يعد التقطيع الصوري من الاهداف الرئيسة والضرورية في المعالجات الصورية للصور الرقمية، فهو يسعى الى تجزئة الصور المدروسة الى مناطق متعددة اكثر نفعاً تلخص فيها المناطق ذات الافادة لصور الاقمار الصناعية، وهي صور متعددة الاطياف ومجهزة من الاقمار الصناعية باستخدام مبدأ الاستشعار عن بعد والذي اصبح من المفاهيم المهمة التي تُعتمد تطبيقاته في اغلب ضروريات الحياة اليومية، وخاصة بعد التطورات المتسارعة التي شهدتها ميادين الحياة المختلفة والتي كثيراً منها طرقت بابها خوارزميات وتقنيات البرمجيات، فهذه الصور تعد ضرورية جداٌ لتمكيننا من دراسة طيف واسع من الاهداف في العديد من الجوانب العلمية، في هذا البحث استخدمت خوارزمية التحليل العنقودي غير الهرمية كطريقة للتقطيع الصوري (شطر ودمج المناطق) بهدف عرض اهمية استخدام الاساليب الاحصائية في مهام المعالجة الصورية مثل التقطيع الصوري، حيث اعتمد على تقنية (K-Means) لتنفيذ هذه المهمة، وقد طبقت خوارزمية هذه التقنية على صورة اقمار صناعية متعددة الاطياف لمشهد غربي العراق، حيث اظهرت النتائج مدى مرونة هذه الخوارزمية في التعامل مع التفاوت في اضاءة العناصر الصورية للصورة الملونة وكفاءة تكوينها لمناطق العناقيد المتكونة من مجاميع من العناصر الصورية المتجانسة في درجة شدة اضاءتها، واخيراً قدرة هذه الخوارزمية على اعطاء صور تتميز بجودتها والتي قيست على وفق مقياس ارتفاع اشارة نسبة الضوضاء (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)) لقياس جودة الصورة.
The high carbon dioxide emission levels due to the increased consumption of fossil fuels has led to various environmental problems. Efficient strategies for the capture and storage of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide are crucial in reducing their concentrations in the environment. Considering this, herein, three novel heteroatom-doped porous-organic polymers (POPs) containing phosphate units were synthesized in high yields from the coupling reactions of phosphate esters and 1,4-diaminobenzene (three mole equivalents) in boiling ethanol using a simple, efficient, and general procedure. The structures and physicochemical properties of the synthesized POPs were established using various techniques. Field emission scanning elect
... Show MoreThe study aimed to evaluate the level of MMP‑2 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients in comparison with that in remission status, and healthy subjects, and to find its correlation with hematologic parameters. This study included sixty newly diagnosed AML patients. Remission status was assessed after induction chemotherapy. The overall survival (OS) was determined after 6 months. The plasma MMP‑2 level was measured at diagnosis by enzyme immunoassay. Twenty‑eight healthy individuals were recruited as a control group. Plasma MMP‑2 was higher in AML patients than in healthy individuals (P = 0.005). The level of MMP‑2 was much higher in the M5 subtype than in the other subtypes (P = 0.0001). There was no statistically significant d
... Show MoreAxial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is a chronic rheumatic inflammatory disease affecting mainly the spine and sacroiliac joints. Since the copper-to-zinc ratio (Cu/Zn) indicates an inflammatory response, the change in ratio is expected to correlate with axSpA. This study compared levels of Cu/Zn in the serum of axSpA patients. Serum samples were obtained from 53 patients with axSpA divided according to biological treatment into cohorts A and B, and 28 healthy control as cohort C. Serum levels of Cu and Zn were determined first by a fully automated chemistry analyzer TC-Matrix Plus, then the ratio was obtained. The elevated serum Cu concentration means of cohort B (189.32 ± 13.808 µg/dL) compared to cohort A (168.85 ± 7.244 µg/dL) a
... Show MoreThe goal of the extant revision was to explore the influence of caffeic acid (CA) extracted from Arctium lappa L. on lipid profile and histology of aorta in rats . Analytical study demonstrated a high percentage of both chlorogenic and caffeic acid in the 80 % methanol extract of the aerial parts (leaves and stems) of Arctium lappa L. from the family Asteraceace. Hypolipidemic activity of caffeic acid was studied against cholesterol induced hypercholesterolemia in Wistar albino rats for thirty days. Rats were separated into normal group (A), hypercholesterolemic positive controller group (B). While, the rest three groups (C, D and E) attended as hypercholesterol
... Show MoreShear wave velocity is an important feature in the seismic exploration that could be utilized in reservoir development strategy and characterization. Its vital applications in petrophysics, seismic, and geomechanics to predict rock elastic and inelastic properties are essential elements of good stability and fracturing orientation, identification of matrix mineral and gas-bearing formations. However, the shear wave velocity that is usually obtained from core analysis which is an expensive and time-consuming process and dipole sonic imager tool is not commonly available in all wells. In this study, a statistical method is presented to predict shear wave velocity from wireline log data. The model concentrated to predict shear wave velocity fr
... Show MoreIn this paper, a Bayesian analysis is made to estimate the Reliability of two stress-strength model systems. First: the reliability of a one component strengths X under stress Y. Second, reliability of one component strength under three stresses. Where X and Y are independent generalized exponential-Poison random variables with parameters (α,λ,θ) and (β,λ,θ) . The analysis is concerned with and based on doubly type II censored samples using gamma prior under four different loss functions, namely quadratic loss function, weighted loss functions, linear and non-linear exponential loss function. The estimators are compared by mean squared error criteria due to a simulation study. We also find that the mean square error is
... Show MoreThe success of endodontic therapy is relied on radicular system cleaning, shaping, elimination of micro-organisms, and three dimensional filling of the radicular complex.This study was conducted to develop and assess new root canal sealer incorporating nano-sized bioactive glass into Gutta Flow II. The following concentration was used depend on a pilot study included adding (3%) of 45S5 bioactive glass into the Gutta Flow II. These materials were tested through assessment bioactivity. bioactivity test was undertaken after immersion of the tested samples into PBS for three days, seven days, fourteen days, and twenty eight days using FTIR too. study was found that it’s peaks was appear at level 800-1000 cm-1. The results showed that GFII gr
... Show MoreIn this paper, we introduce the concept of cubic bipolar-fuzzy ideals with thresholds (α,β),(ω,ϑ) of a semigroup in KU-algebra as a generalization of sets and in short (CBF). Firstly, a (CBF) sub-KU-semigroup with a threshold (α,β),(ω,ϑ) and some results in this notion are achieved. Also, (cubic bipolar fuzzy ideals and cubic bipolar fuzzy k-ideals) with thresholds (α,β),(ω ,ϑ) are defined and some properties of these ideals are given. Relations between a (CBF).sub algebra and-a (CBF) ideal are proved. A few characterizations of a (CBF) k-ideal with threshol
... Show MoreEfficacy of Oregano Essential Oil Mouthwash in Reducing Oral Halitosis: A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial, Mohamed Saeed M Ali, Ayser Najah Mohammed*