The aim of the research is to identify both the re-engineering of management processes and the strategic decision-making process in the research community and determine the nature of the correlation between the two variables and know the relationship between them to achieve the research goal. The researcher used a descriptive and analytical method. The research community consists of a group of professors and staff of the College of Education affiliated to the University of Mustansiriya in Baghdad, which their number were (45), the researcher has distributed the forms to all members of the sample, only (3) forms were excluded for invalidity and thus the number of forms approved in the analysis were (42) forms. The research questionnaire was designed based on previous studies related to the subject of research and a comprehensive survey of the research sample was used. Using statistical methods, the research found a significant correlation between the re-engineering dimensions of the administrative processes and the strategic decision-making process.
The main subject of this poem is a chance meeting between Baudelaire and unknown beautiful lady. Her presence represents the far-fetched, magnificent beauty. This beauty forms an aspect of idealism that takes its real existence and disappears immediately.
This emotional poem deals with the continuous despair that dates back to the Romantic age where it was a key topic; the passing woman embodies destiny. All this comes from constant experience and mad love through the poet’s view to a woman paving the way toward the unknown. Baudelaire, however, noticed this unknown through a passer-by that reflected the real and magical image of this unk
... Show MoreIt was the sayings of Andalusia scholars in agriculture based on experiments and theories that helped a lot in the success and development of agriculture in the Andalusia ,and also The divisions of the soil and out types and forms it helped a lot of to know arable of non-arable land earth and all off the determination of the color of repentance is important often discovered by agricultural scientists and that helped in the cultivation of certain crops in certain land without another land.and though each particular agricultural crops specific soil in which to live and not live in other soil
يعد التحليل العاملي Factor Analysis أحد الأساليب الإحصائية المهمة والتي يصعب تنفيذها يدويا ً أو بالألات الحاسبة الصغيرة لذا لاقى الباحثين صعوبة في إستخدامه في البداية بل كان من المستحيل القيام به ، لذا فالمؤلف قد تناول التحيلي العاملي الاستكشافي لكونه إسلوب إحصائي يستخدم في تحليل البيانات ويتطلب شروطا ً لأستخدامه ودقة في مراعاة هذه الشروط ويتطلب أيضا ً معايير يجب أن يتأكد الباحث من توافرها في البيانات وهذا ما تم ت
... Show MoreGraph is a tool that can be used to simplify and solve network problems. Domination is a typical network problem that graph theory is well suited for. A subset of nodes in any network is called dominating if every node is contained in this subset, or is connected to a node in it via an edge. Because of the importance of domination in different areas, variant types of domination have been introduced according to the purpose they are used for. In this paper, two domination parameters the first is the restrained and the second is secure domination have been chosn. The secure domination, and some types of restrained domination in one type of trees is called complete ary tree are determined.
انف كتاب أي.أس.أمىز(6291-9006) انشعشي شاطًء الاشجاس ((1981مه 73قصٍذي. ٌىاقش انبذث ٌزي انقصائذ مه مىضُس فهسفت انطاًٌَ َانتً اتبعٍا انشاعش بذقً فً كتابً.ٌظٍش انكتاب بُضُح انكثٍش مه ملامخ انطبٍعً َانتً تتضمه تغٍشاث دٌىامكًٍ َتطُس تذسٌجً نمختهف انكائىاث انذًٍ .ٌصف انشاعش فً اَل سهسهً مه قصائذي انصُسي انذقٍقًٍ نهكُن مه خلال سؤٌا عمٍقً نهطاًٌَ َانتً تظٍش جهٍا مه خلال تفاعم الاوسان مع انطبٍعً.تُضخ انقصائذ تقاسب انطاًٌَ م
... Show Moreملاحظات في قانون حماية المستهلك العراقي رقم 1 لسنة 2010
هدف البحث معرفة نسبة تضمين معايير التنور التقني في محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحلة الإعدادية في العراق عن طريق الإجابة عن السؤال الآتي: ما نسبة توافر معايير التنور التقني في محتوى كتابي الحاسوب المقرران على طلبة المرحلة الاعدادية بفرعيها ( العلمي والادبي ) المعتمدان من وزارة التربية العراقية/ المديرية العامة للمناهج في العام الدراسي (2016-2017 )؟ وتم اعتماد المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتكون مجتمع البحث وعينته من محتو
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