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Finding Mixture Weibull Distribution
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In this paper a new idea was introduced which is finding a new distribution from other distributions using mixing parameters; wi  where  0 < wi < 1 ­and . Therefore we can get many mixture distributions with a number of parameters. In this paper I introduced the idea of a mixture Weibull distribution which is produced from mixing two Weibull distributions; the first with two parameters, the scale parameter , and the shape parameter,  and the second also has the scale parameter , and the shape parameter,  in addition to the location parameter, . These two distributions were mixed using a new parameter which is the mixing parameter w which represents the proportion of contribution of each of the component distributions in the new mixture distribution. Different values for the mixing parameter were considered and the probability functions of the mixture Weibull distribution were found. An application of these functions was added using real data and the functions were graphed. The results of the analysis were tabulated in a number of tables that clearly illustrate the idea of the uses of mixture Weibull distribution.    

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Seasonal variation and correlation between the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water in selected area in Egypt (Case study): physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water
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Fresh water resources in terms of water quality is a crucial issue worldwide. In Egypt, the Nile River is the main source of fresh water in the country and monitoring its water quality is a major task on governments and research levels. In the present case study, the physical, chemical and algal distribution in Nile River was monitored over two seasons (winter and summer) in 2019. The aims of the study were to check the seasonal variation among the different water parameters and also to check the correlations between those parameters. Water samples were collected from the Nile in Cairo governorate in EGYPT. The different physiochemical and microbiological properties in water samples were assessed. The studied parameters were included: te

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Nuclear Structure of Some Ni and Zn Isotopes with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock Interaction
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The inelastic C2 form factors and the charge density distribution (CDD) for 58,60,62Ni and 64,66,68Zn nuclei has been investigated by employing the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method with (Sk35-Skzs*) parametrization. The inelastic C2 form factor is calculated by using the shape of Tassie and Bohr-Mottelson models with appropriate proton and neutron effective charges to account for the core-polarization effects contribution. The comparison of the predicted theoretical values was conducted with the available measured data for C2 and CDD form factors and showed very good agreement.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Subclasses of Univalent and Bi-Univalent Functions Related to K-Fibonacci Numbers and Modified Sigmoid Function
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            This paper is interested in certain  subclasses of univalent and bi-univalent functions concerning  to shell- like curves connected with k-Fibonacci numbers involving modified Sigmoid activation function θ(t)=2/(1+e^(-t) ) ,t ≥0 in unit disk |z|<1 . For estimating of the initial coefficients |c_2 | , |c_3 |, Fekete-Szego ̈ inequality and the  second Hankel determinant have been investigated for the functions in our classes. 

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
العلاقة السببية بين منهج التخطيط والتنمية – بحث تحليلي للتجربة الماليزية –
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 ٳن العلاقة بين التخطيط والتنمية، تكتسب᾽ شكلها وطبيعتها من خلال دور التخطيط في ٳخضاع عملية التغيير والتحوّل للأوضاع الاقتصادية من وضع الى وضع آخر أكثر تقدما̋ عن طريق ٳعتماد منهج التخطيط لتحديد معالم خطوط السير المجدول زمنيا̋ لعملية التغيير والتحوّل وفقا̋ لرؤية الحكومة وفلسفتها باتجاه الانتقال من وضع ٳقتصادي وٳجتماعي متخلف الى وضع ٳقتصادي وٳجتماعي آخر يسمح بجعل عملية النمو مستمرة، ويمكن تبيّن تلك

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fusion Reaction Study of some Selected Halo Systems
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The challenge in studying fusion reaction when the projectile is neutron or proton rich halo nuclei is the coupling mechanism between the elastic and the breakup channel, therefore the motivation from the present calculations is to estimate the best coupling parameter to introduce the effect of coupled-channels for the calculations of the total cross section of the fusion  , the barrier distribution of the fusion   and the average angular momentum ⟨L⟩ for the systems 6He+206Pb, 8B+28Si, 11Be+209Bi, 17F+208Pb, 6He+238U, 8He+197Au and 15C+232Th using quantum mechanical approach.  A

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cloud Data Security through BB84 Protocol and Genetic Algorithm
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In the current digitalized world, cloud computing becomes a feasible solution for the virtualization of cloud computing resources.  Though cloud computing has many advantages to outsourcing an organization’s information, but the strong security is the main aspect of cloud computing. Identity authentication theft becomes a vital part of the protection of cloud computing data. In this process, the intruders violate the security protocols and perform attacks on the organizations or user’s data. The situation of cloud data disclosure leads to the cloud user feeling insecure while using the cloud platform. The different traditional cryptographic techniques are not able to stop such kinds of attacks. BB84 protocol is the first quantum cry

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Semiparametric Bayesian Method with Classical Method for Estimating Systems Reliability using Simulation Procedure
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               In this research, the semiparametric Bayesian method is compared with the classical  method to  estimate reliability function of three  systems :  k-out of-n system, series system, and parallel system. Each system consists of three components, the first one represents the composite parametric in which failure times distributed as exponential, whereas the second and the third components are nonparametric ones in which reliability estimations depend on Kernel method using two methods to estimate bandwidth parameter h method and Kaplan-Meier method. To indicate a better method for system reliability function estimation, it has be

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(The role of strategices to manage the human resources in enhancement the process of knowledge management : Field Search in the Ministry of Transportation)
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The aims of the research is to know the role of strategic to manage the human resources in enhancement the process of knowledge management in the Ministry of Transportation , In addition to the effects occurred on outcomes for both the managers and practitioners .

For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research , the researchers designed a questionnaire that included (40 Points for collecting the primary data from the sample of the research which contained (51) indiviluals. In light of that, the data was to collect and analyzed and hypotheses were tested by using the (SPSS) Program, and a number of statistical techniques was used to attain the goal of the research such as the means ,  Sta

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
NONPARAMETRIC And Semiparametric Bayesian Estimators in survival function analysis
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 Most statistical research generally relies on the study of the behaviour of different phenomena during specific time periods and the use of the results of these studies in the development of appropriate recommendations and decision-making and for the purpose of statistical inference on the parameters of the statistical distribution of life times in  The technical staff of most of the manufacturers in the research units of these companies deals with censored data, the main objective of the study of survival is the need to provide information that is the basis for decision making and must clarify the problem and then the goals and limitations of this study and that  It may have different possibilities to perform the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of real estate investment projects with framework theory of real options: A case study in the shopping center project (Baghdad Mall)
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Focused research aims to provide a framework cognitive analytical nature of real estate investments and how they evaluated in the light of the assessment tools of modern theory of real options, and the possibility to rely on that theory in the detection of the true value of projects, real estate investments that would maximize the value of the investment decision taken, and the analysis of those projects that arise in the real estate markets and environments is the organization, which she was to make sure cases and high-risk, compared with entrances techniques, discounted cash flow (net present value). Based on the assumption lies in the possibility of the application of the implic

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