مكاتب المفتشين العامين في العراق
الإجهاد الوظيفي
نمط الشخصية
الفساد المالي والإداري .
The General Inspectors Offices in Iraq
Job stress
Personality Pattern
Administrative and Financial Corruption.
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This research studied the relationship of patterns of investigator personality with the big five dimensions (Extraversion, stability, interoperability, openness, and personal benevolent), in facing the job stress with its resources(characteristics of the role, quality of work, organizational structure, work environment, organizational policies, social relations, and organizational processes) which the investigators exposed to it at the General Inspectors Offices.
The researcher derived the idea of research from the importance of the work of these offices in a confrontation of various cases of financial and administrative corruption in Iraq at the present time, since itis one of the most important in
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