulgaris L, is a traditional herbal medicine with several bioactivities, such as antimicrobial and anticancer activities. Thymoquinone (TQ), a phytochemical molecule derived from the Nigella sativa plant's black cumin seeds, has attracted interest owing to itsanti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties.


This c

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 06 2023
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Dandy-Walker syndrome associated with a giant occipital meningocele: A case report and a literature review
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HTH Ahmed Dheyaa Al-Obaidi,", Ali Tarik Abdulwahid', Mustafa Najah Al-Obaidi", Abeer Mundher Ali', eNeurologicalSci, 2023

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2023
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Wireless Personal Communications
Technology Applications in Tracking 2019-nCoV and Defeating Future Outbreaks: Iraqi Healthcare Industry in IoT Remote
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