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The role of business incubators represented by the banking system in financing small and medium enterprises in Iraq for the period 2000-2010

The process of transformation from the central economy to a free economy requires restructuring the economy according to a new economic philosophy that relies on activating the role of private economic activity in which private and medium-sized institutions occupy an essential axis for their active role in the economies of all countries, especially those countries that have directed towards the market mechanism and sector leadership. The special process of economic development and the role that commercial banks can play in advancing the financing of these projects by establishing specialized business incubators for financing.

What encouraged countries to pay attention to these institutions is the ease of their establishment and the low capital used in them and their ability to create increased job opportunities, their ability to enter in the tracks of industries that refrain from entering large institutions, as well as having sufficient flexibility to enable them to spread in the various small and rural cities in its higher innovation potential.

 In spite of its enjoyment of these advantages and characteristics, it encounters many obstacles, foremost of which are financial constraints, which necessarily necessitates studying the potential financing outlets for small and medium enterprises, including specialized financing institutions. It was found after the study that the financing of these specialized institutions does not fit with the need and nature of the institutions for small and medium-sized companies, despite the fact that the establishment of specialized lending institutions was mainly in order to correct imbalances in the credit market and compensate for the financing gap, the practical reality is that there are a number of obstacles that hinder the ability of these institutions. It specializes in providing the appropriate alternative to financing because it is unable to avoid the risk of risk in providing loans due to the lack of objective studies of the economic feasibility of projects established by small and medium enterprises and the weak guarantees that they possess that can be provided to the lenders to obtain the necessary financing, in addition to the fact that the loans provided are often in line with large project loans and inconsistent with the character and needs of small and medium enterprises.

Therefore, specialized banks, such as industrial, agricultural, real estate industrial, and real estate banks, can also contribute to providing financial liquidity to this incubator as a long-term investment, provided that small and medium-sized enterprises are funded according to the nature of the production or service project, which is the industrial, agricultural, and real estate banks with the necessary funds.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Telegraph Equation via He-Fractional Laplace Homotopy Perturbation Technique

A new technique to study the telegraph equation, mostly familiar as damped wave equation is introduced in this study. This phenomenon is mostly rising in electromagnetic influences and production of electric signals.  The proposed technique called as He-Fractional Laplace technique with help of Homotopy perturbation is utilized to found the exact and nearly approximated results of differential model and numerical example of telegraph equation or damped wave equation in this article. The most unique term of this technique is that, there is no worry to find the next iteration by integration in recurrence relation. As fractional Laplace integral transformation has some limitations in non-linear terms, to get the result of nonlinear term in

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Numerical Study of Specially Shaped Slender RC Columns under Compressive Load
Abstract<p>In most Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings, the cross-section size of rectangular columns that conventionally used in these structures is larger than the thickness of their partitions. Consequently, a part of the column is protruded out of the wall which has some architectural disadvantages. Reducing the column size by using high strength concrete will result in slender column, thus the stability problem may be occurred. The stability problem is difficult to be overcome with rectangular columns. This paper study the effectiveness of using new types of columns called Specially Shaped Reinforced Concrete (SSRC) columns. Besides, the use of SSRC columns provides many structural advantage</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Twitter Sentiment Related to Bitcoin on Stock Price Returns

Twitter is becoming an increasingly popular platform used by financial analysts to monitor and forecast financial markets. In this paper we investigate the impact of the sentiments expressed in Twitter on the subsequent market movement, specifically the bitcoin exchange rate. This study is divided into two phases, the first phase is sentiment analysis, and the second phase is correlation and regression. We analyzed tweets associated with the Bitcoin in order to determine if the user’s sentiment contained within those tweets reflects the exchange rate of the currency. The sentiment of users over a 2-month period is classified as having a positive or negative sentiment of the digital currency using the proposed CNN-LSTM

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Different DEM Generation Methods based on Open Source Datasets

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is one of the developed techniques for relief representation.  The definition of a DEM construction is the modeling technique of earth surface from existing data. DEM plays a role as one of the fundamental information requirement that has been generally utilized in GIS data structures. The main aim of this research is to present a methodology for assessing DEMs generation methods. The DEMs data will be extracted from open source data e.g. Google Earth. The tested data will be compared with data produced from formal institutions such as General Directorate of Surveying. The study area has been chosen in south of Iraq (Al-Gharraf / Dhi Qar governorate. The methods of DEMs creation are kri

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On Integrability of Christou’s Sixth Order Solitary Wave Equations

We examine the integrability in terms of Painlevè analysis for several models of higher order nonlinear solitary wave equations which were recently derived by Christou. Our results point out that these equations do not possess Painlevè property and fail the Painlevè test for some special values of the coefficients; and that indicates a non-integrability criteria of the equations by means of the Painlevè integrability.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfathiazole Using 2,4 –dinitrophenylhydrazine as Coupling Reagent

A rapid, sensitive and selective spectrophotometric method was developed for determination of sulfathiazole (STHZ) in aqueous solution. The method is based on the  oxidative coupling reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) in a basic medium (pH 10.9) in the presence of  potassium periodate to produce an intense orange colour, soluble in water , stable product and absorbs at 492 nm. Beer's law was in the linear range 2.0-28.0 μg/ml of sulfathiazole, the molar absorptivity, Sandellʼs sensitivity index and detection limit were 1.1437 ×104 liter.,0.0223 μ and 0.1274 μg/ml respectively. The RSD value was  0.75 - 1.12 % depending on the concentration. This method was applied successfu

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of Adhesions Induced Intestinal Obstruction following Abdominal Penetrating Missile Injuries

Objectives: To evaluate the incidence of adhesions
induced intestinal obstruction after explorative laparotomy
due to bullet/shell injury in Al-Kindi teaching
Results: Thirty-six out of the 76 cases with adhesions
induced intestinal obstruction (A.I.I.O.) had history of
laparotomy for penetrating missile injury, 26 of them were
explored as a method of management of A.I.I.O. with
mean age (22 for those explored, ٣٧ for those treated
conservatively), 16 of them presented within a year or less
from the previous surgery.
Methods: Comparative interventional prospective study of
cases with adhesions induced intestinal obstruction
admitted to the surgical wards in Al-Kindi teaching

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
North American Journal Of Medical Sciences
Antagonistic effect of bacteriocin against urinary catheter associated Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm

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Crossref (25)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
optimization of pectinase production from pesudomonas sp. isolated from iraqi soi

Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Extended Subclass of Meromorphic Multivalent Functions Involving Ruscheweyh Derivative Operator

     In this paper, we introduce and discuss an extended subclass〖 Ą〗_p^*(λ,α,γ) of meromorphic multivalent functions involving Ruscheweyh derivative operator. Coefficients inequality, distortion theorems, closure theorem for this subclass are obtained.

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