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Affect of Financial Development on Poverty in Iraq for the Period 1980-2010
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There are many applied Economic studies that have found positive nexus between financial development and poverty reduction in developing countries. Iraq has witnessed an increasing rate of poverty during the period 1980-2010 due to many internal and external factors such as wars, economic sanctions, inflation, a high rate of unemployment, and political and security instability. Therefore, the investigation about the solutions to reduce poverty becomes very necessary, and enhancing the financial development in Iraq is one of these options. This is due to that the financial development could reduce the poverty rates through two channels: the first is direct via the offering of the loans and other financial facilities to the poor, and the second is indirectly through the intermediate mean which is economic growth. Whereas financial development contributes to spurring economic growth through the mobilization of savings and channel them to the most efficient uses with higher economic and social returns. In addition, economic growth reduces the poverty through two channels. The first is direct by increasing the introduction factors held by the poor and improve the situations into the sectors and areas where the poor life. The second is indirect through redistribution of the realized incomes from the economic growth as well as the realized incomes from the government revenues which can be used to transfer the payments and improve the living standard.   However, the study found that neither the financial development nor the economic growth contributed in the poverty reduction in Iraq during the period 1980-2010, and there were other factors could reduce the poverty in Iraq such as the low rate of inflation, low rate of unemployment, and the political and security stability.   


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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Scaphoid Fracture Non Union Treated by Bone Graft and Plaster of Paris Cast Splint.
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Objective: to evaluate the results of (Modification of Russe method) in treatment of nonunion fracture scaphoid bone by bone graft with external splintage (plaster of paris cast (pop ).
Methods:Prospective study done on 26 patients (24 male, 2 female), age range between 25-42 years (mean age 34 years), fracture site at middle 1/3 with minimal displacements with no carpal bone or radial bone injury, technique of Matte- Russe method (explore the bone through volar approach using bone graft from iliac crest (cortico-cancellous peg plus cancellus bone) with thumb spica for 90 days with period of follow up 12-18 months.
Results: out of 26 patients treated by this method , 23 patients (88.5%) union was achieved radiologically by the end

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural and dielectric properties of Zr doped BaTiO3 synthesized by microwave assisted chemical route
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Lead-free ferroelectric nano ceramics of BaZrxTi1-xO3 (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) were prepared by means of microwave assisted chemical route. The structural, dielectric and electrical properties were examined. The crystalline structure of the specimens was studied by X-ray diffraction patterns. All the samples showed pure single phase of perovskite structure with space group of I4/mcm. X-ray diffraction data illustrated that there is no secondary phases exist. Structural and electrical properties of barium titanate ceramics are influenced significantly by small additions of Zr. The electrical conductivity showed higher values at x=0.2 and decreased at higher Zr content. The Hall charge mobility is found

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Synthesis and characterization of Iron tungstate oxide films by advanced controlled spray pyrolysis technique
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For the first time Iron tungstate semiconductor oxides films (FeWO4) was successfully synthesized simply by advanced controlled chemical spray pyrolysis technique, via employed double nozzle instead of single nozzle using tungstic acid and iron nitrate solutions at three different compositions and spray separately at same time on heated silicone (n-type) substrate at 600 °C, followed by annealing treatment for one hour at 500 °C. The crystal structure, microstructure and morphology properties of prepared films were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), electron Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) respectively. According to characterization techniques, a material of well-crystallized monoclinic ph

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 04 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Behavior of Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete Two-Way Slabs under Static and Repeated Load
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This paper studies the behavior of reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) two-way slabs under static and repeated load. The experimental program included testing six simply supported RPC two-way slabs of 1000 mm length, 1000 mm width, and 70 mm thickness. All the tested specimens were identical in their material properties, and reinforcement details except their steel fibers content. They were cast in three pairs, each one had a different steel fibers ratio (0.5 %, 1 %, and 1.5 %) respectively. In each pair, one specimen was tested under static load and the other under five cycles of repeated load (loading-unloading). Static test results revealed that increasing steel fibres volume fraction from 0.5 % to 1 % and from 1% to 1.5%,

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering And Processing - Process Intensification
Studies of mass transfer at a spiral-wound woven wire mesh rotating cylinder electrode
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Mass transfer has been studied at rotating cylinder electrodes fabricated with spiral-wound woven-wire meshes using reduction of copper as a test reaction. The experimental data were correlated by an empirical expression between the Sherwood number and the Reynolds number, both regarding the hydraulic diameter as a characteristic length. It was found that the Sherwood number was dependent upon the Reynolds number to the power of 0.521. An enhancement factor was adopted to compare the efficiency of the new rotating cylinder electrode with previous three-dimensional rotating cylinder electrodes. The results showed that the new type has a mass-transfer enhancement factor 2.3 times higher than those obtained with smooth rotating cylinder electr

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Combustion Characteristics of a Free Piston Engine Linear Generator using Various Fuel Injection Durations
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 03 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Force decay of orthodontic elastomeric chains by using three different mechanisms simulating canine retraction
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Background: The ideal force-delivery system must: provide optimal tooth moving forces that elicit the desired effects, be comfortable and hygienic for the patient, require minimal operator manipulation and patient cooperation and provide rapid tooth movement with minimal mobility during orthodontic therapy, the elastomeric chains have the greatest potential to fulfill these requirements. Materials and Methods: This in vitro study was designed to determine the effect of three different mechanisms for canine retraction : (6-3 , 6-5-3 and chain loop ) on the load relaxation behavior of three types of elastomeric chains : (maximum clear , maximum silver and extreme silver) from the same company (Ortho Technology company) with two different bran

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Model of Intelligent Traffic Light System with Saving Power
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In this paper, a FPGA model of intelligent traffic light system with power saving was built. The intelligent traffic light system consists of sensors placed on the side's ends of the intersection to sense the presence or absence of vehicles. This system reduces the waiting time when the traffic light is red, through the transition from traffic light state to the other state, when the first state spends a lot of time, because there are no more vehicles. The proposed system is built using VHDL, simulated using Xilinx ISE 9.2i package, and implemented using Spartan-3A XC3S700A FPGA kit. Implementation and Simulation behavioral model results show that the proposed intelligent traffic light system model satisfies the specified operational req

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 03 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Nugget mechanical properties of combination (rectangular and round) welded and soldered stainless steel wires
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Background: This study aimed to compare the mechanical properties between four groups of newly fabricated combination wires according to their method of union, according to the gauges of wires and a comparison were made between them and their originals. Materials and method: A total of 60 stainless steel combination wires were fabricated , divided into four groups according to gauge of wires and their method of union, each of them with 15 samples, the groups were welded (0.016x0.022-0.016 and 0.016x0.022-0.018) and soldered (0.016x0.022-0.016 and 0.016x0.022-0.018), samples were made according to certain parameters which were : for the welded samples: length,weight, duration of pulsation and size of copper electrode tips used; for the sold

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 11 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Removal of Some Traces Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions by Water Hyacinth Leaves Powder
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The pollution of aquatic ecosystems with toxic heavy metals is representing a major environmental issue, as a result of releasing these metals to ecological ambient without treatment, leading to their persistence and non-biodegradation in the environment. Various traditional methods are utilized as an attempt to remove heavy metals from waste water but still without making any actual progress. This study hypothesizes that Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) dried leaves powder is potential in removing some of these heavy metals (HM), including lead, copper, cadmium and chrome from aqueous solutions via biosorption influenced by some variable experimental factors. This aim was approached by using two different experimental conditions: (

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