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The Effect of Brainstorming on audit Quality and its Reflection on Detecting the Risk of Fraud
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Brainstorming is one of the fundamental and necessary concepts for practicing the auditing profession, as auditing standards encouraged the implementation of brainstorming sessions to reach reasonable assurance about the validity of the evidence and information obtained by the auditor to detect fraud, as the implementation of brainstorming sessions and the practice of professional suspicion during the audit process lead to increase the quality of auditing and thus raise the financial community's confidence in the auditing profession again after it was exposed to several crises that led to the financial community losing confidence in the auditing profession.

The research aims to explain the effect of brainstorming as a contemporary concept in discovering the risks of fraud, as well as its role in improving the quality of auditing in Iraqi audit firms and offices, through a questionnaire form distributed to a sample of auditors in Iraqi audit firms and offices, and the number of distributed forms has reached (112) form. The effect of the variables was explained through the use of statistical models using the least-squares method and the linear regression model. After testing the research hypotheses a set of conclusions were reached, represented by the implementation of auditors in Iraqi companies and auditing offices for brainstorming sessions that contribute to improving the quality of audit by helping auditors accounts are to make better assessments of the risk of fraud, as auditors can start their assessments by looking at the signals of the fraud triangle hypothesis, and that using brainstorming sessions during audit planning increases the quality of the audit process by discovering the fundamental errors resulting from fraud or errors which lead to maintaining the confidence of the financial community in the auditing profession, the research recommended that the legislative and regulatory bodies in Iraq should emphasize the importance of peace, Describe the mental and the need for auditors to practice brainstorming during planning and implementation of the audit process, which leads to an increase in the quality of the audit.

Type of research: research paper.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ستراتيجيات ردم الفجوة الرقمية في دول الاسكوا – مع إشارة خاصة للعراق-
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إن التغيرات السريعة والبعيدة المدى في تكنولوجيا المعلومات القائمة على أساس الالكترونيات الدقيقة تساعد في حدوث تحول في صورة الاقتصاد العالمي، وكذلك تساعد في تغيير المزايا التنافسية للبلدان، وربط المؤسسات البعيدة ببعضها البعض، ونشر الخدمات المالية على نطاق عالمي، وكذلك إثارة مشكلات جديدة او العكس فتح فرص جديدة أمام تنمية ونمو أفقر البلدان .

وأدت هذه التكنولوجيا الجديد

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Biology Textbook for Scientific Sixth Class in Iraq (A Comparative Study)
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The textbook is the primary means of creativity and thinking, which has a major role in the development of the readership and mental abilities of the student. It is the basic tool in education in Iraq for the teacher and the student, which cannot be dispensed in any educational program. The current study aimed at the book of the biology of the sixth grade of science in Iraq (comparative study). It was compared to the book of biology for the twelve grade in the Kingdom of Jordan to identify the ratio of similarity and differences between them, in addition, to identify the weaknesses in the Iraq curriculum and developing appropriate solutions and suggestions to address them. The sample was represented with books of biology (six-science cla

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
السلوك القیادي لدى الاطفال الایتام واقرانھم غیر الایتام في المرحلة الابتدائیة
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The family is considered one of the most important social institutions which has a
strong and clear effect on the child in forming his personality through the process
of social upbringing which works on transforming the child from a merely
biological being into an individual who has customs and traditions and the behavior
of the group to which he belongs, and till now there is no social organization or
institution that can do this process not even in partial way like the family
.Therefore depriving the child of his parents leads to depriving him of the normal
chances of growth which relate to his age stage and thus this shortcoming is hard to
treat and based on the preceding the current research aimed at the follo

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاشكال المفضلة لدى اطفال الرياض ونسبة توظيفها في تصاميم اثاث الرياض
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The research explores the shapes preferred by children and the extent to which it can be utilized on the experimental kindergarten at the Woman’s School of Education. To achieve the goal, the researcher has displayed pictures that have been chosen from within the research boundaries which represent four categories: Geometrical shapes which included (squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles), agricultural shapes which included (apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes), motion pictures shapes (cartoon characters) which included (Jerry the mouse, Twitty the bird, Bugs Bunny the rabbit, and Winnie the pooh), and animal shapes which included (dogs, fishes, frogs, and horses) to the sample children of (60) child (boys and girls) that

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
حفظ حفظ القرآن الكريم ودوره في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها
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When Allah has chosen Arabic language to be the eternal language of the Holly Qura'an, Qura'an was the original resource of the perfect grand Arabic

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 21 2022
Journal Name
التوظيف الديني والاجتماعي في نتاجات الفنان برويكل والفنان بوش دراسة مقارنة
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كثيرة هي التداعيات التي تمكن قراءتها عكسياً لفهم الثيمات المحركة لعصر بعينه في المدة والمكان المحددين، ولاسيما أن الفن لا يقتصر على كونه مرآة العصر فحسب ، بل يتعدى ذلك لقياس نبض وميكانزم العصر وتنبؤاته المستقبلية إن عصر النهضة يشكل بحق أهم المثابات التي مرت بها أوروبا عبر تاريخها، وإن هذا البحث يلقي الضوء على إثنين من الفنانين ممن لم تسعفنا التراجم في التعريف بهما وعن الدور الذي لعباه في بواعث ا
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنهج المنهج القرآني في تربية الأبناء بالحوار ( دراسة تفسيرية ـــ موضوعية )
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Quran orders and commandments and principles, has avenged children, their status and dearest, and saved their lives, which reached ill before Islam, and filled the hearts of the fathers and mothers for their love, but to make them embellish life.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Sustainability indicators in green residential buildings (Jawaher Degla residential complex as an example)
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The environmental problems that have emerged recently as a result of pressure on the environment due to the increase in population size, especially in urban cities, where this increase was accompanied by the need for housing as well as the need for services and activities. This led to the establishment of many vertical residential buildings represented by residential complexes within the urban fabric of the city of Baghdad. As part of following the methodology of urban dictation policies in empty areas, and to accommodate the largest number of residents as a result of the multiplicity of floors and housing, these buildings must be subject to the standards and requirements of sustainability at the level of their spatial location and their

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
توظيف التراث واللون في روايتي نبوءة فرعون وشاي العروس لميسلون هادي
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The novel in its construction depends on set of life elements that is employed by the writer or the novelist to create a convincing world that resemble the real life world and as the novel is going toward experimentation and employing modern phenomenon we find the novelist tends to take advantage from the most realistic details to achieve the required convincing state through serious situations and the novelist Maysaloun Hadi depended in writing her novels on creating tight relations between the things and the elements that has inspired her which are mostly from the environment and from reality , as an example of these elements is the old inherited traditions that distinguish Iraq society as this element is a very important point in Iraq

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Drag-Reducing Agent for Aqueous Liquid Flowing in Turbulent Mode through Pipelines
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In this study, mucilage was extracted from Malabar spinach and tested for drag-reducing properties in aqueous liquids flowing through pipelines.  Friction produced by liquids flowing in turbulent mode through pipelines increase power consumption. Drag-reducing agents (DRA) such as polymers, suspended solids and surfactants are used to reduce power losses. There is a demand for natural, biodegradable DRA and mucilage is emerging as an attractive alternative to conventional DRAs. Literature review revealed that very little research has been done on the drag-reducing properties of this mucilage and there is an opportunity to explore the potential applications of mucilage from Malabar spinach. An experi

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