إستراتيجية قبعات التفكير الست (القبعة البيضاء
القبعة الحمراء
القبعة السوداء
القبعة الصفراء
القبعة الخضراء
القبعة الزرقاء)
مهارات التفكير الإبداعي (مهارة الطلاقة
مهارة الأصالة
مهارة المرونة
مهارة الحساسية للمشكلات
مهارة إدراك التفاصيل
مهارة المحافظة على الاتجاه).
: Six Thinking Hats Strategy (white hat
red hat
black hat
yellow hat
green hat
blue hat)
Creative Thinking Skills (fluency Skill
originality Skill
flexibility Skill
sensitivity to problems Skill
Elaboration Skill
& Maintaining Direction Skill).
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The research problem focuses on studying the interest of the Medical City Department of the Ministry of Health in improving the creative thinking skills of the administrative leadership through parallel & comprehensive thinking according to the of six thinking hats strategy. The research sample consisted of (170) administrative leaders in the upper & middle organizational levels, The questionnaire was used as a main tool for data collection, In addition to the observation & Interview, The research sought to answer the following questions: What is the extent to which the administrative leadership (Tpp & middle) in the organization investigated the concept of the six thinkin
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