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((The impact of strategic Orientation in the performance of banks private sector Iraqi / compared to the entrance.))

             bjective researcher through this research to Put a theoretical framework to strategic orientation the center on the market in the business and the diagnosis and interpretation of the nature of the link between relationships and influencing strategic orientation dimensions Almtmthelh organizations (Entrepreneurial Orientation, market Orientation, Interaction Orientation) and  the performance of the Iraqi Private Banks The research community and the  level of dimensional and through the use of scale (Balanced Scorecard) Bmnzawradtha the four, the test of this research in the Iraqi banking sector (Gulf Commercial Bank and the Bank of Ashur International), and applied research on a sample of (85)Director and employee distributors in several administrative levels (manager, department manager, branch manager, higher management staff), and use the search resolution tool to collect data and information as well as personal interviews Program and some private banks annual reports, has sought research to test a number of major and minor hypotheses concerning Relations link and relationships influence between research variables, in order to answer questions related to  the problem of  research and questions basic (Are Iraqi banks Private research community has a strategic orientation led to achieve better performance?, What is the effect of strategic orientation of the three dimensions (Entrepreneurial Orientation, market Orientation, Interaction Orientation) the performance of the Iraqi private banks?). and the dimensions of the strategic orientation its effects on the performance of banks varying sample of the research it is found that the impact of the Entrepreneurial Orientation trend in the first priority, Interaction approach in the second priority, market orientation in the third priority. There are also showing high positive correlation between the strategic orientation(In general) and the performance of the banking banks the same topic, also showed the results of descriptive analysis (general rate) to keep strategic orientation of Gulf Commercial Bank and the Bank of UNESCO's International achieved a force that builds high paragraphs Find variables implying the absorption of researched banks of the importance of strategic orientation dimensions are all "which will reflect positively its performance. strategic direction because of its direct impact on the performance of banks and the success of its business, , as well as in-depth studies to find out the reasons for the negative impact of the move towards the market in the performance of banks researched  and processed increases the efficiency of its interaction with other.                                                                                 


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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
مجلة كلية العلوم الاسلامية
أثر القواعد الفقكية الكبرى في بعض مسائل القضاء

القواعد الفقهية، باب واسع لإنزال الحكم الشرعي على مستجدات السياسة التي تتزايد يوماً بعد يوم، ومستجدات مسائل القضاء المعقدة، شرط أن تكون القاعدة مستمدة من النصوص الشرعية لفظاً أو دلالة. والأخذ بالقواعد الفقهية في الأحكام التي تخص السياسة الشرعية، أولى بالأخذ من الأحكام الوضعية؛ لأن قواعد الفقه هي خلاصة أحكام توصل إليها فقهاء الأمة بعد الدراسة والتمحيص، وهي مؤهلة وبشكل كبير أن تغطي حاجة أصحاب الولايات الع

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
المصرية للدراسات القانونية والاقتصادية
مدى تحقق المنافسة غير المشروعة في حق المؤلف

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الامثال الأمثال الشعبية وآثرها في تراث مدينة بغداد

Proverbs represent the morality and behavior of man in the environment in which he lives, they express the virtues of authentic , benign and urges the ethics as it is characterized by comprehensive over time and time as well as became rules imposed and accepted norms settled in the souls after the people gradually continued to import it through generations

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الحقوق جامعة النهرين
دور المبادئ العامة للقانون في إطار التجارة الدولية

المبادئ العامة للقانون ودرها في اطار التجارة الدولية

Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنهج النقدي في كتاب (الرجال) للنجاشي (ت 450هـ)

       يهدف هذا البحث الموسوم بـ (المنهج النقدي في كتاب الرجال للنجاشي(ت 450هـ )إلى تسليط الضوء على حياة النجاشي ومكانته العلمية والكشف عن منهجه النقدي في كتابه المذكور. 

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
فلسفة فلسفة اللغة و أثرها في الإعجاز القرآني

Praise be to God, prayer and peace upon our master Muhammad the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him mercy, gift, and grace, and rendered his family and the good righteous is followed until the Day of Judgment. After: The Koran

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ظاهرة العاملين المؤقتين ( الدور المتنامي في ظل العالمية)

The research intended to take into consideration the phenomena of employing the temporary employees through the business organization increasingly, which has become one of the most apparent features of the contemporary strategy of the human resources management. It depends on the analytical descrptive Approach to meet the research problem which has been focalized around the dispute praising regarding the phenomena of the temporary employment and its dimensions and challenges which can be faced by the management of human resources as a result .The importance of the research is represented as one of rare research which confronts to the phenomena of the temporary employment in the Iraqi business environment. The most prominent objec

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراسة دراسة في رسائل ايشوعياب الثالث الى اتباعه

The letters draw clear picture for what had happened in that time it was full of incidents .that incidents had began with the byzantine invation and  persioan persecution .later on the Muslins managed to conquest Iraq and Persia .the muslims spread  peace and security for the pupils of that area.

Ishuib manged to achieve peace and security to his adherence .he proved that he was one of those who were aunique persons. Because  he did his beast  to active and revive the general and special life to his adherence. He succeeded to organize the Christian relation ship with the muslims .

He wrote an agreement with muslims .he thought that this Islamic canquest was from allah to die done the mazdism. He said t

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
السمات التخطيطية للعوامل المؤثرة في تولد الرحلات المرورية

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 22 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تطورُ د راسةِ الهمزةِ وكتابتُها في المرحمةِ الإعداديّة

يُعنى هذا البحث بمهارة د  راسة وكتابة الهمزة التي تعدّ , برغم كثرة محاولات تيسيرها من
أعقد المسائل المتعمقة بقواعد الإملاء في الكتابة العربية

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