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استهداف السعر كأساس لتحقيق تقنية التكلفة المستهدفة للوحدات الاقتصادية العاملة في بيئة الأعمال الحديثة
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تمثل الأسعار تعبيرا" نقدياً لقيمة السلع والخدمات المقدمة للزبون، وتعد عملية التسعير من العمليات المهمة وذات الأثر البالغ على نجاح واستمرار منظمات الأعمال، نظراً لما لها من تأثير على المقدرة الربحية وإعادة توزيع الدخل القومي المخصص للاستهلاك، إذ أنه بتحديد الأسعار يستطيع الفرد أن يوزع دخله بين ما يعده ضرورياً من السلع وما يعد كمالياً.

وعموماً فإن لعملية التسعير مجموعة من الأهداف التي تحققها والتي تختلف فيما بين المنظمات، كما أن هذه العملية تتأثر بمجموعة من العوامل التي تتطلب الاستجابة لها.

وتقليدياً فإن هناك مدخلان لتحديد الأسـعار هما المدخل الاقتصادي والمدخل المحاسبي حيث يقوم المدخل الاقتصادي بتشكيل أساسي على تقيد حالات السوق وما يسودها من تفاعلات لقوى العرض والطلب، أما المدخل المحاسبي فينطلق من الكلفة التي يعدها الأساس لتحديد الأسعار وضمن مجموعة من الطرق والتي أياً كانت ونظراً لظروف المنافسة وزيـادة ونمو مدخل التوجه نحو الزبون لتحقيق ما يرضيه، الأمر الذي شخص تصور المدخل التقليدي لتحديد الأسعار التي أصبحت في الوقت الحاضر توجه من قبل السوق بدلاً من الكلفة، الأمر الذي بدوره انعكس على استهداف الكلفة.

لذا يتمحور هذا البحث في بيان أثر السعر المستهدف على استهداف الكلفة من خلال دراسة المداخل المعتمدة في التسعير تقليدياً.

ولغرض تحقيق ذلك فقد تم تقسيم البحث إلى خمسة مباحث تسبقهما المنهجية العلمية التي اعتمدها الباحثان وكآلاتي:-

م1: مدخل في التسعير.

م2: المدخل الاقتصادي والمحاسبي في التسعير.

م3: السعر المستهدف وأثره في استهداف الكلفة.

م4: المنهجية المقترحة وآلية التطبيق.

م5: الاستنتاجات والتوصيات.


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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Teen-Computer Interaction: Building a Conceptual Model with Thoughts- Emotion-Behaviour
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Teen-Computer Interaction (TeenCI) stands in an infant phase and emerging in positive path. Compared to Human-Computer Interaction (generally dedicated to adult) and Child-Computer Interaction, TeenCI gets less interest in terms of research efforts and publications. This has revealed extensive prospects for researchers to explore and contribute in the region of computer design and evaluation for teen, in specific. As a subclass of HCI and a complementary for CCI, TeenCI that tolerates teen group, should be taken significant concern in the sense of its context, nature, development, characteristics and architecture. This paper tends to discover teen’s emotion contribution as the first attempt towards building a conceptual model for TeenC

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Advanced Intelligent Data Hiding Using Video Stego and Convolutional Neural Networks
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Steganography is a technique of concealing secret data within other quotidian files of the same or different types. Hiding data has been essential to digital information security. This work aims to design a stego method that can effectively hide a message inside the images of the video file.  In this work, a video steganography model has been proposed through training a model to hiding video (or images) within another video using convolutional neural networks (CNN). By using a CNN in this approach, two main goals can be achieved for any steganographic methods which are, increasing security (hardness to observed and broken by used steganalysis program), this was achieved in this work as the weights and architecture are randomized. Thus,

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The Effect of Lenalidomide Ointment on TNF-α Tissue Levels in Mice with Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis Effect of Lenalidomide Ointment on TNF-α Tissue Levels in Mice with Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis.
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Background: Lenalidomide is an immunomodulatory drug having notable anti-inflammatory, and anti-antineoplastic properties. Lenalidomide suppresses the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines that have been linked to a variety of hematologic malignancies. Lenalidomide enhances the immune system of the host by regulating T cell proliferation, which results in changes in inflammation that are related to the etiology of psoriasis.

Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine the efficacy of lenalidomide as an ointment in treating mouse models of psoriasis as well as how it may affect TNF-α levels in skin tissue in different experimental groups.

Methods: The stud

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A comparative reading of the social and political satire in the works of Abu al-Fadl Zrui Nasrabad and Ahmad Rajab (The tadhk: خوانش تطبیقی طنز اجتماعی – سیاسی در آثار ابوالفضل زرویی نصرآباد و احمد رجب(مورد مطالعه: تذکرة المقامات زرویی و نصف كلمة احمد رجب)
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           Satire is genre of the literary arts that has always been the source of human interest. Because  it is difficult to accept direct criticism, Satire appears as a literary tool in which vices, follies, abuses and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement. A satirical critic usually employs irony to attain this goal. Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often profitable social criticism, using wit to draw at

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Divine orders Divine orders directed to his prophets (peace be upon them): Divine orders directed to his prophets (peace be upon them)
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ملخص البحث:

    ان الله تعالى هو الذي خلق جميع المخلوقات ، والذي بيده الموت والحياة وان كل هذه المخلوقات تحتاج الى اوامر ، وهذه الاوامر الالهية وجهها الله لعبادة بوساطة انبياءه ( عليهم السلام) فكانوا هم اول المستسلمين والمنقادين لأوامره ، فجاءت الآيات الكريمة مخاطبة للأنبياء واقوامهم بشكل عام ولنبينا محمد (r) بشكل خاص.

اما عن المضمون البحثي فقد جاءت مادته مقسمة الى ثل

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(Generalized Anxiety Disorder among Students of Baisc Education in Unv of Sulamina)
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The current research aims to measure Generalized Anxiety Disorder among students of the University of Sulaymaniyah / College of Basic Education, and to identify the significance of differences between sex, scientific specialization and age, and for that reason, the research sample of (102) male and female students was chosen in a random manner, and the researcher used the diagnostic criteria for the generalized anxiety disorder contained He mentioned it in the Statistical and Diagnostic Manual of Psychiatry, and the paragraphs of the scale were formulated according to those standards after they verify the conditions of honesty and consistency, and the use of appropriate statistical means. The results of the research indicated that genera

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Steganography and Cryptography Techniques Based Secure Data Transferring Through Public Network Channel
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Attacking a transferred data over a network is frequently happened millions time a day. To address this problem, a secure scheme is proposed which is securing a transferred data over a network. The proposed scheme uses two techniques to guarantee a secure transferring for a message. The message is encrypted as a first step, and then it is hided in a video cover.  The proposed encrypting technique is RC4 stream cipher algorithm in order to increase the message's confidentiality, as well as improving the least significant bit embedding algorithm (LSB) by adding an additional layer of security. The improvement of the LSB method comes by replacing the adopted sequential selection by a random selection manner of the frames and the pixels wit

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2024
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يعتبر الاتصال وسيلة هادفة من الوسائل الرئيسية التي تستخدمها المنظمة الإدارية في تحقيق أهدافها إذ أن جميع العاملين يتعاملون مع بعضهم البعض من خلال وسائل الاتصال المختلفة من أجل ضمان تسيير نشاطاتهم وتحقيق أهدافهم وهذا يدل على أن الاتصال يعتبر الوسيلة الاجتماعية التي يحقق الأفراد من خلالها سبل التفاهم والتفاعل البناء
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Atherogenic Indices in Type 2 Diabetic Iraqi Patients and Its Association with Cardiovascular Disease Risk
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Background: Diabetes is a serious risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and an important cause of mortality. Dyslipidemia is commonly related to type 2 diabetes, and the atherogenic index of plasma is a strong marker to predict the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Objective: To study the association of atherogenic indices lipids in type 2 diabetic Iraqi patients with cardiovascular disease.

Patients and Methods: This clinical study was conducted at Baghdad Teaching Hospital/ Medical City-Baghdad from October 2022 to February 2023. Sixty type 2 diabetic patients were recruited for this study: 30 patients with cardiovascular disease and 30

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Overlap and integration between the competent anti-corruption bodies and other regulatory bodies
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The protection of public money and its surrounding with special provisions that guarantee that protection from every legal or material assault by the supervisory bodies competent to combat corruption are described as a criminal procedural protection aimed at prosecuting criminals in general crimes and government corruption crimes in particular, and working to recover funds and return them to the state treasury, These agencies operate in an integrated format, each other and in a coherent manner with each other, in order to achieve the purpose of their establishment and reach the basic goal, which is to eliminate corruption from the theoretical side Practical reality.

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