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قياس وتحليل الصدمات النقدية في الاقتصاد العراقي للفترة 1980-2005 دراسة قياسية
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تعرض الاقتصاد العراقي إلى صدمات نقدية شديدة بسبب الظروف السياسية والاقتصادية غير المستقرة والمتمثلة بشكل أساسي لخوض العراق حرب طويلة الأمد مع إيران في الثمانينات وحربين مدمرتين مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية فضلاً عن فرض الحصار الاقتصادي طيلة ثلاثة عشر عاما ً .

وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى قياس وتحليل الصدمات النقدية التي تعرض لها الاقتصاد العراقي في فترة الثمانينات والتسعينات وبداية هذا القرن وبيان آثارها وسبل مواجهتها .

وأظهرت الدراسة أنَّ محاولة تثبيت سعر الصرف سواء من خلال إتباع سياسة سعر الصرف الثابت كما هو الحال في الثمانينات أو سياسة سعر الصرف المدار من قبل البنك المركزي (كما هو الحال بعد عام 2003) لا يساعد على امتصاص الصدمات النقدية، وبالمقابل إن َّ إتباع سعر الصرف المعوم أو المرن كما حصل بشكل أساسي في التسعينات ساعد الاقتصاد العراقي في امتصاص الصدمات النقدية بالرغم من الإصدار النقدي غير المنضبط خلال تلك الفترة .

كما ساعد في انتشار ظاهرة الدولرة في الاقتصاد العراقي في امتصاص الصدمات النقدية من خلال تحوط الأفراد واحتفاظهم بالعملة الأجنبية وجعلها كمخزن للقيمة بدلا من العملة المحلية،  إذ أظهرت الدراسة  توجه الطلب على النقود نحو إحلال النقود الأجنبية الدولار بدلا ً عن العملة المحلية الدينار .

وأكدت نتائج النموذج القياسي أنَّ هناك  علاقة عكسية بين الطلب الحقيقي على النقود وبين سعر الصرف وعلاقة طردية بين الطلب على النقود وبين الناتج المحلي الإجمالي  مما يدعم  النظرية الاقتصادية والمنطق الاقتصادي

وقدم الباحث مجموعة من التوصيات أهمها: إن َّ سياسة سعر الصرف   المدار من قبل البنك المركزي العراقي والمتبعة حاليا ً ينبغي أن يرافق تثبيت أسعار الصرف معدل نمو ثابت في عرض النقد؛ لكبح معدلات التضخم للمساهمة في استقرار الاقتصاد العراقي وعزله عن الصدمات النقدية. كذلك ضرورة العمل على استقلالية البنك المركزي؛ ليأخذ دورة في رسم السياسة النقدية بعيدا ً عن تدخلات الحكومة، فضلا ً عن العمل بشكل جدي على تنويع سلة العملات الصعبة، وتكوين احتياطات من اليورو والين والجنيه الإسترليني، لمقابلة أي تغيرات نقدية عالمية في المستقبل المنظور وعدم البقاء رهينة للدولار الأمريكي .


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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
The Communicative Functions in The Speech of The UAE National Anthem in The Light of The Eloquence of The Audience: زينب دريانورد (الغيصي) - رسول بلاوي - أحمد موسى البطاينة
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  The national anthem is one of the most eloquent communicative discourses that the language establishes due to its deep impact on the audience and forms a broad mass base that interacts with the chanting of the national anthem. Moreover, communication is the cornerstone in building social and educational relations. From this point of view, the communicative approach studies language in the communicative context and its six important functions identified by linguist Roman Jacobson. The official UAE national anthem is considered as a model for expressing the enthusiasm of the Emirati Arab public, who is proud of their Arabism, loyalty and love of the homeland, because of the expressions that this anthem carries, urging the public to

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Educational Program on Nurses Knowledge toward Nursing Management for Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Cardiac Center at Al-Dewaniyah City
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Objectives: The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program on nurses’ knowledge towards nursing management for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), as well as to find out the relationship between nurses' knowledge and some of their demographic characteristics (age, gender, level of education, and years of experience in cardiac units).

Methodology:  A Quasi-experimental as one group (pre and post test) study was conducted at the Heart Center in Al-Diwaniyah city for the period from December 7, 2019 to February 23, 2020. A sample of (40) nurses working in the heart center was chosen from different nursing addresses. The sample covered one gro

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Female Students’ Knowledge toward Premenstrual Syndrome in Secondary Schools in Third Al- Rusafa Education Directorate, Iraq
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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of educational program on female students’ knowledge toward premenstrual syndrome.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental design study conducing on (140) student purposely in four secondary schools at Al-sadder city (70) student for study group and (70) for control group. The prevalence of PMS selected through American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) (2015) criterias to select PMS students before program. The education program were set in four steps, the first step (pre-test) is to assess the knowledge , before the implementation of the program, the second step is implementing the program, following two steps post-test I and II between each test two weeks. Validity is determined

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraq Journal Of Agricultural Research
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The experiment was conducted in Baghdad for study effect using mold board and disc plows as main factor , and second factor was three speeds 1.85 , 3.75 and 5.62 km / hr , and sub-second factor was three levels of soil moisture 21,18 and 14 % to determined data fuel consumption and economy costs machine unit in silt clay loam with depth 22cm. The experiment was a split – split plot arrangement in a randomized complete block design with three replications and statistical analysis using Least Significant Design 0.05 was used to compare the means of treatments. Mold board recorded least fuel consumption and cast fixed and variable and management and total costs of tractor and plow costs and total cost. Increasing forward speeds of the t

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Common Fears among Pre-School Children and Its Relationship with the Parental Treatment Styles in Al Batinah South Governorate
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The study aims to identify the common fears of preschool children and their relationship to the approaches to parental treatment in South Al Batinah Governorate from their mother’s point of view. Total of (466) mothers were selected as the study sample. The researcher used the scale of common fear and the scale of parental treatment approaches. The results of the study have shown that the most common fear among the study sample was (the fear of darkness) in the first level with a rate of 75.03%, and in the second level came the item (my child is afraid to sleep alone) by 72.74%, in the third level came to the item (fear of seeing insects) with a rate of 67.59%, and the last one was (the fear of rain) w

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Technical requirements for the application of economic intelligence and its impact On the dimensions of strategic success of banks: An applied research on a sample of Iraqi banks private
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This research sheds light on one of the important and vital topics for the banking sectors (technical requirements for the application of economic intelligence) namely by (Hardware, equipment, communication networks, software, databases). And the dimensions of the strategic success of the banks represented by(Customer satisfaction, customer trust, quality of service, growth) In the three Iraqi private banks, namely(Assyria International Investment, Mansour Investment, International Development Investment and Finance). Its implementation is an urgent necessity in order to improve the quality of its banking services to win the satisfaction of its customers and their confidence and then grow to achieve stra

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Auditing the technical reserves of the aircraft body insurance branch and its reflection on the fairness of the financial statements : applied research in the National Insurance Company
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The research gained its importance from the importance of technical reserves in the insurance activity and its impact on the result of the activity of insurance companies and their financial position and thus reflected on the insurance prices as the technical reserves are one of the most important and most valuable budget items usually, as well as that the insurance activity has a role in maintaining economic development where some countries develop laws and instructions for the formation of those reserves binding application to insurance companies and the fact that the financial statements in general are of interest to shareholders, banks, the General Tax Authority and other beneficiaries In the insurance activity as policyholders and t

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Detection of Human Papilloma Virus type 6 and type 11 in women with Breast Cancer by in situ hybridization technique.
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Background: Breast cancer is one of the common malignancies among women worldwide. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections have been linked to many human cancers in addition to cervical cancer and one of them is breast cancer.
Objective: To investigate the presence of human papilloma virus type 6 and type 11in breast cancer tissue specimens by in situ hybridization technique.
Patients and Methods: Thirty four formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue blocks from breast cancer patients were obtained from the archives of the pathology laboratory of Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital from January 2011 to July 2012. In addition formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded blocks tissue for twenty fibroadenoma of breast were collected and used as control g

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) and Impacts on the Scheduling Operations Applied Research in the general company for vegetable oil product/ Al-Farab factory
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He research specifies subjects which may contribute in improve productivity of the General Company for vegetable oil product/ Al-Farab factory and aims to release the relationship between system Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) and scheduling operations.

The Implementation was in the general company for vegetable oil product (Al-Farab factory), Universe Factory It suffers from a failure to follow Scheduling in its operations And not taking into account the lead times And delays in product delivery dates, Here are drawing the attention of the administration in the factory to use Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) to control the energy and inventory, machin

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A comparison between Bayesian Method and Full Maximum Likelihood to estimate Poisson regression model hierarchy and its application to the maternal deaths in Baghdad
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 This research aims to compare Bayesian Method and Full Maximum Likelihood to estimate hierarchical Poisson regression model.

The comparison was done by  simulation  using different sample sizes (n = 30, 60, 120) and different Frequencies (r = 1000, 5000) for the experiments as was the adoption of the  Mean Square Error to compare the preference estimation methods and then choose the best way to appreciate model and concluded that hierarchical Poisson regression model that has been appreciated Full Maximum Likelihood Full Maximum Likelihood  with sample size  (n = 30) is the best to represent the maternal mortality data after it has been reliance value param

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