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The role of business incubators represented by the banking system in financing small and medium enterprises in Iraq for the period 2000-2010
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The process of transformation from the central economy to a free economy requires restructuring the economy according to a new economic philosophy that relies on activating the role of private economic activity in which private and medium-sized institutions occupy an essential axis for their active role in the economies of all countries, especially those countries that have directed towards the market mechanism and sector leadership. The special process of economic development and the role that commercial banks can play in advancing the financing of these projects by establishing specialized business incubators for financing.

What encouraged countries to pay attention to these institutions is the ease of their establishment and the low capital used in them and their ability to create increased job opportunities, their ability to enter in the tracks of industries that refrain from entering large institutions, as well as having sufficient flexibility to enable them to spread in the various small and rural cities in its higher innovation potential.

 In spite of its enjoyment of these advantages and characteristics, it encounters many obstacles, foremost of which are financial constraints, which necessarily necessitates studying the potential financing outlets for small and medium enterprises, including specialized financing institutions. It was found after the study that the financing of these specialized institutions does not fit with the need and nature of the institutions for small and medium-sized companies, despite the fact that the establishment of specialized lending institutions was mainly in order to correct imbalances in the credit market and compensate for the financing gap, the practical reality is that there are a number of obstacles that hinder the ability of these institutions. It specializes in providing the appropriate alternative to financing because it is unable to avoid the risk of risk in providing loans due to the lack of objective studies of the economic feasibility of projects established by small and medium enterprises and the weak guarantees that they possess that can be provided to the lenders to obtain the necessary financing, in addition to the fact that the loans provided are often in line with large project loans and inconsistent with the character and needs of small and medium enterprises.

Therefore, specialized banks, such as industrial, agricultural, real estate industrial, and real estate banks, can also contribute to providing financial liquidity to this incubator as a long-term investment, provided that small and medium-sized enterprises are funded according to the nature of the production or service project, which is the industrial, agricultural, and real estate banks with the necessary funds.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent
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An investigation was conducted effect of addition co- solvent on solvent extraction process for two types of a lubricating oil fraction (spindle) and (SAE-30) obtained from vacuum distillation unit of lube oil plant of Daura Refinery. In this study two types of co-solvents ( formamide and N-methyl, 2, pyrrolidone) were blended with furfural to extract aromatic hydrocarbons which are the undesirable materials in raw lubricating oil, in order to improve the viscosity index, viscosity and yield of produced lubricating oil. The studied operating condition are extraction temperature range from 70 to 110 °C for formamide and 80 to 120 °C for N-methyl, 2, pyrrolidone, solvent to oil ratio range from 1:1 to 2:1 (wt./wt.) for furfural with form

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Chemiluminescence Study of High Power Microwave Pulses Effects on Whole Blood
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   Chemiluminescenc (CL), light emitted during chemical reaction, is one of the accurate methods used to detect directly oxygen free radicals. In this study, luminol was used as CL detector, to detect the concentration of free radicals formed in whole blood exposed to high power microwave pulses. The changes in the intensity of CL signal gives a clear relation between the concentration of free radicals formed by radiation in blood and changes in blood properties such as hemolysis of blood cells. This is done by measuring the electrical sytoplsimic electrical properties, the results are substituted in Maxwell-Wagner equation, to obtain electrical conductivity of cytoplasm, which is 18.3   ms/cm, while at suspension med

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Bifurcation Diagram of W(u_j;τ)-Function with (p,q)-Parameters
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      This study aims to classify the critical points of functions with 4 variables and 8 parameters, we found the caustic for the certain function with the spreading of the critical points. Finally, as an application, we found the bifurcation solutions for the equation of sixth order with boundary conditions using the Lyapunov-Schmidt method in the variational case.

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Risk factor of urinary incontinence among menopausal women at Babylon city
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Purpose: To identify the risk factors of urinary incontinency for menopausal women.
Methodology: A descriptive analytic study was conducted to identify the risk factor for urinary incontinency
and selected non-probability sample (purposive sample) from (200) menopausal women (45-65) who have
urinary incontinence as visitors and caregiver women who attend at Hila surgical teaching hospital during the
period 1/11/2010-30/3/2011. Questionnaire format used for data collection was designed and constructed
after reviewing related literatures and previous studies and consists of the following variables: Demographic
and reproductive characteristics of menopausal women who suffers from urinary incontinence
Results: The study

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement Marshall Properties of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Using Polyphosphoric Acid
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Modified asphalt is considered one of the alternatives to address the problems of deficiencies in traditional asphalt concrete, as modified asphalt addresses many of the issues that appear on the pavement layers in asphalt concrete, resulting from heavy traffic and vehicles loaded with loads that exceed the design loads and the large fluctuations in the daily and seasonal temperatures of asphalt concrete. The current study examined the role of polyphosphoric acid (PPA) as a modified material for virgin asphalt when it was added in different proportions (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%) of the asphalt weight. The experimental program includes the volumetric characteristics associated with the Marshall test, the physical properties, and th

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2000
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Production of Low Sulfur Fuel Oil from Different Iraqi Residues Crudes
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Catalytic Cracking of Furfural Extract-40 over Ni/HY-Zeolite Catalyst
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Modifying of HY/Zeolite is by loading nickel for applying catalyst in thermal catalytic cracking of furfural extract-40 from the lubricating base oil unit. The study involved the characterizing of HY-zeolite and promoted catalyst with nickel by X-ray diffraction analysis, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), BET (Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller), and infrared ray analyses FTIR. The catalytic thermal cracking tubular reactor with a fixed bed with two type catalysts; HY/zeolite and Ni HY/zeolite, individually at a temperature of 580oC with LHSV 5h-1 was investigated. The results indicated that increase the conversion of catalytic cracking of furfural extract-40 also increases the yield of useful petroleum

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Surface area measurements of upper dental cast with different final impressionss
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Background : surface area anatomy is a proportional point to the retention of complete denture, in past there was no quantitative method to evaluate the surface area, nowadays the size and shape of maxillary arch is measured by different electronically and mathematical devices. A study was therefore, undertaken to measure surface area of upper dental cast that was taken by different final impressions. Materials and methods: twenty patients were examined. All of them had a healthy palate with no singe of injury, trauma, or deformity. Casts were taken by three different final impressions; zinc oxide, additional silicon, and poly ether. And two different devices were used; the computerized one and the Aluminum foil measure. Age, se

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Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Shrinkage Properties of Insulator Ceramic Body Porcelain Formed Using Local Material
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   This work was carried out to investigate the shrinkage properties of insulator ceramic body, and the effect of changing the ratio of concentration of electrolyte solution on these properties. The electrical insulator body was prepared by using Iraqi local materials. These are :- kaolin Duakhla, Arudhuma Sand glass, and potash feldspar with weight percentage (45%, 25%,and 30%) respectively. The processes of milling, classification, mixing, forming and firing, through the process of mixing electrolyte solution and mineralizer were added at different concentrations for electrolyte solution, (1%, 0.7%, 0.5%, 0.2%, and 0.1%).  The electrolyte solution was prepared by mixing sodium carbonate and sodium silicate by (2:1) ratio

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Clinical Evaluation of a Formulated Econazol Nitrate as A Topical Solution
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Econazole nitrate (EN) is considered as the most effective agent for the treatment of all forms of dermatomycosis caused by dernatophytes. It was formulated as a topical solution in our laboratories. This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of Econazol Nitrate in the prepared formula and compared with that of commercial brand, Pevaryl®. A total of 104 patient suffering from dermatomycoses were involved in this investigation. Both formula were applied to the affected skin region in the morning and evening from week to 16 weeks with light massage until complete healing effect was achieved. The data revealed that the percentage of cured patient treated with the prepared formula and reference formula of Ecanozol Nitrate 1% so

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