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قياس وتحليل الصدمات النقدية في الاقتصاد العراقي للفترة 1980-2005 دراسة قياسية
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تعرض الاقتصاد العراقي إلى صدمات نقدية شديدة بسبب الظروف السياسية والاقتصادية غير المستقرة والمتمثلة بشكل أساسي لخوض العراق حرب طويلة الأمد مع إيران في الثمانينات وحربين مدمرتين مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية فضلاً عن فرض الحصار الاقتصادي طيلة ثلاثة عشر عاما ً .

وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى قياس وتحليل الصدمات النقدية التي تعرض لها الاقتصاد العراقي في فترة الثمانينات والتسعينات وبداية هذا القرن وبيان آثارها وسبل مواجهتها .

وأظهرت الدراسة أنَّ محاولة تثبيت سعر الصرف سواء من خلال إتباع سياسة سعر الصرف الثابت كما هو الحال في الثمانينات أو سياسة سعر الصرف المدار من قبل البنك المركزي (كما هو الحال بعد عام 2003) لا يساعد على امتصاص الصدمات النقدية، وبالمقابل إن َّ إتباع سعر الصرف المعوم أو المرن كما حصل بشكل أساسي في التسعينات ساعد الاقتصاد العراقي في امتصاص الصدمات النقدية بالرغم من الإصدار النقدي غير المنضبط خلال تلك الفترة .

كما ساعد في انتشار ظاهرة الدولرة في الاقتصاد العراقي في امتصاص الصدمات النقدية من خلال تحوط الأفراد واحتفاظهم بالعملة الأجنبية وجعلها كمخزن للقيمة بدلا من العملة المحلية،  إذ أظهرت الدراسة  توجه الطلب على النقود نحو إحلال النقود الأجنبية الدولار بدلا ً عن العملة المحلية الدينار .

وأكدت نتائج النموذج القياسي أنَّ هناك  علاقة عكسية بين الطلب الحقيقي على النقود وبين سعر الصرف وعلاقة طردية بين الطلب على النقود وبين الناتج المحلي الإجمالي  مما يدعم  النظرية الاقتصادية والمنطق الاقتصادي

وقدم الباحث مجموعة من التوصيات أهمها: إن َّ سياسة سعر الصرف   المدار من قبل البنك المركزي العراقي والمتبعة حاليا ً ينبغي أن يرافق تثبيت أسعار الصرف معدل نمو ثابت في عرض النقد؛ لكبح معدلات التضخم للمساهمة في استقرار الاقتصاد العراقي وعزله عن الصدمات النقدية. كذلك ضرورة العمل على استقلالية البنك المركزي؛ ليأخذ دورة في رسم السياسة النقدية بعيدا ً عن تدخلات الحكومة، فضلا ً عن العمل بشكل جدي على تنويع سلة العملات الصعبة، وتكوين احتياطات من اليورو والين والجنيه الإسترليني، لمقابلة أي تغيرات نقدية عالمية في المستقبل المنظور وعدم البقاء رهينة للدولار الأمريكي .


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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Return Variation on Investment as a Function for the Difference of Market Share: An Applied Research on a Sample of Private Banks listed in Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX)
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    The research specified with study the relation  between the market share for the sample research banks and the amount of the achieved revenues from the investment, where the  dominated belief  that there potentiality enhancing the revenue on investment with the increase of the banks shares in their markets after their success in achieving rates of successive growth in their sales of sales and to a suitable achieve  market coverage for their products and they have dissemination and suitable  promotion activity, the  market share represented the competition  for the banks, and the markets pay attention to the  market share as a strategic objective and to maintain them also increasi

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Diagnosing the reality of applying the operating requirement according to the international specification for the business continuity management system (ISO 22301:2019) : applied research in the General Tax Authority
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                 The research aims to diagnose the reality of applying the eighth requirement (operation) of the business continuity management system according to the international standard (ISO 22301: 2019), in the General Tax Authority, which is related to planning, implementing and controlling specific processes and procedures to address risks and opportunities, and the research adopted the checklist of the standard ( ISO 22301: 2019), in obtaining information, to measure the extent of application and documentation, the percentages and the weighted arithmetic mean were relied upon, and the research reached a set of result

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Potential Benefits of Ethanol extract of Anredera cordifolia for Antiobesity of High Fat diet-Induced Obesity in White Male Rat Wistar
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Obesity-related deaths continue to rise, and thus losing weight in overweight and obese patients is critical to prevent complications. Anredera cordifolia (Ten,) Steenis, species of succulent plant of the genus Basellaceae, is widely used in herbal medicine to decrease body weight. This study evaluated the potential benefits of Anredera cordifolia ethanol extract to reduce body weight in high-fat diet-induced obesity rat model. This was an experimental with post-test only control group design study involving 36 obese rats. They were divided into two groups: three control groups (K1, K2, K3) and three treatment groups (P1, P2, P3). All the groups were induced with high-fat diet, except K1 control group that received a standard di

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Labyrinths of the Contemporary French Novel Through the Texts of Patrick Modiano: Les Labyrinthes du Roman Français Contemporain à travers l’Œuvre de Patrick Modiano
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The current paper aims to study the different forms by which the theme of labyrinth imposes itself as a preferred narrative structure in the novels of the French writer Patrick Modiano. Theoretically speaking, the current research paper will limit itself to the theoretical framework of the textual poetics which relies on the study of literary texts without paying much attention, neither to the context, nor to the life of its author. The analysis of the strong and varied links that Modiano's novels establish with labyrinth represents a field which has not received adequate attention by the critical studies dedicated to this French writer. As it will be shown throughout the current paper, Modiano views labyrint

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Reflection of the audit of contracts according to "related services" on the report of the auditor: applied research in Palestine International Hotel Company / shareholding company
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The issue of auditing contracts according to the related services is one of the important topics It has also become necessary to develop traditional procedures and auditing according to international standards to improve the profession of accounting and auditing. From this standpoint, the research aims to indicate the reflection of the contracting audit in accordance with the related services on the auditor's report. in line with the new directions regarding the need to adopt international standards in the Iraqi environment as the research problem focused on the non-comprehensiveness of the audit programs that deal with auditing contracts according to assurance commitments to contribute obtaining Governing evidence, The research

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The psychological structure of Simha Bin Zion, in the story of A Broken Soul: המבנה הפסיכולוגי של הסופר שמחה בן ציון בסיפורו נפש רצוצה כדוגמה
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The present paper sheds light on the psychological structure of  Simha Bin Zion’s A Broken Soul. After reviewing the biography of the storyteller, it is clear that the hero of the rebellious character in the story of (A Broken Soul) is the writer himself. The storyteller directly begins to depict his psychological sufferings in his childhood days. He tells a story full of sadness and refusal of the neglect he suffered in his childhood. It is obvious that the early five years of Samha bin Zion’s life is considered a period of conflict that participated in the formation of his individual identity. The story represents an outlet for a hidden secret world buried under the layers of his consciousness. It deals with

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Heated and silent adoration in the novel of " Desert of Love" by Francois Mauriac: Passions dévorantes et cachées dans Le Désert de lʼAmour de François Mauriac
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  François Mauriac’s novel The Desert of Love (1949) puts the reader before an experienced sociologist who is skillfully able to analyze the most mysterious human emotions and feelings.  The writer's starting point is that people are similar in feelings but different in behavior. He severely criticized the aristocratic class and uncovered its defects and faults.

         The novelist presents Courege's family as an example of the aristocratic class. It is a family torn by hatred, selfishness and disagreements due to absence of intimacy and love. This poisoned environment pushes the father and his son, Raymond, to search away for emotional ventures and banned relations

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Extent of Fulfilling Total Quality Standards by Applied Sciences Colleges in the University of Technology and Applied Sciences in Light of the National Strategy of Education 2040 in the Sultanate Of Oman.
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The study aims to identify the extent to which the applied colleges at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences meet the comprehensive quality standards in light of the national education strategy for the 2040 Vision in the Sultanate of Oman. To do this, the researchers used the descriptive approach. They used a questionnaire as a tool for data collection that was applied to (237) administrators, academics, and support functions. The study found that the extent to which the applied colleges at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences meet the comprehensive quality standards in the light of the National Education Strategy 2040 in the Sultanate of Oman recorded a high range. The study als

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fractographic Analysis of Tensile Failures of Zirconia Epoxy Nanocomposites
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This work characterizes the fractographic features of the neat epoxy and ZrO2 epoxy nanocomposites. All samples were subjected to a tensile test to determine the tensile strength and tensile modulus. SEM images were used to study the morphology of the fractured surface. The fractographic of the fracture surfaces were studied by microstructure analysis program (j-images) to specify the effect of ZrO2 nanoparticles on tensile performance and failure mechanism for ZrO2 epoxy nanocomposites. The tensile test results show that the addition of ZrO2 nanoparticles (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 vol.%) to the epoxy matrix leads to increase the tensile strength about 40% for optimal content of ZrO2 nanop

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Structural and Optical Properties for Nanostructure (Ag2O/Si & Psi) Films for Photodetector Applications
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Ag2O (Silver Oxide) is an important p-type (in chasm to most oxides which were n-type), with a high conductivity semiconductor. From the optical absorbance data, the energy gap value of the Ag2O thin films was 1.93 eV, where this value substantially depends on the production method, vacuum evaporation of silver, and optical properties of Ag2O thin films are also affected by the precipitation conditions. The n-type and p-type silicon substrates were used  with porous silicon wafers to precipitate  ±125 nm, as thick Ag2O thin film by thermal evaporation techniques in vacuum and via rapid thermal oxidation of 400oC and oxidation time 95 s, then characterized by measurement of

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