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The Role of Integration Between The Target Costing and Resource Consumption Accounting Techniques in Reducing Costs and Supporting Competitive Advantage - Analytical Study of The Opinions of a Sample of Employees of The Babylon Cement Factory.


The purpose of this research is to develop a proposed framework for achieving the Integration of the Target Cost and Resource Consumption Accounting Techniques and to show the role they play in reducing products costs and supporting the competitive advantage to cope with contemporary changes. To achieve this goal, the researchers followed the analytical method using the statistical questionnaire as a means of collecting data from the research sample include accounting, administrative, technical, engineering staffs and others. The research sample consists of (56) individuals and for the purpose of conducting statistical analysis of the data and testing hypotheses, the statistical program (SPSS) was used.

The research hypotheses were tested and accepted after calculating a set of statistical measures such as arithmetic mean, standard deviation, variation coefficient and percentage weight, and this test was validated by using t-test for one sample. The test showed that the calculated value of (t) is greater than the Tabulated value of (t) at significance level (5%) and degree of freedom (55). The most important results reached during the statistical analysis were that the Integration of the Target Costing and Resource Consumption Accounting Techniques contributes to better results in reducing costs and analyzing the environment of economic unit internally and externally and determine requirement of customers by focusing on the needs of activities from the resources of the economic unit on which the products depend on to manage the cost and to achieve the satisfaction of customers and their desires currently and in the future, The most important recommendations were the need to integrate Resource Consumption Accounting Technique and other cost techniques, especially Target Costing Technique to rationalize resource management and planning and develop alternative product designs to increase the effectiveness of the application of the Target Costing.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
علمــــاء العــرب والتـــأليف في فقه اللغة العربية

Philology is a science concerned with issues raised about language. It is a research into the mental aspects of its origin in its various sciences. The term (philology) appeared in the writings of Arab scholars in the fourth century AH. One of the most prominent topics of philology is research on the origin and development of language; Because it is one of the topics that preoccupied thinkers and many scholars, philosophers, and theologians, as well as linguists, have tackled research in it.                

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Использование Лексики в современном языке СМИ (В политических текстах)

Современные исследователи газетного речи много пишу об активном использовании разговорной и даже разговорно-сниженной, жаргонной лексики в общественно-политической публицистике. Это вызвано тем, что «…в силу того контраста, который невольно возникает при соприкосновении разговорных элементов с привычно книжными словами и построениями языка газеты, они были сразу осмыслены как сильное средство созд

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أساليب الطلب في مجموعة ايُّ العذابات أدنى

The method of request is one of the important rhetorical methods used by the creator in terms of rhetorical diversification, influence, artistic aesthetics and increasing textual coherence, and we tried through a group (Which torments are inferior) by the poet Majid Al-Rubaie, to shed light on these methods and their ability, displacement, relationality, direct and advertising interactions from them, and what they broadcast From metaphorical purposes is the second image of it, after its main image and title. This cohesion and harmony between the two images is an important and influential rhetorical trend

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
جمالية جمالية المكان في الرسم العربي الإسلامي

The God Almighty prefer on the Arab nation, and entrusted to carry his message to the secular world as a whole, , gave her all necessities of life in terms of location, who are the heart in the earth's surface. From this blessed place emerged the greatest civilizations and the world has ever known for it than in human history, a four empires Alsamyat

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La (autoantonimia) Al-ḍdad en las lenguas, según la lingüística moderna

Los lingüistas no árabes suelen quedar perplejos a la hora de  interpretar el  fenómeno de Al-ḍdad, −normalmente traducido en español como palabras  autoantónimas (1)− en la lengua árabe, en el que los arabistas, y entre ellos los españoles, han quedado sombrosos ante este fenómeno. El jefe del tribunal de la defensa de mi tesis me pidió que le explicara este fenómeno según mi teoría “El esquema básico de la referencia”; pues me dijo que no podía  imaginar que una palabra tuviera dos significados opuestos, y en ese momento le expliqué la palabra albayn  البين que significa la separación,  o la relaciónel enlace que comentar

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 29 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
هاشم الخطاط وجهوده في الخط العربي الاسلامي

 The line is among a nation of civilized nations did not attain what Muslims took care

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Publication Date
Wed May 05 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الشك المعرفي في الاسلام واثره على الغرب

Epistemological skepticism was present strongly in the Islamic
philosophical heritage. Many texts were received by thinkers and
philosophers calling for

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
النشاط النشاط الطبي في العصريين الراشدي والأموي

the subject of medical activity in eras Rashidi and Umayyad is one of the most important for study  because Medicine is related to human life and health Medicine is important science which should be identified and interested. the Prophet Muhammad emphasized God bless him and to pay attention to the study of medicine through the Hadith.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
سةرهةلَداني رِؤذنامةنووسيي كوردي و رِؤلَي لة ثةرةسةندني زمان و ئةدةبدا

Appearance of the Kurdish press in the Kurdish literature was affected by as set of both external and internal factors. The former was realized in the spreading of press and publications especially at the neighboring countries in the second half of the 19th century. The latter factors, external ones ,were concerned the political situations undergone by the Kurdish people who severely suffered injustice practiced by the Othman authority .All these reasons had driven the educated to migrate to search for more safe places to practice their cultural actions with absolute freedom. Consequently, the first newspaper was issued on 22/4/1898 in Cairo which pointed the birth of the Kurdish press inside and outside Kurdistan region which

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
النزعة النزعة العلمية في الفكر الفلسفي الإسلامي

This research is an attempt to prove the scientific tendency in the Islamic philosophical heritage through a review of the most important ideas of intellectual and philosophical theories brought by the philosophers of this

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