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The Reflection of the application TD-ABC approach on profits persistence Applied study in the General State of Hydraulic Industries Factory of Plastic*
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The interest of many companies has become dealing with the tools and methods that reduce the costs as one of the most important factors of successful companies, and became the subject of the attention of many economic units because of the impact on the profits of company, and since the nineties of the last century the researchers and writers gave great attention to this subject, especially in light of the large competition and rapid developments in cost management techniques, as well as the wide and significant change in production methods that have been directed towards achieving customer satisfaction, all this and more driven by economic units in all sectors whether it is service or productivity to find methods that would reduce the costs and thereby increase the profits. As well as achieving a market share compared to economic units operating in the same sector.

This study seeks to apply the method of reducing the manufacturing factory overhead costs through the use of time-driven activity-based costing. The aim of the research is to use this technique and to determine the effect of this method in measuring the profit persistence of the company. The traditional method used in the company the research sample to determine the indirect costs and the extent of its impact on the measurement of the profit persistence, the definition of the concepts and characteristics of the method of cost-based activity and the cost method based on time-driven activity and justifications applied to companies, so, the research problem was that the traditional method used by the company the research sample in determining manufacturing factory overhead costs is not fair and objective as it builds the actual basis for determining manufacturing factory overhead costs at the level of the factory as a whole. Consequently, it does not represent cost-effective information that reflects the cost-effectiveness of the plant in the sample of the research and in a manner that affects the profitability of the company the research sample and thus in measuring the profit persistence.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
الرواة الذين حكم البخاري بضعفيم في تارخيه الكبري ًالضعفاء الصغري وقواهم ابو حاتم فيما رواه عنه ابنه في كتابه الجرح والتعديل
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Narrators who ruled Bukhari weak
In its great history, the small weak
And their strength Abu Hatim narrated by his son in his book wound and amendment

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الطرائق والأساليب الشائعة في تدريس مادة التربية الإسلامية في المرحلة المتوسطة من وجهة نظر مدرسي مادة التربية الإسلامية ومدرساتها والمشرفين الاختصاص
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The problem of the current research has been crystallized through the study of the current reality of teaching Islamic Education in the intermediate schools. In order to get realistic results and to built on them the recommendations and suggestion that might help in improving teaching Islamic Education with more effective styles in the intermediate and secondary schools, this research has been formulated with the following question:

What are the common methods and styles used in teaching Islamic Education in the intermediate schools?

The importance of the research can be summarized as follows:

  1. The importance of the Islamic Education according to its

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
ESJF Algorithm to Improve Cloud Environment: Cloud computing
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Nowadays, after the technological development in societies, cloud computing has become one of the most important technologies. It provides users with software, hardware, and platform as remote services over the Internet. The increasing number of cloud users has caused a critical problem in how the clients receive cloud services when the cloud is in a state of instability, as it cannot provide required services and, thus, a delay occurs. Therefore, an algorithm was proposed to provide high efficiency and stability to work, because all existing tasks must operate without delay. The proposed system is an enhancement shortest job first algorithm (ESJF) using a time slice, which works by taking a task in the shortest time first and then the l

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Scopus (4)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Spectral Technique for Baud Time Estimation
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A new approach for baud time (or baud rate) estimation of a random binary signal is presented. This approach utilizes the spectrum of the signal after nonlinear processing in a way that the estimation error can be reduced by simply increasing the number of the processed samples instead of increasing the sampling rate. The spectrum of the new signal is shown to give an accurate estimate about the baud time when there is no apriory information or any restricting preassumptions. The performance of the estimator for random binary square waves perturbed by white Gaussian noise and ISI is evaluated and compared with that of the conventional estimator of the zero crossing detector.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دور أحمد بن موسى (عليه السلام) في اثبات الإمام علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) نظراً إلى مسألة أزمة الخلافة في الإمامة الشيعية
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the events and events that took place after the death of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) and the role of Ahmad ibn Musa (peace be upon him) in the succession of Imam al-Rida (peace be upon him). Will the writer attempt to answer the question about the role

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
صلاة فقه الحديث في قوله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) " صلاة في مسجدي هذا أفضل من ألف صلاة مما سواه إلاّ المسجد الحرام"
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Prayer It is the second pillar of Islam, which is what Allaah erases sins, the Prophet, peace be upon him say: "Do you see if the river at the door of you wash it every day five, what it says: it keeps dirt," they said, does not keep the dirt something, He said: «That is like the five daily prayers, Allaah erases sins", Bukhari (1/112), and the places and times supervised thanks to worship them, was to pray at the three mosques (the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque and the Al-Aqsa Mosque) private virtue from the rest of the mosques and this virtue include the obligatory prayers and Voluntary Prayers.


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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
مجله ديالى للبحوث الانسانية
تقويم دور مختبرات قسم الكيمياء في العملية التعليمية في كلية التربية – للعلوم الصرفة - ابن الهيثم - جامعة بغداد من وجهة نظر المدرسين والمعيدين
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يعد الكيمياء من العلوم المهمة التي تدرس في جميع مراحل التعليم الاساسي ومراحل التعليم العالي في كليات (الزراعة ، العلوم ، الصيدلة ، التربية الاساسية ، الطب ، طب الاسنان ، الطب البيطري) لأنها تدخل في الكثير من مفاصل الحياة اليومية وما لها من تأثير في تقدم المجتمعات من الناحية الصناعية والاقتصادية حيث تدخل الكيمياء في الصناعات الغذائية ، والصناعات الدوائية او صناعة الاقمشة والزراعة وتطوير الثروة الحيوانية عن ط

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study was conducted to prepare protein concentrates from AL-Zahdidate’s pits by using alkaline methods where the chemical composition of the pits were (7.30, 1.04, 5.80, 8.68 and 77.19) % for each of the moisture, ash, protein, fat and carbohydrates respectively and the chemical composition of the concentrate protein was (6.62, 4.10, 26.70, 0.93, and 58.65) % respectively. The content of protein concentrate from the metallic elements (144.07, 25.11, 15.02, 0.49, 0.59, 0.27, 0.22 and 234.6) mg/ 100 g each of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and phosphorus respectively. The results of SDS-PAGE showed five bands with weights molecular ranged between 11000-70000 Dalton. Give the biscuit which contain protei

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
فقه فقه الحديث في قوله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) " صلاة في مسجدي هذا أفضل من ألف صلاة مما سواه إلاّ المسجد الحرام"
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Prayer It is the second pillar of Islam, which is what Allaah erases sins, the Prophet, peace be upon him say: "Do you see if the river at the door of you wash it every day five, what it says: it keeps dirt," they said, does not keep the dirt something, He said: «That is like the five daily prayers, Allaah erases sins", Bukhari (1/112), and the places and times supervised thanks to worship them, was to pray at the three mosques (the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque and the Al-Aqsa Mosque) private virtue from the rest of the mosques and this virtue include the obligatory prayers and Voluntary Prayers

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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White and black chia seeds were used in some food products, such us gluten –free biscuits processing by using rice flour and chia seeds (white and black) with these amonths 112.5, 74.25, 56.25, 27.5 g with 27.5g of quinoa seeds for treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, and comparison sensitively with the control treatment which has no additions including the appearance and homogenization of the product, surface cracks, softness, taste and flavor, core color and the specific volume, some microbiological tests were performed for biscuit product after storage for 4 months at 30 and 50°C including bacterial total count and fungal and yeast count, results showed that there weren’t any observation of bacteria or yeast or fungal growth at

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