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(Estimation and Analysis of the Cobb-Duglas Production Function for the Rail Transport Sector in Iraq for the Period 1990-2016 using the ARDL Model)


Since the railway transport sector is very important in many countries of the world, we have tried through this research to study the production function of this sector and to indicate the level of productivity under which it operates.

It was found through the estimation and analysis of the production function Kub - Duglas that the railway transport sector in Iraq suffers from a decline in the level of productivity, which was reflected in the deterioration of the level of services provided for the transport of passengers and goods. This led to the loss of the sector of importance in supporting the national economy and the reluctance of most passengers and owners of goods The acquisition of that service in mobility and transfer to other modes of transport and then loss of competition with other means of transport.

As shown in the estimate of the output function that the capital variable negatively affects the value of production, and this is evident from the capital coefficient that took the negative signal and was associated with the inverse relationship with the level of productivity, and this result shows the poor implementation of investment projects and not implemented on time and that was not In parallel with the level of services provided. On the other hand, there was a positive relationship between the work and the value of the output. This was achieved by reducing the number of workers in this sector according to the period of time chosen in the research. It also became clear that the conditions and events that Iraq experienced had a great impact on the railway sector and other sectors. For other economies.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Rafidain Journal Of Science
Therapeutic Potential of Bacterial Pigments as Antimicrobial Agents A Review Article

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Protective Effect of Vitamin A against Oxidative Stress Caused by Methotrexate

Methotrexate (MTX), a folate antagonist agent, is mainly used in treatment of malignant tumors and autoimmune diseases. The present study was undertaken to determine whether antioxidant vitamin (vitamin A) could ameliorate methotrexate induced oxidative stress in male rabbits. Twenty male rabbits were randomly assigned into four groups. Group 1: control group, Group 2: MTX-treated group (received 20 mg/kg MTX intraperitoneally), Group 3: Vit.A treated group received 5000 IU Vit.A orally) and Group 4: MTX+Vit.A treated group received MTX 20 mg/kg plus 5000 IU vit.A). After 4 weeks of treatment, blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture to determine the serum malondialdehyde (MDA), as a good indicator for lipid peroxidation and

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study on tssC1 Gene Mediating Biofilm Antibiotics Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

P. aeruginosa is a famous bacterium that causes several diseases and has a high ability to be a multidrug resistant organism that is linked with the formation of biofilm. This study aimed to investigate tssC1 gene role in the resistance of different antibiotics in the presence of biofilm. We constructed biofilm for the isolates under the study and showed the effect of different antibiotics on biofilm formation and maturation. The presence of the gene was detected through achieving PCR reaction. Finally, tssC1 gene variation was determined through sequencing and aligning the sequencing products. The results showed that most of the isolates (80%) formed biofilm that played a role in the resistance of different antibiotics which could

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences And Applications
Treatment of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis by 100% Topical Pumpkin Seed Oil

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Electronics
H2S gas sensitivity of PAni nano fibers synthesized by hydrothermal method

In this work, PAni nanofibers (NFs) are successfully synthesized via hydrothermal method. The structural, surface morphological, optical, electrical and H2S gas sensing properties have been investigated for PAni thin films deposited by spin coating technique. The XRD pattern reveals crystalline nature of PAni NFs with crystallite size of 9.2 nm. The SEM image of Polyaniline clearly indicates that the polymer possesses nanofiber like structure. The optical properties show that the optical energy gap follows allowed direct electronic transition calculated using Tauc’s equation. Intense hotoluminescence (PL) peaks at 309, 340 and 605 nm are observed. The electrical properties such as D.C. conductivity and Hall effect have been studied wher

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Isolation of some microorganisms from Iraqi patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 17 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Aerodynamic Characteristics of CLARK-Y Smoothed Inverted Wing with Ground Effects

A two-dimensional computational study had been performed regarding aerodynamic forces and pressures affecting a cambered inverted airfoil, CLARK-Y smoothed with ground effects by solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, using the commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics 5.0 solver. Turbulence effects are modeled using the Menter shear-stress transport (SST) two-equation model. The negative lift (down-force), drag forces and pressures surface were predicted through the simulation of wings over inverted wings in different parameters namely; varying incidences i.e. angles of attack of the airfoils, varying the ride hide from the ground covering various force regions, two-dimensional cross-section of the inverted front wings to be

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
The Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Prevalence of Color Vision Deficiency among Adult Males from Baghdad Province

BACKGROUND: Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) is mostly an inherited trait and is not an uncommon problem. Prevalence of CVD differs among different ethnic and geographic properties of the population that affect their genetic constitution. Ishihara plates remain an internationally accepted tool for screening red-green CVD. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of red-green CVD among adult males from Baghdad province. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One thousand and five (1005) adult males were enrolled in this study, using a systematic sampling technique, and were screened for CVD utilizing 24-plate Ishihara plates and re-tested by EnChroma 39-Color plates. All males were residing in Baghdad and the center of Iraq. RESULTS: Among all tested males, 948 r

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Extraction of Caffeine from Spent Coffee Ground by Solid-liquid Extraction

يهدف البحث الحالي إلى الاستفادة من القهوة المستهلكة , كمادة وسيطة حيث تعد القهوة المستهلكة من المخلفات المضرة للبيئة الاستخراج الكافيين الطبيعي والذي يعد مادة ذات نشاط حيوي واهمية, وتحديد العوامل الفعالة في كفاءة عملية الاستخلاص من حيث تركيز الكافيين. تضمنت المتغيرات الرئيسية المدروسة وقت الاستخلاص  0-150 دقيقة  ، ودرجة الحرارة  25-55 درجة مئوية  ، وسرعة الخلط  180-450 دورة في الدقيقة  ،   ودرجة الحموضة العالق

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Stability constant of some Metal Ion Complexes of (6-(2Amino-2-(4-hydroxy phenyl)-acetamido)-3,3--dimethyl-7oxo-4-thia-1-aza-bicyclo[3,2,0]heptanes-2carboxylicacid(Amoxicillin)

  Measurement of stability constant of some complexes formed by (6-(2-amino-2-(4hydroxy phenyl)-acetamido)-3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-aza-bicyclo[3,2,0] heptanes-2carboxylic acid (Amoxicillin) with (Cr+3, Co+2, Ni+2, Cu+2,Ag+1, and Cd+2) ions, have been performed(Amoxicillin) was found to behave as bidentate ligand with ahardness parameter(α)of (0.46)and asoftness parameter(β)of (1.03) while complexes being formed were of (1:1)ratio.

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